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  Item desc window woes
Posted by: adamkad1 - 04-06-2023, 09:17 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (1)

Can the item description window have an option to be bound to game window? If you have multiple screens, it opens on main screen (or not at all because it doesnt open on top of non-sl2 windows)

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  Make Geist unshackled
Posted by: caliaca - 04-05-2023, 01:34 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (7)

There's a great thread posted by Possum about boxer in general.

It's a much larger bit of balance. In the mean time, can we at least let Geist's min range be 1?

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  [v.2.71b] Doorway Hijinks
Posted by: WaifuApple - 04-04-2023, 08:55 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: Screenshot_2023-04-04_095039.png]
[Image: Screenshot_2023-04-04_094900.png]

This is two different places, but I'm gonna lump them in together because it's effectively the same problem.

You have the cave for Lake Halard - the one that leads up to the top right section with the Cypelle veins. The warp out of the cave is one tile shy of the actual doorframe, which is out of line with pretty much every cave entrance beyond itself, making it jarring.

Then you have the split sandy / ice cave that leads up to the exterior of ice palace, and it's problem is that you have to actively walk into the wall itself to trigger the warp, as the screensho shows me clipping into the wall. Once again this is different to pretty much all other warps that use this perspective, which have you teleport when you step on the gap.

It would be nice to see these warps be put in the right place, setting them more in line with the rest of Korvara's warps in that aspect.

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  [v.2.71b] Didn't Stick the Landing
Posted by: WaifuApple - 04-04-2023, 08:47 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

[Image: Screenshot_2023-04-04_094516.png]

The second jump in the Seaside Jammer cavern ends one tile short of it's intended destination. Both forwards and backwards. You don't tend to notice this because you're holding that direction down anyway when you're coming this way, but I can confirm that you do miss the jump and land in the water going forward and back here. It's not too problematic - you're not stuck, and can just walk back, but it's very weird all the same.

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  [v.2.71b] Roundtrip Parry
Posted by: WaifuApple - 04-04-2023, 08:42 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Something I've noticed while exploring my DH build is that Roundtrip seems to simply be... immune to parries. Other skills trigger them just fine, but when using roundtrip, I've been consistently able to hit through parries without so much as a single STALEMATE! or EVITER! proc. This is using a sword via martial lawbreaker, but that's still a parriable weapon. I suspect that it's probably every hit taking place as if it didn't happen in front - but this is the case for the forward throw and the backward throw both. If this isn't a bug / can't be fixed, maybe it should be specified as something that ignores parries, because it feels weird to have that be an unspoken thing.

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  [v.2.71b] No Shade
Posted by: WaifuApple - 04-04-2023, 08:38 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Something I've noticed recently in the Duyuei Outskirts map (and this may be present in other maps), is that where there's tall grass tiles in use, the shading has now begun to layer under it, rather than over, as it used to be. This leads to the look of there being no shading at all, which looks a lot more ugly and unpolished - but the polish is there, it's just been hidden under these tiles.

Looking into the mapping environment I can definitely confirm the shading is there on these maps, so would it be possible to layer that over the grass again?

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  [v.2.71b] The Great Outdoor Bar Fight
Posted by: WaifuApple - 04-04-2023, 08:35 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

When you engage into a fight in the grotto map in Duyuei (it's the one that you enter through that trail of sand poking out of a tree, and it's in the duyuei interior map) you'll quickly notice that you get the generic indoor bar map, despite the location being meant to be set outside. This is a funny but immersion breaking thing that has come up on a few occasions, and I think it's because it never got set to use a different map - so I think it might be about time to give it the Duyuei exterior battle map for when fights happen in there, instead of an indoor map.

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  Extra welcome corruption
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 04-03-2023, 10:00 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (4)

Can we make it negate all bonus san, or make apt give negative san penalty?

I'm honestly a bit tired of my corrupted racials breaking or getting worse because class stats/ my ally giving +x  bonus to all stats.

it also disincentivizes corrupted from using blanket +all stats themselves.

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  Show Mercy
Posted by: Snake - 04-03-2023, 04:03 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - No Replies

The success chance of Show Mercy needs to go up a little based on how stressed out or 'demoralized' the enemy is.

It also should work on all monsters, but ones that cannot be made into Mercenaries, or Undead, for obvious reasons.

The chance, however, should be changed to a percentage of the following additions:

Quote:Success Chance

Character maximum HP% - Enemy maximum HP% + (Character LV+(2 * Rounds Elapsed) - (Enemy LV*1.5))

Bonus (They're directly added to above.)

Fear = +10
Fear of Death = +50
Hesitation = + LV/2
Charm = + LV
Confusion = +20
Pacified = +999

- The bonuses should directly add to the success chance. And only the highest LV of each will be used to determine the value.

And that's pretty much it. Enemies put under mental pressure for fighting you, or who are unwilling to fight you due to pacify effects, should be much more eager to leave you be after you shoo them away.

As well as the base formula revolving around how much you roughed them up, relative to your state.

Additionally, the longer a battle takes, the easier it should be to make your enemy give up after seeing you're not an easy prey and they're wasting time on you. Unless they come with some Miniboss prefix called 'Dire', which makes them impossible to show mercy for being desperate for food (you!).

Pls consider this, it'd be a very fun mechanic for people whose themes involve being pacifists and just want to seduce the meanies away.

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  Charge Weapon on all weapons
Posted by: renowner - 04-02-2023, 07:44 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (8)

I believe it'd be fair to give kiss farewell, burst claw, and any other weapon that can use excel charges that I don't know about charge weapon. I imagine they didn't have charge weapon to balance out the bonus effects they have compared to the original set. . .But now the origional set has Elite Engine, which is just better than the abilities of the other weapons anyway, generally speaking.

Especially if we're gonna end up making excel charges expire after battle, this should be a change made. (Which I believe should also happen.)

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