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  Make Guard Break Breakier
Posted by: sadbot - 04-20-2023, 08:41 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (10)

Guard break applies after the attack that applies it, with the only exceptions to this rule being lance de lion and libegrande (with kraken). In practice, this leaves guard break doing a poor job of actually punishing guarding. The person guarding is almost always left better off for having guarded, just slightly less better off than they otherwise would have been, even if they're immediately guard broken and then hit again while guard broken. Outside of 1-2m guards, the damage still mitigated on the guard breaking attack almost always outweighs the damage gained through guard break on the follow up, assuming that you're even in a position to follow up with another attack in the same turn. Obviously it becomes more relevant in team fights simply due to more opportunities for allies to potentially hit the guard broken enemy before the guard break ends, but I think that the status needs some support to actually do its intended job one on one.

Simply put, I think that all guard breaks should apply before the damage of the guard breaking attack, as lance de lion and libegrande already do. This would actually make guard break likely the best option when you're given a good opportunity to use it, rather than you probably being better off just taking your foot off the gas and using some non attack actions while waiting out the guard instead, even if you have the perfect opportunity to use what should be the perfect punish to it.

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  Let's talk about the bands and GM preference
Posted by: caliaca - 04-19-2023, 10:00 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Let's talk about who your favorite bands are.

And god dammit GMs, I wanna hear your preferences too.

I'll start- I'm listening to a lot of Tally Hall lately!

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  [2.72b] Frostbite
Posted by: Rendar - 04-19-2023, 07:40 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (5)

If an enemy is resistant to ice and walks on ice tiles with Frostbite (or is pulled across them).. the person who gave the frostbite status effect loses momentum.

Considering I don't.. think this happens with fire tiles... this is just a touch weird.

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  Roaring Rose Potential Rework
Posted by: Snake - 04-19-2023, 06:54 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (1)

I call thee all my boyos to offer your insight and opinions about what would be a good rework for Roaring Rose's potential.

In my opinion, it could be a two-folded skill like Firebird's skill that is based on distance, like in my previous thread.

Quote:Weapon Potential:
- Target an enemy in 7 range.

- If the target is within 3 or less range, you swipe the scythe in a full circle, performing a basic attack to all enemies in 3 range that deals Slash damage and inflicts Charm LV15 for 3 rounds. They will then be pulled one tile towards you.

- If the attack is within 4+ range, you buckle down and shoot a charged bullet at a single target, performing a basic attack that may inflict Confusion for 3 rounds to nearby enemies within 4 range (but not the target).

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  Chimera's Fierce Grip
Posted by: Snake - 04-19-2023, 04:51 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (2)

[Image: image.png]

This kind of sucks, especially compared to its bigger and meaner version, Painful Grip. But I don't think it should be as OP as that, so:

- Fierce Grip should ignore protection.
- Fierce Grip should deal Pierce bonus damage equal to LV/2 + Scaled STR.

Das it mane.

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  [2.72b] Most icons are displaced
Posted by: Snake - 04-19-2023, 04:47 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

[Image: image.png]

This is just one example of many, but a lot of icons that are larger than 32x32 seem to have their Pixel_X or Pixel_Y displaced, reset or what-gives. Did a BYOND update break them?

So far I've observed those:

- Feather Veil
- Dark Imbue
- Titan Gale (ty feen!)
- (I'll add more as I find)

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  (Ghost) Death Gaze sucks!
Posted by: Snake - 04-19-2023, 03:33 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (6)

I don't need to say more than this. At first it looks amazing with a 200% Dark ATK scaling, but in the end? Not really. It does very little damage, requires more than itself as momentum investment and benefits the enemy more than you think for consuming the Claret Call plus adding Unmarked for several rounds.

The only way I can see this being changed for something arguably better here is making it so this skill does something more impactful.

At base, Death Gaze should only require Claret Call, not Fear, to target an enemy.

Death Gaze should inflict a special status called 'Panicking', which nullifies most sources of Fear and Hesitation immunity and increases the LV effectiveness of those statuses by 50% for 3 rounds.

Death Gaze should then inflict Fear and Hesitation LV(Claret Call), then remove Claret Call and leave them Unmarked.

It could also give any non-player, non-boss enemies under the effects of Fear of Death (or if they are Feared and below 25% HP) a heart attack, dealing 4444 darkness magic damage that ignores protection. (Just a funny idea!)


Death Gaze should not target enemies who are Blind or Undead, or be usable if you are Blind yourself.

Death Gaze should have a 2 round Cooldown.

Like this, it should be worth leaving an enemy Unmarkable for several rounds.

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  Retaliate (DH)
Posted by: WaifuApple - 04-18-2023, 11:03 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (3)

I'm going to say it - I think Retaliate is not a very good skill nowadays.

It doesn't take into account weapon accuracy, so it's not very good against dodgies - and they're the ones who tend to be doing enough to build your damage up a significant amount to begin with, so I feel like that's not a great thing, all things considered. Compared to Crashing Bull and Bellowing Stag this thing sits in my skill pool, nearly never seeing use outside of certain niche cases.

So I'd consider two things - add an SWA component to this, alongside the rage build-up, to at the very least allow it to take into account weapon accuracy.

Or just make it an autohit and give it a cooldown. Punish dodges who are churning out excessive damage by sending it right back at them. This is THE big Matador hit, so it probably shouldn't be so luke warm against dodgies. It should be a firm hit, worth considering saving your rage energy for, since it's competing with bellowing stag and crashing bull for use of it.

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  Farmable mushrooms
Posted by: lordpidey - 04-18-2023, 05:26 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)


It is quite difficult to get mushrooms in Korvara, especially compared to Sigrogana, where you can get them from chopping certain trees.

As such, I recommend that mushrooms be plantable, like other crops are.

That is all.

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  Geist Tiles
Posted by: Pyro - 04-18-2023, 07:12 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (4)

After playing both Boxer and Verglas for the last couple months, I had a realization of something disappointing.

Despite being capable of triggering every tile you move over, Geist has no other tile interaction.

I think it'd be neat if Geist could put down tiles from items or skills. Like Ice Point Greaves' ice tiles.

Do I think this is broken? I bet someone could find a way to be silly and make it broken. Do I think it is fair? I don't see why it wouldn't be.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord