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I Sell Domains and Domain Accessories |
Posted by: sadbot - 09-01-2022, 11:02 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
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This is something of a general post surrounding the concept of spell domains and the things that interact with them, and a couple of potential buffs to these things that I've had rattling around for a while. Two main things here:
- The idea of giving spells that inflict dual damage types dual domains, making them more accessible for domain related buffs (even double dipping with the two relevant accessories if you wanted a big power boost for one particular spell) and access via conduiz and rotwood.
- Sweeping buffs for accessories that buff spells of certain domains.
The two main things that would be affected by this are the +2 power accessories for each domain (aka prism jewel and its component accessories) and the domain casting tool materials of conduiz and rotwood.
I think it's fair to say that a +2 power buff for a particular spell domain is pitiful compared to the benefits of most accessories, leading even prism jewel that buffs them all (except nature for no apparent reason) to see essentially no use at all. I think that the respective domain accessories could easily be buffed to a +7 or +8 to reward those that specialize along with the +1 to a stat that they already provide, and prism jewel could similarly be buffed to a +5 to all domains if not also +7 or +8 in exchange for the extra stat point of single domain accessories. In a similar vein, I think that the +5 elemental attack accessories could also be increased to +7 or +8 if not +10 to reflect their rarity, given that they see little use even on builds that specialize in a particular element.
As far as conduiz and rotwood go, I don't think that the dual domain idea would give conduiz anything new except holy spark. Rotwood's currently quite limited pool of huggessoan spells would be expanded quite dramatically though, so I see it being the major point of discussion here. Going from enma's summons and eternal darkness to the entire offensive kit of hexer is the most obvious change as these would all become dual domain spells, but I think that this is acceptable given that wood materials are well known to be much weaker than their metal counterparts across the board. The user would continue to see the already existing weakness of having a casting tool for only one domain after all, a scathing damage reduction or loss of options against those with resistance to that element.
Naga tails |
Posted by: Imotepchief - 08-31-2022, 07:05 PM - Forum: Suggestions
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Split the naga tail icon into two icons, one for the main tail section and another for the underbelly. This could allow for more interesting color varients and the amount of pixels that would actually be split off would be minimal but noticable.
Allow there to be an overlay for naga tail icons specifically for the underbelly scales, if splitting the original icon isn't possible for some reason.
Character Request- Homonculi Appearance |
Posted by: caliaca - 08-31-2022, 03:10 AM - Forum: Approved Characters
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Applicable BYOND Key:
Character Name
Request Type
Unique Appearance
Request Details
Redtail ears and a tail on an Amalgana.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable):
I'm porting a character over from other mediums and I've decided this race/appearance combination fits the best for them.
First, for the character. The character in general works the absolute best when her outside appearance is adorable/cute as it allows her internal issues and freakish nature to become more of a contrast than it would otherwise. The redtail ear and tails (as well as her fennec nature outside of SL2) allowed some semblance of small/weakness which gives that contrast in a really strong manner. The other character justification is simply that she was always a fennec fox in other incarnations of the character and it simply makes it easier for her continuity to be at least partially one here as well.
For the RP, I think it's rather easy to imagine that a homonculi creator would make their creation look like something they find visually pleasing. That would be a very easy in character justification for the confusion, that being that her creator had their own preferences and made her look that way for their own reasons. In world, she would have been made to be a pencil pusher, so it would have been left up to the scientist quite a bit rather than having them be a big strong salamander or something similar.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request:
The reasons that I listed above I think answer this question as well. The contrast, the scientist doing what they wish, those sort of things would explain the character sort of easily.
Bows need a quick fix |
Posted by: Autumn - 08-31-2022, 01:08 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
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Bows are not in a great spot since being moved over to Strength scaling, and were put in a worse spot when Farshot penalty was increased, I would like to remedy this issue with a system change for all bows (Excluding crossbows), this would target specifically natural bows and not anything mutated such as Tamaki Shuriken, so rest assured that the mythical 30 range bow will still having farshot issues.
Here is the change I recommend personally:
Quote:About Bows:
Bows can fire from a safe distance but have troubles hitting up close, if you are targeting an enemy in 1 range (Melee range) your hit is halved. (Added) Bows require good aim and a good arm to fire effectively, bows (excluding Crossbows) lose less hit from the Farshot Penalty according to the User's STR stat instead of their GUI Stat. (-1 To the farshot penalty every 4 STR.) (60 scaled STR is still required to remove Farshot penalty completely)
Thanks for reading, please consider this thread.
Smoke and Mirrors |
Posted by: Rendar - 08-30-2022, 04:31 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
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Can we have it so that if you are targeting a tile that you cannot see one of a few things happen.
A ) Your maximum hit chance is capped at 50%, regardless of if you are a Kaelan or otherwise.
B ) If you select a tile that you CANNOT see, you attack there regardless, even if there is no valid target there (To stop people from trying every tile in their range past vision to land a friggin invocation)
C ) Just.. disable being able to attack a tile that you cannot see. It's not ideal, but it'll stop it.
B is the one I'm more leaning to.
Mini Spellthief Overhaul/addon |
Posted by: Shujin - 08-29-2022, 02:09 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (3)
Spellthief is probably one of my favorite classes in the game. Illusions are fun, and its basically build-a-bear workshop for mage giving you the option to make your very own mage class basically! This is great and fun.
And while by no means a bad class, it didn't age all that well and it barely gets anything new added to its kit as the unique abillity to steal magic even from Monsters is more often than not just not made possible, which is really a shame that we almost never get to learn new monster spells. Or new classes are made so that their spells follow some sort of mechanic for its actually good effects. So I would like to suggest a few things to make it more modern and maybe add a bit to its illusion/build your own mage kit.
1.) First of all, give it the 3 SP per skill treatment. Many of its skills are already but the few that are not could REALLY need it, especially goose bite.
Spell Snatch would be 1+2 spells per rank Giving you effectively 1 more slot. But I do not think thats really an issue, given the limitations of the class.
2.) I would like a reason to Main Class Spellthief. Mayhaps a MC only skill that either reduces the global Cooldown, or adds more stolen spell slots.(not if spellsnatch gets changed as suggested above, that would probably be too much. But a total of 2-3 more spells be pretty cool.)
3.) Goose Bite is a...Very, very Niche skill. The damage is very bad and the effect while not bad requires a lot from your build. Maybe make it a basic attack?
3 Ranks
-2 Stats per rank, halfed if not from behind.
4.) Rework some of the Spells it currently has, mostly the ranks and Smokescreen needs to have its area probably changed to a circle AoE, maybe even cause damage to enemies inside of it on round start. Now that it doesn't even take line of sight, it has a lot less tactical uses and is very difficult to use in a efficient way.
5.) Some new Illusion spells would be cool. ST lacks a solid way to apply fear on its own though I think that with illussions you can probably do something to cause it.or something like
Mirror Clones:
Create 3 clones that look identical to the user. If you have shuffle active you randomly swap position with one of the clones. The clones Have acess to your stolen spells and stats, but their damage and healing is reduced by 75%.
3 Ranks. 6 turn CD
Not a super thought out Thread but...Thats mainly because ST isn't really in a terrible position to begin with. Its a good class that had sufferd a couple of Pseudo nerfs in time, by removing spells from its stealable list or changing how smoke works. I argue because of that, that they could do with more Stolen spell slots, atleast while MC. Or atleast have its global CD reduced then.
PVP Etiquette |
Posted by: Maksimum_Fire - 08-29-2022, 05:55 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (10)
Hey, hey, hey- It came up in a conversation today, so it's about time it comes to a thread and gets properly discussed, as a prelude for sending it up to GMs and Dev for final approval.
People have been making serious complaints that fights go on way too long, and that conflicts that would've happened didn't happen primarily because nobody wanted to be occupied for the next 6 hours.
I don't think that's healthy. I'm not a modern-day 'pvp master man' but I historically have enjoyed pvp, and I think a healthy pvp scene is an important part of having a healthy game(as long as it's a game that includes pvp, obviously).
That's why I want to start this thread off with a really clear suggestion. Serious fights that have more than 2 players(1v1) in them should be relegated to 1 minute timer for actions. This gives you 1 minute per action. So you have 1 minute to move, 1 minute to shoot, and 1 minute for one more action, for example, then it's time to end your turn. Ideally, you should try to keep this as tight as you can and not take the full 1 minute. The 1 minute timer is first and foremost so that things don't get out of hand too easily, and to spur people to act in proper timing.
As a follow up to this, consideration for your opponents should be a given. Deliberate stalling in a turn by waiting until the last moment for an action multiple times in a turn isn't cool. So it's right out. Trying to time someone out in real life isn't a fun way to play for anyone involved and is phenomenally disrespectful to their time.
I think this will lead to a healthier PvP scene, particularly in Korvara. I'm interested in y'all's takes and thoughts on what should be included as basic PvP etiquette, as well.