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  Martial Magical Inflicts
Posted by: Pyro - 07-03-2023, 02:38 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (10)

As it stands, certain class combos have it too easy busting down everything in their path. Namely, martial classes with a subclass in hexer. Don't like a mage? Black bubble. Tank? Wretched oils. It's free. It's easy. It's simple. It's build a counter with no investment.

And sure, you could argue that they should build SAN. But who can reasonably build SAN in the modern day that isn't a Bard or a gimmick build? Who can build faith on their normal mage character?

I think that casting spells without a casting tool should cut the inflict rate in half. The average no WIL martial/caster will have somewhere around 120-130 status inflict (very situationally dependent), meaning that the rate suddenly becomes 60-65. You still have a chance, but it's no longer weighted completely in your favor. People should be made to invest in the relevant stats and use relevant weapons.

Or just use arcane, I guess. It reduces your damage which is an okay enough balance.

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  Character Request - Employed at Geladynian Inn, Advanced Age
Posted by: the REAL Minos Prime - 07-02-2023, 09:04 PM - Forum: Character Applications - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key: RealMinosPrimeUltrakill

Character Name: Mikhail "Misha" Morozov

Request: Affiliation with pre-existing group, considerable age.

Misha is a very old Geladynian Elven bartender, having recently celebrated his 190th birthday - almost as old as Geladyne itself. Misha is a freebooter, employed by Tyrus Gelfeather (the Geladynian NPC Innkeep) as a bartender. I know I probably don't have to ask for something like this, as the Geladynian inn is obviously not what you'd consider a "major group", but it's a pre-existing group nonetheless so I thought I should. I also thought I should ask about his age, since while it doesn't breach the limit of 200, it's still getting rather close so I thought to ask anyways.

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  SL2 Version 2.74
Posted by: Neus - 07-01-2023, 11:31 AM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

Event Tools

  • Spawner; The event spawner has undergone a huge overhaul with a much better interface and many new features.
  • gm-heal-hp, gm-heal-fp; verbs that allow for healing of any unit's HP or FP of a specific value.
  • gm-cool-teleport; allows teleporting to a tile in view with the Bonder Warp animation.
  • Eventon Mannington; Event NPC that can be used as an inn without isekai-ing player characters.
Map Requests
  • Wanderer's Vale Dock - Courtesy of Appo
  • Duyuei Western Checkpoint - Courtesy of Appo
  • Added Drill Sergeant NPCs to Telegrad/Meiaquar training areas.
GM Tools
  • gm-name-change; new command which allows for changing characters names even if the player is offline.
  • The animation system received a significant backend overhaul to support features in the spawner, as well as optimize performance. If any animations seem off or broken, or sounds aren't playing for them, please report it on the forums.
New Character Race
  • Muridae, a new Kaelensia race, was added. Includes 5 new traits.
New Icon Parts
  • Half-Hair (courtesy of Skullcat)
  • Cheese Wheel (courtesy of Skullcat, Mirror Shard)
  • Mobster Suits (11 total, all Mobster stuff courtesy of Shujin & Kentaromiz)
  • Mobster Necktie (Mirror Shard)
  • Mobster Hats (5 total, Mirror Shard)
  • Mobster Weapons (4 total, Mirror Shard)
Item Adjustment
  • Animal Pelt; Weight changed to 3 (from 1). Default material is now Furcloth. Item effects are now - +10 HP, +3 Power to Nature Spells. Evade Up LV 10 for 3 rounds on battle start (6 if you are Beast race). +5 Evade for every other Beast ally within 3 Range.
  • Battle Maid Dress; Additional item effect - On Battle Start: Gain Evade Up LV 10 for 5 rounds if you have the Servant Training trait.
  • Half-Plate; New item effects - +5% Slash Resistance, +5% Pierce Resistance
  • Swimsuit; Item effects are now - +15 HP, 10% Water Resistance, On Unequip During Battle: Infliction-based chance to inflict Charm LV 15 on all enemies (5 rounds), and gain Evade Up (Undispellable) LV 10+X (X = item's Evade stat) for 5 rounds.
  • Flower-Wreathed Tunic; Additional item effect - Gain +3 Evade for every plant special tile within 3 Range.
  • Blood Whistle; Default enchantment is now Bloodsoaked. Additional item effect; On New Round: Feeds blood-hungry items.
  • Goat Lord's Hooves; Additional item effect - +15% Lightning Resistance
  • Flower-Wreathed Shoes; When summoning a Fairy Youkai, also creates a random flower tile (4 rounds) at a random tile within 2 Range of it.
  • Ring of Life, Ring of Focus; Now gives +40 HP or FP respectively.
  • Tsukikage; On Critical effect changed to Spelldaze (2 rounds).
  • Hikage; On Critical effect changed to Lingering Damage Fire (LV 15, 2 rounds).
  • Hayabusa Set Effect; Changed to; +2 Attack Range with Daggers. Movement becomes Teleport. If Tsukikage is main weapon - Moon Style. Critical hits generate Moon Crests (max 3) and grants Moon Reflection skill. If Hikage is main weapon - Sun Style. Critical hits generate Sun Crests (max 3) and grants Rising Sun skill.
Enchantment Adjustments
  • Magic Pocket; Now also grants +1 Item Belt Slot.
  • Warding; Now also grants +3 or +5 RES (for Legs and Torso) respectively.
  • Sweet-Smelling; Additional effect - Damage you deal with Whip weapons does not reduce the duration of your Charm effects.
Trait Adjustments
  • Exaggerate; Hesitation now lasts for 2 rounds instead of 3.
  • Blow Kiss; Charm LV capped at 40. Cooldown is now 5 rounds (instead of 3). Bonus infliction rate is now +10% (from +20%).
  • Haunting; Now has a 2 round cooldown. CD reduced by 1 if Rising Game level is 3 or higher.
  • Flip Shot; Now has a 3 round cooldown.
  • Titan Gale; Titan Ghost now only gives a bonus to SWA after it has been transfered at least once.
  • Ice Skate; Now correctly flagged as a movement skill. Now has a 3 round cooldown.
- You can now contract Youkai up to the maximum upper limit (12) even if you don't have the Faith required. (Available Youkai, as in those that can be summoned or apply for Sync Mind, still require Faith. This is just a convenience change.)
- Added Sunglasses to the Meiaquar Casino prize list.
- Adjusted the encumbrance weight of the following items to 0.1; Underworld Seed, Blue Cloth, Alga Plume, Bleeding Heart. To 0; Special Chocolate
- Lockpicking success exceeding 100% chance is now converted into a speed bonus (up to 1 second faster).
- Disabled swaying bridges outside of Darkwood Manor for reasons.
- Cached face-icons no longer contain information on player keys in the file name.
- Fixed a bug where Suzaku's Burning Strikes were not ignoring armor.
- Fixed a bug where pull effects could try to pull someone into an occupied tile.
- Fixed a bug where Charm Serpent affected all enemies, not just Snakemen and Serpentkind.
- Various bug fixes from the forums.

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  Buzzing Chakram Customization
Posted by: Toffee - 06-30-2023, 06:20 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

When I was testing my custom regalia for my Buzzing Chakrams in the test server, I was TERRIBLY disappointed to see that the weapon animation omits it entirely. I'm not sure why this is the case, but it would be a lot cooler if you could see your custom icon bouncing around enemies as they're hit.

I'm sure there's other weapons that may have this problem too, but I only know of the poor Chakrams. Make them silly again... please...

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  History Traits Extra Effects
Posted by: Snake - 06-30-2023, 05:07 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

- Once per battle, when attacking an enemy who is below 15% HP from behind, the attack will deal 10% bonus damage and will be an automatic Critical Hit. If the attack kills an enemy, you refund 3M.

- Once per battle, there is a Scaled FAI% chance that receiving any critical damage higher than Scaled FAI will result in a heal after the damage, equal to the damage taken. The effect ignores Interference.

- Once per battle, if you activate a parry skill from an enemy, you will inflict Guard Break and gain 3M. If they activate your parry skills, you inflict Clumsy until your next round.

- Once per battle, if your Hit Chance is 70% or below, and you miss, there is a 50% chance your attack will become a Glancing Blow and apply its effects. There is also an equal 50% chance that a missed evade will become a Glancing Blow instead. If you have no equipment equipped, this effect is always active.

- Once per battle, you will activate the effects of Limbo with a bonus to its activation equal to Scaled RES. This effect will also happen indefinitely, at 100% success rate, if you are about to defeated by a projectile skill or spell, or while you are Badly Beaten.

- Once per battle, if an ally within 5 range is about to take damage higher than their current HP, and you are not immobilized, you will dash to their location and bash them away, taking the damage in their place. If you fail to activate this effect (be it due to distance, or immobilize effects), you become Vengeful, increasing your Scaled Weapon ATK by 25 until you defeat an enemy.

- Once per battle, if you use Guard with a LV of 7 or higher, all allied units in 5 range will also receive the effects as Swift Guard until your next turn. For each 'History Trait: Knight' allies in your party, you gain 3% damage and damage reduction.

- Once per battle, there is a chance equal to your Scaled WIL% that your non-invocation spells will become supercharged, dealing bonus damage equal to your Scaled WIL%.

- Once per battle, there is a chance based on Scaled STR% that you will brutally knock your opponent's Main Hand weapon out of their hands until your next turn. At the end of combat, if you have the Seize talent, it will have an extra roll with 100% success rate.

NEW Musician:
- Once per battle, when using a Song skill, its positive effects affect all allied units.

- Once per battle, after you defeat an opponent in melee range, you will raise your weapon and let out a triumphant roar, granting all of your allies Charge Weapon LV3.

- Once per battle, on battle start, you will automatically activate the skill Pray if you have it equipped. Otherwise, you activate its effects for 2 rounds only.

- Once per battle, on a chance equal to your (Scaled WIL + Scaled DEF)%, that a spirit may possess an enemy and stop their attack, while healing you for 15% of your maximum HP.

- Once per battle, hitting a basic attack will grant 'Ebb', which reduces the momentum cost of a single offensive spell to 0M. Hitting an enemy with a spell will grant 'Flow', which reduces the momentum cost of a single basic attack to 0M.

- Once per battle, if you are about to take damage higher than your current HP, and the damage is not natural evade or a Glancing Blow, the damage will become a Glancing Blow instead.

- Once per battle, using the Steal skill will grant you 'Something Shiny', which increases Murai and Item Drop rate by 10%. You will always start combat with Sneak and Initiative at LV5 for 2 rounds, regardless of Talents.

- Once per battle, when you take damage higher than 10% of your maximum HP, or your HP is lowered below 50%, you will gain the effects of Body of Isesip for 3 rounds.

- Once per battle, if your HP reaches below 50%, or an ally is defeated, you will become Berserk for 2 rounds. While berserk, your Evade, Armor, Magic Armor, PDR and MDR will be set to 0, but all your attacks will critically hit, and you will ignore the enemy's protection.

- Once per battle, attacking an enemy who has spells equipped will remove all of their beneficial buffs and inflict Silence for 2 rounds.

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  A Sibling of the Mouse
Posted by: Landiros - 06-30-2023, 03:47 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (2)

Applicable BYOND Key: Lankai

Character Name: Marco Meunster

Character Appearance Request

I am playing a slightly younger sibling to CabbitNet's character, Marilynn Meunster, in which he was alright with. I figured since this is a mouse family, I figured Marco could have a slightly taller height of 4'2

Guess wouldn't make sense for Marco to be rat sized in comparison to Marilynn's mouse size.

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  Static Turn Order
Posted by: Autumn - 06-29-2023, 06:40 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (4)

In large scale teamfights there is a lot of chaos going on at every corner, I think the last thing on any non-experienced or insightful player's mind is that turn order can shift around when you kill someone (usually a game shifting and rewarding action) in such a way that lets certain members of one team double team certain members of the next time, never is this more apparent than in a 2v2 format, but it can also directly influence any teamfighting format.

This also extends to youkai being able to take their turns immediately after their owner dies, also resulting in a forced uncounterplayable double turn that the opponent has to face, leading to all sorts of hot topic and debate about who really won the fight when the summoner dies and their summons finish things off.

I don't think I need to explain the scenarios exactly as to why this is unfair but let me give at least one in recent memory this has directly influenced me:

Quote:Blue 1 takes turn, deals damage to purple team members

Purple 1 takes turn, deals damage to blue 1, Purple 1 is cautious of Blue 2 given they have kill threat in a certain range.
Blue 2 takes turn, engages onto Purple 1 but lacks the ability to follow up.
Purple 2 takes turn, performs a combo onto blue 1 which kills them.

========Next Round===========

Blue 2 must move next, and is in full combo range of Purple 1, purple 1 dies from roughly 75% health.
Purple 2 Takes turn, turn order proceeds as normal.

This scenario is very common, and it absolutely impacts the setting greatly because suddenly, punishing someone out of position or co-ordinating teamwork better than the enemy team becomes an equally, if not more punishing aspect by comparison. This is the exact environment that an Evoker, a VA or a Death Knight can completely wipe the floor with people. It also fosters the exact teamfight environment I hate where both teams hyper focus down frailer characters to create a numbers advantage fast, and those frail characters often have CEL which leaves them ripe for the double turning.

This is just tedious to always be mindful of, not just for those frail characters, but for your teammates as well, suddenly, killing someone has become a decision when a VA moves before your own dodgy ally does, that decision to kill that enemy, if the VA is aware of such a fact, will kill that ally of your's, unless there is something fucky wucky going on with Hesitation, Knockdowns and the such. The point is that the enemy team actually has the advantage in that scenario. The solution of "Kill the VA first then" won't work either since whoever's after them also double turns that frail ally of your's.

I am sick of the back and forth of this, as someone who likes to play evasive characters this has become a lot of my gripe with the current system as it is. It doesn't come up all the time but when it does it just sucks because you feel very cheated, you may have positioned right for your next turn but you didn't position right for your opponent's Next Next turn after that.

So I propose that turn orders should stay (relatively) static from the moment combat starts, how to explain that would be such a method like

(assume purple has highest CEL order)

P-Y1 (youkai)

Currently, if someone like B2 were to die, then eventually (either on that turn or the next turn) someone in Purple would move last instead, what this means is that B1 knows they are moving above P1 instead, and have the momentum advantage on them temporarily.

If the Round Robin system is supposed to instill fairness between each of the parties by not allowing class combos like 4 Verglas to completely ice over the battlefield and erase entire parties, then why is it allowed to introduce unfair double turn scenarios like this.

I believe that from the very start of the match this order should be locked in, and youkai who are summon in the midst of it always go last, after all players have gone. At least in this way no one gets double turned anymore, and I get that most of the alternatives to round robin turn order can be worse, I've played Divinity there's a lot of nuance to both systems quite frankly.

As usual, thank you for reading, its been going on for a few years so I've had a lot of thoughts on the matter.

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  The Mystic - Character Application
Posted by: Trexmaster - 06-29-2023, 03:27 AM - Forum: Character Applications - No Replies

I've sent my application privately for the GMs to read.

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  Ariadne - Character Application
Posted by: uedatzu - 06-28-2023, 04:57 PM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (3)

Applicable BYOND Key - SilkyIndigo

Character Name - Ariadne Sarpellia
Request Type - Lore Submission, Appearance Request

Request Details - An unique Heron lacking angelic qualities and wings for flight, with their racial traits replaced and corrupted by a curse from an ancient beast akin to the modern feathered serpent. 

Blackened feathers, as opposed to white/gold - sharp serpentine incisors and tongue, and lastly a black tail. Lacking wings on their back, with wings on their head instead, completely unusable for flight.
Access to Heron Words and Heavenly, as well as Golden Eyes are untouched, despite the featured blank eyes of the Heron being now stained with serpentine slits.

Reason for Request - 
I've dawdled on making this post for a short while, having asked for advice and confirmation through ModMail and contacted a few friends to prim it as best as I can whilst keeping it simple.
In the end it isn't much beyond the display of a somewhat unique concept for a character in appearance and mentality, with a leeway of making an event string out of it.

So, here it is. As small and concise as I could make it.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your Request - Having wronged the deity that had protected them from the weather since their inception, the Sarpellia tribe were struck with a curse that would taint them for all of time so long as they prevailed. One that would spread the deity's influence, and seep away at the blessings that were etched to them as a kaelensia as well as their lifespan - strengthening the beast itself.

Ariadne dwells within a long line of Sarpellian lorekeepers, and one of its only survivors after years of culling - shortening their numbers in admonishment of their past. 
She shares this curse; but views it as a blessing. Wishing to prevail, she travels across the land for traces of this ancient being, should it even be real.

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  Traps & Resources
Posted by: firehawk11 - 06-28-2023, 05:49 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

Let's get away from the dark topic that shown up lately but how about this simple change to traps in general? When you disarm a trap you earn some resource related to the trap that way people feel like trap disarming could be worth their time.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord