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  Firebird Variety
Posted by: CuriosityaboutMyself - 05-03-2024, 03:54 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

generally, most firebirds i see are either fire and ice- and for what i feel is a simple reason,

the way ignite power works

so, fire gets cinder, and ice gets ice sheets, and elemental impacts, for something such as cyclone spear, will create those for you- however, for earth, wind, and lightning, elemental impacts do not create those tiles for them, as they need plants, air shafts, and light shafts

i feel like it'd be a simple change, that will give a chance for firebirds to use other elements, to have it so that elemental impacts for duelist skills- or at the very least cyclone spear, be changed to the tiles that ignite power asks for, i don't think this would really impact balance too negatively, or be too huge of a buff- for lightning firebird, you can already go priest and make as many light shafts as you want

but a change like this could make ignite power work on earth, wind, and lightning, without needing a particular class

pls dev. pls make this a reality, even if it's only cyclone spear that does this

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  Enchant Shield
Posted by: Shujin - 05-01-2024, 10:46 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (2)

Enchant Shield has fairly limited in class Combos in which it really works, and even then it barely triggers against anything.

From my tests, it only seemed to work against basic attacks, when fighting wild monsters.

Can it be changed to work on Skills too, when they are in Melee range?

There is the worry some have that you could just stack enchating shields and just turtle down...And to that I say...Only allow one elemental Enchat Shield to be active, the new one replacing the old, then it should be more than fine.

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  Minor Map Error
Posted by: Caboozles - 05-01-2024, 04:33 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

In the Seaside Cavern, you can slip in through an angle. 
[Image: 4QIwh5y.png]
[Image: c6p0lkN.png]

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  [2.86] Spirit Conversion
Posted by: Shujin - 04-30-2024, 06:23 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

System: +5% Damage to Kaelensia has been updated to +5% Damage to Insectoids. <-?
System: +5% Damage to Kaelensia has been updated to +5% Damage to Bestial.
System: +5% Damage to Corrupted has been updated to +5% Damage to Starred.

It seems the spirits do not properly convert into the right ones, all the time? No big deal, since that basically fixes itself once everyone converts, but I reported it anyway, in case there is another problem with Insects/Kaelensia somewhere regarding the damage amp.

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  Resist and Momentum
Posted by: zericosmic - 04-30-2024, 12:28 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (21)

Alright, potentially controversial take here, and yall know I'm biased af on this topic.

Losing momentum on hitting resist, is absolute ass for certain classes, while barely effecting others. But more than anything, it is just not fun.

I'm aware this would likely cause a large shift in balance, but like genuinely.. If someone removes your main class mechanic, what happens? You just refuse to fight them, that's what happens nearly every time. What's the point of fighting someone if the mere act of attacking them, doesn't let you play your class in any kind of fun way? So you just dodge fights with them, or try to beat them at the resist game to make sure that at least they're not having fun either.

Installing drowned woman pretty much shuts down any fleur build and most DH builds, have you ever watched a Kensei fight someone installed with this thing? It shuts down what is pretty much their core mechanic. Same goes for almost any other elemental weapon, for the low low cost of equipping one accessory item (which most people can afford to flex) you can shut down almost any Fleur Duelist, elemental weapon DH, or elemental weapon Twin Dance build. Electric Axe at least requires more investment with a shield, or a few kits alongside goat boots, but most elemental weapons take next to no investment to counter.

You wanna be a DH running Ensui? You have a chest piece, boots, and an accessory slot that can mean "no combination fighter for you", a duelist running Gryphon Wing? All it takes is a single accessory slot. You want to counter any and all physical Fleur builds? Take summoner, one of the widely considered "best classes" and install drowned woman.. The fact that you shut down their main class mechanic is also compounded with the nice, tiny, little bonus of also cutting their damage by about 35% or 50% in the case of drowned woman.

But more than just PvP, you tell me you're having fun fighting an event boss for god knows how long, and you're stuck playing half a class, because I rather quickly lose interest in a long fight if I know the main reason I enjoy playing my class, is gone.

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  A theno child under age 10
Posted by: Rin.png - 04-29-2024, 06:56 PM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Wolperfox
Character Name - Karthas Gar
Request Type - Age and Height
Request Details -  A theno child at age 10 and four feet 
Specific Request - A shark style theno child around 10 and four feet tall that was born to two npc theno.
Reason why you are making this request - child character under the age of fourteen and under four foot five
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Theno can be born as long as its between two theno and I want a tomboy theno child that likes to get into trouble.

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  Classes Tier Lists Let's Goooo
Posted by: Poruku - 04-29-2024, 04:28 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (14)

Last time, people said this stuff wasn't serious enough to put in balance Fu, even though I think it can be a cool way to share opinions on balance on a broad scale. But anyway I'm not trying to take this seriously regardless! Here's a fun thing y'all can do: give me your personal tier list for SL2 classes.


- BASE classes are thrown in the mix. They should be ranked as a base class, and compared to each other, not ranked compared to promoted classes.
- Should consider both PvP and PvE (mostly events, everyone knows LB is the grind king spamming rebia in lava lake but that doesn't make it a "good" class necessarily).

Here's my list:
[Image: 2xQrX9O.png]
I'm trying not to focus on what the class "could" be if built in a certain specific cancerous way. Like, yeah you can do some ridiculous cheese with Tactician. I still think the class is overall disappointing.

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  Tactician Thread
Posted by: Poruku - 04-29-2024, 03:27 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (6)

Tactician is a very cool class, and has some fun things you can do. However, there are many issues with tactician. I wanna discuss the different aspects of the class and my take on them before jumping into conclusions and solutions.

1: Most of the formation skills are pretty bad. Assault formation doesn't even allow you to create it with yourself in it, which makes it terrible by default. But at the same time it's kinda op if you get it to work which is a bizarre dichotomy. Bunker formation is the weakest, even if it's also kinda more well rounded and easier to use. Volley formation is kind of amazing, but it's mostly used by sniper builds to just give themselves the buff outright. I wouldn't say that one is a problem.

2: The order skills are okay at best. Assault order is fairly cool, and can yield some decent results. Casting order I think is too weak for sure. It's rarely worth casting because adding raw power to spells isn't doing that much, while basic attacks can crit and multiply the damage which makes it much more spicy. Guard order is ok, kind of a weird heal but ok. Charge order is not bad, actually kinda cool. Mostly used for getting your summons to move. Of course the big issue with order skills is that you need to be main classing tactician to get On My Mark, which is generally a pretty big cost. You don't get to have a parry skill, fleur, or whatever other MC bonuses you might want. It's the same issue as Lantern Bearer where MC is kinda the only way to go. This is especially painful for destiny tact that just doesn't get MC BK. Oof.

3: The tactician spells are weird. But also, they're really good, in some cases. Only a few of them are worth anything, but they have unique utility. The common meme is that tactician spells are way better in the hands of a spellthief. There's no real class-related reason to use those spells other than "well, they're there". Cool, I get a free KD in melee, I get a wall, I get a hesitation spell. But I dunno, I think it's more of a flavor issue in my mind, due to how random it is. They're just, utility spells tossed in from each element. They make sense from a gameplay perspective to an extent, and I think it's like a reference to a final fantasy class or something, but still, there's something off in my mind.

4: Enemy Evaluation is painful. It's something that tactician always had that is basically like... "Oh, it's a tactician that uses Enemy Eval. This is gonna suck". It's 100% a pvp skill as well. It's kinda like playing an optimized rune mage. Nobody wants to play against that, and nobody wants to be that guy these days. Then there's analyze weakness that just sucks in comparison. Even when you're fighting an event boss, it's kinda like... Oh, the boss is weaker now. I dunno though, I literally have never seen someone use this skill in PvE.

Tactician is made up of those three elements. Spells, Orders, and Formations. Then there's EE which is kinda in a weird spot, and field medic which is basically the worst heal in the game, worst than using a potion by a wide margin. It makes Tactician into a bit of a clumsy support class. Healing is obviously really good, and most support characters are mainly defined by their ability to use area of effect healing. Tactician, in my mind, is meant instead to actively buff their whole team while participating in combat a bit. The issue is that it simply falls short in that regard.

The sad truth of the matter is that if you're a tactician, you have a limited amount of ways to be genuinely useful.

- Use wall to hold back mobs
- Use assault order and hope that your team actually makes use of the buff and the damage is worth close to 3 momentum (it's definitely less total damage than just casting a spell unless you play one of those crazy excel tact builds)
- Use acid rain on the enemies
- Use fire whip in 1v1
- Get off a godly titan gale
- Use that volley formation and shoot your excel sniper
- Be a cancer enemy eval build and take the 1v1 to turn 16
- ...

I think the class could really use a revisiting of its core mechanics. I haven't even talked about the issues with like, tactics rank being used kinda randomly across the class, or how some of Tactician's best skills are the XP and SWA boost.


