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  Amalgama Spells
Posted by: renowner - 04-17-2023, 10:24 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

All Amalgama spells are currently general domain.
Can all the elemental ones actually be tied to their element? I think that makes more sense.

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  Pet emotes.
Posted by: renowner - 04-17-2023, 08:04 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Currently pet emotes aren't able to be seen by players nearby. . .Unless you're specifically using the pet it seems.
People just next to me were unable to hear the emotes.

Meanwhile while the pet is out, everyone in various places can hear your pet emotes.
Some people in the Telegrad jailcells, or by a well. . . Its really wonky.

Also once again please let emotes/says originate from the pet. . .If my pet is across the room and its jumping at someone, its lame for it to originate off the player so the person the pet is actually next to can't hear it, but people 3 rooms over can.

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  The grind from 45 to 60 feat. Lava Lake again
Posted by: Poruku - 04-17-2023, 07:41 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

I would like to suggest three different systems that encourage variety in grinding

1: Rewards scaling based on difficulty
It's no secret the minotaur labyrinth is a very difficult piece of content. Yet the rewards are solely level-based. I suggest xp and drops are increased by up to 100% based on how hard each dungeon is, or each creature. This would make places like the sunken forest or the ice dungeon worth visiting.

2: Reward boost based on variety
Every fight, you get a stackable, trackable bonus to rewards for every other dungeon, tracked on a per-dungeon basis. So if you haven't gone to x dungeon in a long time, you will get bonus rewards for many battles if you grind there. Like maybe every 10 battles in another dungeon means 1 boosted battle in that dungeon. Meaning you are encouraged to go around to different dungeons regardless of other factors.

3: Boost lower level dungeons
Add a crystal terminal upgrade that can be toggled that boosts the level of a dungeon to 60-80 for your party only, meaning a level 5 jammer would be boosted to 65, a level 40 legume to 80, and so on. It would come at a price, and probably a drawback. But it would mean you can grind, say, lake halard at level 55 without wasting your time. Of course, if introducing items to the game is a problem there can simply be a stipulation that makes these boosted mobs never drop the 56+ items.

Combine all these and suddenly you're going around the world to grind different things and it feels good and not like you're wasting your time. No need to make more content, just make us play the content we already have for more than 20 minutes per character.

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  Let's not talk about the bans.
Posted by: Snake - 04-16-2023, 03:01 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Have this bnnuy instead.

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  Trait - One Eye
Posted by: Snake - 04-16-2023, 02:18 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

General trait once more, with a twist to it...

Quote:One Eye (Left)

You didn't see that one coming, now you're stuck in the dark. At least you've gained an eye for detail with it. Increases your base Critical by 10, and your Critical Damage by 15%.

However, it gave you a blind spot! Attacks done to you from your relative west (If you are facing north, your left. If you are facing south, your right, etc.) will have their Hit and Critical increased by 40. (Can be reduced by Blind Fighting).

- If you also have the One Eye (Right) trait, you will count as if you're 'physically blind', gaining extra effects in combat.

Quote:One Eye (Right)

You didn't see that one coming, now you're stuck in the dark. At least you've gained an eye for detail with it. Increases your base Critical by 10, and your Critical Damage by 15%.

However, it gave you a blind spot! Attacks done to you from your relative east (If you are facing north, your right. If you are facing south, your left, etc.) will have their Hit and Critical increased by 40. (Can be reduced by Blind Fighting).

- If you also have the One Eye (Left) trait, you will count as if you're 'physically blind', gaining extra effects in combat.

Physically Blind (Debuff)
Cannot be cleansed. Negates the Blind Spot drawbacks from One Eye traits. Disables the use of skills and spells that use eyes or sight. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Blind with a permanent duration.

(Blind Fighting Bonus: While Blind, increases your base Critical by 20 and your base Evade by 10. If any enemy moves within 2 range of you or attacks you, you will automatically face them).

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  Water to Wine is Crest Hungry
Posted by: sadbot - 04-15-2023, 04:27 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Water to wine leaves you with less crests than it should after consuming them for the bonus. What it should do is consume 3 if you have at least 5 while giving you 1 for its own use, leaving you with 2 less than before. What it seems to be doing is either consuming 5 rather than 3 or actually removing an extra crest with its own use rather than giving one like it should. Either way, you're left with 4 less crests afterwards even though it should be consuming 3 and giving you 1. Other crest consuming spells I tested seem to be working properly.

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  [Trait] Oracles Guidance
Posted by: Shujin - 04-15-2023, 11:10 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Oracles Guidance
oracle racial trait.

1+M active skill. 3 turns CD(?)

You can see the near future, to prevent disaster from happening you need to tell your allies!
Warn your allies of incoming dangers or advantageous positions, boosting the evade and hit of one ally for 2 rounds by +5* momentum spend.

Basically similar to Herons Racial Song traits, but you instead focus on one ally but for that it lasts slightly longer. (so you can make use of it even when you go after a faster ally)

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  Icon Parts are Sometimes removed from the Color Options
Posted by: sadbot - 04-15-2023, 09:53 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

This bug has existed for as long as icons with the option for whole or parts has existed, as far as I'm aware. I've never been able to find much rhyme or reason to it, outside of being triggered when loading a saved outfit. Loading a saved outfit that contain part icons, whether it contains all the parts that make up a particular icon or a single one, can cause either the shirt or pants part to no longer appear in the object selection for changing colors. This can be fixed by manually removing and re-adding the part, but this forces you to re-add all the parts of the icon that it comes from which can overwrite other parts of the outfit that you don't want to change.

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  Trait - Startouched
Posted by: Snake - 04-14-2023, 06:41 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Another general trait that does the following:

Requisites: 0 Base SAN

For some strange reason, the Hanging Star holds a small influence influence over your mood. Some say the act of becoming 'Startouched' is a prelude to corruption in some way, but most of those are just tales. This trait treats you as if you are a Corrupted race, for the purposes of Iahsus flavor. (The flavor text of Iahsus will be treated as if you are a Corrupted, displaying that you are irritated when it is 'red', for example.)

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  Accessory / Equipment positioning.
Posted by: FatherCrixius - 04-13-2023, 10:32 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Simple QOL feature to change the order of equipped accessories visually.

[Image: image.png]

I find it frustrating that visual order is determined by equipment / item name pre-regalia, so a little button to swap displayed order around would be very nice.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord