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Mechanation Racial Parts
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[Version 2.96d] Firthrowe...
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Demon Hunter Jump Cancel should have a toggle |
Posted by: Fern - 08-29-2022, 04:19 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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Sometimes you don't want to reset repeat action tracking and combination fighter, and you just want to go airborne with Leaping Lizard for whatever reason.
But currently, in order to avoid doing that, you don't grab Jump Cancel in the skill tree at all.
But Jump Cancel is sometimes useful and does cool things do.
Pls... allow it to become toggle so that you don't have to avoid investing SP in the skill... I beg thee...
Grinkus - Request for Custom Origin / Race |
Posted by: Elrios - 08-27-2022, 12:57 AM - Forum: Character Applications
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Applicable BYOND Key:
Character Name:
Request Type:
Custom Origin / Character Race
Request Details:
I'm hoping to play a character that is a 4'6" goblin. Issue is, this obviously isn't a standard playable race.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable):
Put plainly, I just enjoy the aesthetic of a small green creature that skitters around a workshop with a wrench and pieces of scrap and speaks primitively. I don't think it's especially far-fetched given the fact that there are many, many goblins roaming in dark, wild, uninhabited regions. But I'll admit, even after attempting to browse around for some lore regarding goblins (beyond their tribal nature), I haven't been able to drum up much. With that said, I can certainly provide a backstory to supplement the fact that this particular goblin is more intelligent than others with the immense aid of a human after being captured.
Now, I'm under the impression that this is unlikely to be accepted -- whether that's 'cause there's limitations regarding the the availability of /making/ custom races or because the idea of someone playing a goblin is as outlandish as it's been suggested to me... I'm not sure. Either way, I've got every intention of providing quality roleplay with a character of this sort.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request:
Based on what little info is provided in the description of the Goblin Spear enemy-type (https://sl2.fandom.com/wiki/Goblin_Spear) it's safe to say goblins do possess an amount of intelligence and can communicate, just not clearly -- which is to say, as I interpret it, a primitive form of their own language and possibly the common tongue if they were to learn it. I can only imagine the aid of a human would help substantially in both of these departments, but would certainly still leave something to be desired for both. I'm not aiming to play a goblin that speaks perfectly in the common tongue, or knows how to turn a ballpoint pen into a piece of space-age technology, but does know enough to maintain a reasonable conversation or provide substantial content without diminishing the quality of roleplay coming alongside it.
[v.2.63c] Arcane Potions oversight(?) |
Posted by: Shujin - 08-26-2022, 06:49 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Not sure if this is actually an Bug/Oversight or intended, but ever since the weapon rework and streamlining it lost alot of options in weapon variety thanks to it only changing Str scaling to Will.
I think it should change the main scaling to Will (such as Guile for daggers), or just flat out change all of it to Will scaling since it comes with the power decrease.
I assume it was simply forgotten with the rework.
[v.2.63c] Two Birds No Youkai |
Posted by: JamOfBoy - 08-26-2022, 12:52 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Appling Chimera Install to a youkai that subsequently dies will prevent you from accessing the Chimera Install-ee youkai's... anything.
Summon Apus.
Chimera Install Snow Crow onto Apus.
Apus perishes.
You can no longer Cresyr. You still have Snowfall, but given Snowfall's odd nature, this is likely an outlier. I'd imagine with any other youkai, you'd get none of it.
This can be recreated as such. An important thing to note that in my own tests, I had the Shapeshifter install duration innate. Chimera Install locks the install-ee youkai out, with the lockout status. This lasts for 3 round, but the install does not. Snow Crow is locked out, but... also installed, and both of these things prevent you from using it. This could be involved in the issue.
This also leads into a bigger issue, where once this happens, there's a high chance the installee youkai will become a phantom.
It'll show up in the list, it'll be fully healed, but you won't have access to any of it's abilities. You won't be able to summon, install, anything, and this will persist between fights.
I can show screenshots if needed.
Shine Knighting |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 08-25-2022, 11:55 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
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A complaint I've had ever since Shine Knights and consequently Shine Knighting got buffed:
Dark/Light immunity has no counterplay beyond nullifying the status itself. For how accessible Shine Knighting is (have a shine sword and unlock its potential) walling out two damage types entirely seems a bit much.
Altering it to something like 25% Dark/Light resist would be more reasonable. You're already having to roll through forced Blind (if you aren't a Kael) to even damage them anyways, if you aren't just tossing evasion ignores at them.
To curtail any weird 'all your eggs in one basket' arguments: it's not healthy to have hard counters to specific builds that require minimal investment on the part of the person enacting said counter compared to who they're countering.
Which is to say, yes, a Kensei effectively countering anyone with a gun isn't game breaking since odds are that Kensei is committed to their class combo and can't just swap away from it and be equally as effective doing something else. Compared to say, anyone being able to equip a shine sword with a 3 Talent Point investment and proceed to be completely immune to damage from a few niche builds.
Getting Dark/Light immunity for a rank D invocation that comes out of a weapon for 5 rounds with zero drawbacks is inherently unbalanced. (even summoners eat some kind of weakness for installing their immunity youkai, aside from sazae-oni for some reason, guess water has to pay the river sword tax forever.)
Spirit Well and Pain Tolerance. |
Posted by: renowner - 08-25-2022, 07:51 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
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I believe that the two passives Spirit Well and Pain Tolerance need a buff. Spirit Well from Grand summoner, a promoted class: Is +18 FP total at max rank (5). Ghost's Pain Tolerance; also a promoted class: Is +48 HP total at max rank (5). The amount given is next to nothing. And a base class, soldier, gives 75 HP for 5 points into their Tenacity passive. None of these are main class only. Bonder's stat boosting passive only requires THREE ranks and gives +3 Wil (Worth 15 fp) and +3 Faith (Worth 6 FP) Meaning that not only do they get stat boosts, which are better. But unless you're already overcapped you're gaining MORE FP from it than the grand summoner passive, for 60% of the point investment into the class.
My ideas:
For ghost: Make the passive worth 75 health the same as Soldier's. They already have Rising Game, and +5 res from anti curse. So it doesn't exactly need to be that much better than soldier's. But 48 health is very not worth it for 5 points. (Or just make it +40 hp but only require one point.)
For Grand Summoner:
1: Change it to be worth 10 FP per rank, +10 for max rank. For +60 total. People can already get +25 FP for capacity, and this would roughly equal a tannin's enchantment.
2: Change it to just be a stat boost. Bonus Faith, maybe.
3: Change it to be a different kind of bonus. Like increasing your youkai slots by rank. So low faith builds would still be able to have twelve youkai for grand summoner. (If you go this route, maybe reduce its max rank to 3. +5 youkai slots is pretty powerful. +3 is also pretty powerful.)
4: Change it to reduce the maintenance cost of summoned youkai, slightly. Which would fit in with its theme of summoning a large number.
Ambidexterity Unequipping self |
Posted by: Bylamir - 08-25-2022, 04:04 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Alright so I've decided to actually use Ambidexterity for a build and have noticed a really annoying glitch. It equips just fine however when one of 3 conditions is met it will unequip itself without saying anything.
1): A battle you were in is concluded
2): You change classes
3): You relog
This comes to be very annoying when trying to use the skill. I've had this happen every time one of these conditions were met. It has happened regardless of amount of skills equipped.
If I did this wrong, I apologise since not actually used forum before this point.