1: Make all the tactician spells give +1 tactics rank if you hit an enemy, BUT only if you have hit them with a different tactician spell before this one. Meaning you need to vary up your spells to get high tactics.
2: Just don't remove any tactics ranks. Let people get to SSS, but make it diminish by 1 each round when above A. So people can quickly reach a decent rank but don't automatically stick to SSS. (also plz give us a number somewhere)
3: Remove the whole EE and Analyze Weakness thing, replace dark eye with a different cool dark spell, probably some kind of debuffing thing. I mean look, the harsh truth is that aside from maybe the occasional time you cast in on an event boss, nobody really wants that thing to be around. Or at least make it more reasonable and less reliant on tactics rank + dark eye. I don't think dark eye should be in this class, it looks kinda out of place honestly. It looks like a hexer skill.
4: Buff bunker formation slightly, make assault formation the same shape as the others. Should honestly make that balanced imo.
5: For orders, please make them last +1 round by default, and keep On My Mark, so they can last 3 rounds with MC. Just slightly buff assault order to make it something more juicy and worth using. An idea could be to make it work for multiple attacks (but not on twindance offhand), with a certain global limit, like 4 to 6. This would make it less dependent on party composition which is often random. Currently, assault order is mostly just good on builds that use summons. This would make it more versatile, would help the solo experience as well. Otherwise, just buff the damage a bit. And then a crazy idea is to make casting order give +1 area of effect to spells, on top of a bit more damage than it currently does. I think the world is ready for it. Wide lines, big bubbles, huge excel fir...
6: Make field medic a bit more powerful, combined with a stronger bonus from tactics rank. Combined with the more easy access to tactics rank I proposed above, I'm imagining it taking a deserved spot as "the really strong single-target heal, as long as you built up tactics rank".
7: Make the spells benefit from tactics rank, while also reducing their overall power. This would make it stronger on average for tactician, less for spellthief.
8: Maybe some skills could CONSUME tactics rank to become even stronger. Make it a more dynamic resource. What I'm imagining for instance is that some skills could have a bonus effect when triggered at SSS rank, taking you down a certain amount of points. "Okay guys, time for the final assault! First guy to attack gets to do +100 damage!"
9: I think tactician could use a skill to manually move nearby allies into formation. Like, pick 2 allies within 4 range and place them into free formation tiles within 3 range. Let's be honest, your allies don't really want to have to spend 3 momentum to move into your little square. If you do it yourself it feels good for you, and it feels good for them. Would be fun and solid imo.

Alright that's all I got, let me know your takes on tactician and your feedback on my proposals!

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  [Moved] Invention Application - Auxiliary Service Devices
Posted by: the REAL Minos Prime - 04-28-2024, 02:32 PM - Forum: Applications - Replies (1)

(I'm only now realizing I put this in the Character Applications section and not regular applications. Oops! Sorry abt that. Nothing's actually changed, just put it in the right subforum.)

Applicable BYOND Key - WeezerFan69
Character Name - Scarlet Servo
Request Type - Invention
Request Details - A set of tentacle-like metal limbs on my character's back, built into a backpack. Unlike the equipment I started their character with, these tentacles are wholly Scarlet's inventions, not their creator's.

Specific Request - Four metallic tentacles, dubbed by Scarlet as the Auxiliary Service Devices, housed inside Scarlet's backpack, mainly used for grasping at items and holding things in place. The tentacles' graspers have significant grip strength for holding said projects in place, however the tentacle itself isn't any more stronger than a human arm, meaning they would be ineffective at actually harming somebody. The tentacles' graspers do have a range of movement not unlike the human wrist, allowing it to utilize tools such as wrenches, drills, and hammers (as in the old-timey drills you had to spin manually, obviously, not a power drill), however they lack the dexterity to effectively use most weapons. They could not effectively aim or fire any crossbow or firearm, Scarlet's hips and back are both already occupied meaning there's no place to put a quiver for a bow and arrow, they couldn't maintain proper edge alignment with a slashing weapon, and because of the shape of the graspers, they cannot hold stabbing weapons in any effective grip other than reverse grip. The only weapons they could realistically use effectively are improvised ones, which I have no intention of doing at this time; they exist purely as a service tool to add RP fluff Scarlet's engineering, mainly just being there so they that can grab materials or hold items in place, use several tools at once when making their screwed-up projects, and overall being cool as hell.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - It's no secret that Scarlet is heavily inspired by the Adeptus Mechanicus from 40k. Scarlet's religion is based in technology, they switch between speaking like a robot and speaking all deep and philosophical-like on a dime, and they use a goddamn Skitarii Ranger as a playby. And I'm gonna be honest, mechadendrites are friggin cool. They're metal tentacle thingies that pop out of a crazy Martian techno-monk's back. That's the main reason I want em; they're friggin cool. Like other aspects of their character taken from the Mechanicus, I tried to add my own flavor to separate them from their inspiration; namely, them being ineffective for combat, and being stored in a backpack rather than physically grafted onto Scarlet.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - 

- Metallic prosthetics made from the synthesis of technology and magic exist, and have even been canonized in the game world through having icons of them added.

- Automatons can be controlled wirelessly, presumably through magic, it stands to reason similar inventions such as an auxiliary limb could as well.

- I've yet to begin roleplaying their creation; I wanted to get this application out first before I started to roleplay actually making them.

- Although I've refrained from making any explanation regarding how they actually work, as they are an inherently magical technology and as such I wanted to keep them esoteric, if you want me to come up with an explanation for how they function I am more than willing to.

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  [2.85f] Permanent smithing
Posted by: CuteRedCrab - 04-28-2024, 01:47 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Whenever you open up the smithing menu via the science kit, you can't close it and have to relog.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord