Applicable BYOND Key - Sawrock Character Name - Scravus Thorne Request Type - Character Creation Request Details -
I'm requesting for a family curse. The curse would affect the firstborn child as soon as said child's curse-affected parent has died. Visible indicators of the curse are that the affected's sclera are red.
The curse itself is to obey the orders of the wearer of a specific ring, as long as the ring is both worn and touched by the opposite hand, both against bare skin. Due to the size of the ring, shaitans would be unable to wear the ring, but it otherwise would fit most fingers- it strangely never seems to be loose or too tight-fighting in most circumstances.
New orders have priority over old orders, so one could not order "never listen to orders again", as the next order would just trump such. Orders that are impossible to follow (such as "fly by flapping your arms really hard") are ignored, if the afflicted believes the order to be impossible. Long-lasting orders ("kill these roaches in my house and continue to do so for every roach that comes in") will continued to be followed until the orders are deemed impossible by the afflicted (the house is demolished, someone casts an illusion that makes the afflicted think the house is demolished, etc).
The ring would appear to be an ordinary gold ring with miniscule carvings on the inside of said ring. The ring would be Divine-enchanted, in such a way that it is indestructoble. The ring can still be lost, however- thrown into the ocean or otherwise.
As for who would have the ring? Unfortunately, I haven't thought of that yet. If it is required for the approval, I will post an update to this thread with such.
It'd be cool if Aquamancer got a toggle skill of sorts that disabled the additional effects related to Crests.
This is mostly so that certain skills like Call Storm don't consume crests when you don't want them to, since sometimes you need the crests for something else.
Pacifist Boon should prevent the infliction of the Brighten status effect on the mage casting the spell, because the bonus damage from being attacked while having it causes Pacifist Boon to break.
More sign options would be nice. Especially for posting outside of doors. Many of the current ones are very visually obtrusive. And while they do convey information, it'd be nice to have smaller ones that are more aesthetically pleasing.
Shoot first, ask questions later. On use, you'll lock onto a direction. The next enemy that moves within your line of sight, or uses movement skills will be attacked with a penalty of -15 Hit.
If the enemy is Feared, the penalties are doubled, but movement will be interrupted and they'll be inflicted with Clumsy and Slow LV2 until your next round.
1 Skill Rank
You're adept at picking up hints from your allies behavior, becoming an extension of them. This skill makes Overwatch's line of sight also take account of your allies' lines of sight, but the penalty is further lowered to -20 Hit.
Quote:Take Cover
1 Skill Rank
Defensive Skill
A good perception of where to hide your boots is needed for a well-lived gunner. On use, target a location within 6 range that has any dense field objects. You'll tumble and become adjacent to it and gain 'Taking Cover' for 4 rounds.
While you are taking cover, if you are adjacent to any dense field objects, all enemy projectiles will be destroyed before making contact, and all basic attacks outside of melee range have a 50% chance to deal no damage.
Every time this effect activates, the field object will take 10 damage (If the object cannot take damage, the duration is instead reduced by 1 round).
Sometimes, the enemy will be in your face, but that doesn't mean you'll be defenseless. On use, holster your guns, becoming unable to use them, and enter a Close-Quarters Combat stance which empowers your Bare Fists with the Finesse scaling and gives you a Scaled SKI% chance to parry attacks from daggers and fists (-50% damage).
The stance can be dropped if you use the skill again, in which you'll pull out your gun(s).
Rank 1 - Grants the Disorient and Suppress skills.
Rank 2 - Reduces Grapple's Momentum cost by 2 and enables Riposte (50% base chance) while stance is active.
Rank 3 - Grants the Takedown skill.
Disorient Skill: Delivers a sudden jab to an adjacent target's face, dealing Blunt physical damage (+100% bonus Scaled CEL) and inflicting Clumsy for 2 rounds. This can critically hit. Suppress Skill: Delivers a heavy knee to an adjacent target's gut, dealing Blunt physical damage (+100% bonus Scaled STR) and inflicting Silence for 2 rounds. This will interrupt Invocations. Takedown Skill: Requires opponent to be Grappled. Slams the opponent over your shoulder and into the ground, dealing Blunt physical damage (+100% bonus Scaled SKI) and inflicting Knockdown. This will extend the duration of any Clumsy or Silence by 2 more rounds, and if it defeats an opponent, they'll be inflicted with Certain Defeat for 3 rounds.
Some of the tiles in the new crypt map have different densities or layers than they should have. I assume the errors are symmetrical on the map, and are also reflected in other places these tiles are used. The pink lines by the statues mean that I do not think there should be solid tiles behind where the statues' heads are.
Additionally, apparently this map can teleport you into the Sunken Forest's first map with those insect enemies if:
you log out while sitting in the top left chair of the left table in the central tree area, then log back in there. I have not been able to reproduce it, but I should mention it.
I have two options to suggest for those, specifically.
1- Their Ki-enhanced effect can now also be used from melee range. I've always found the need to take some range to be able to use these skills needlessly clunky, and honestly quite awkward, since they're quite mediocre if not backed up by Ki, as most tools from the class are. You pretty much -need- to get out of melee range to make good use of them.
This one'd be the simpler option I believe everyone could unanimously agree with.
2- Their melee variant specifically would instead turn into a basic attack, that would also apply the skill's effects if backed up by the necessary amount of Ki.
I tend to slightly gravitate towards this option myself since I'm frankly just slightly biased towards basic attacking, and I believe it'd give Monk basic attackers some more tools to work with, since MA who want to set themselves into that archetype are pretty much pigeon-held into the class.
Maybe Terra Strike could also get to inflict something slightly more useful than Slow, though it's already a fairly useful skill as is.
Dense Thunder
Make the extra Sound hits count as bonus damage. It's a pretty good skill aside from that.
And maybe make it so if you directly cause a collision between your target and another enemy, the latter is also subject to the attack- though I won't really push that one.
Body of Isesip
A 2 round cooldown is probably long overdue, though in exchange the skill could get the slightest compensation of spending SP into it actually being worthwhile, since what we get right now's the slightest FP reduction. (From 30 at rank 1 to 22 at rank 3)
This one kinda blows. Like, it really blows. Even if you specifically build with it in mind, you'll be getting mediocre results at best.
Just make it give bonus healing equal to your current Ki X 2, or 1.5, in exchange of a cooldown. I don't really think anyone'd be angry about that, since it's just some single target healing skill.
Golden Glow
If you reach 30 Ki under Ki Awoken, this activates without needing to use PU. That'd be neat.
Power Up
One of the elephants in the room. A dedicated Monk will every so often have to use that skill right in the middle of an engagement just so their skills can be up to standards, since while the effects of Ki-enhanced skills are pretty good, their main issue is that they're nearly worthless without that same resource.
For every M point spent, your Ki recovery through the Spirituality Innate will be amped up for the next 6 turns by that same amount, capping at 5 extra Ki per round. (It could just not cap, I'd also be fine with that)
This doesn't exactly fix the issue, though it would in my opinion make the experience a lot more smoother.
Power Impact
If 5 Momentum or more is spent on Power Up, opponents within 2 range will also be knocked down. Or take damage. Either'd be good.
Sun Flare
This one is also pretty fine, but horribly expensive for what it is. Maybe lower the cost of the effect to 10 Ki.
You get to start the fight with 5 extra Ki per Spirituality rank on-top of it's existing effect, doubled against monsters. (maybe)
This one is for the same reason as my Power Up suggestion. Monk skills are often worthless without Ki, and you often have to spend an entire turn at the beginning of the fight and then some more in the middle of an engagement just to keep them useful.
This mostly'd make it so a Monk would be ready to provide from the get-go, while their stronger skills are still locked behind some more Ki.
Ki Awoken
The other elephant in the room. Just....Cap the loss of HP to 10% per turn. That'd be it, probably.
BK's Indomitable seems to be applying the incorrect BW reduction on torsos.
38 Weight Torso
Expected BW: 34/35 (depending on how the game rounds it)
Actual BW: 36
44 Weight Torso
Expected BW: 39/40 (again depending how the game rounds it)
Actual BW: 41
The bug doesn't appear to affect weapon at all, and those have the proper 10% reduction at max rank as expected. I suspect that based on the numbers the torsos are being modified to, that it's using the rank 2 value of 7% instead of rank 3's 10%.
These skills should probably be touched in the future, my main observation points so far are the following:
- They cost 5 SP each, which could be lowered to 3 SP.
- Their range should be 6 (+1 if Tome).
- Their duration should be 3 + (Tactics Rank).
- The momentum cost should be 4+M, so it ends your round upon using either. - The effects should be less extreme, so this is not so busted in PvP, yet retain its utility in PvE.
Quote:Analyze Weakness
Study and focus one enemy and try to find any openings to exploit. For 3 + (Tactics Rank/2) rounds, increases the target's damage taken by X%. (X = 10 + Tactics Rank + Skill Rank*2)
Furthermore, every time an unit that is not yourself scores a Critical Hit or exploits an Elemental Weakness over the Analyzed enemy, your Tactics Rank is increased by 1 (once per unit).
If your Tactics Rank is above A, you will also call out any elemental weaknesses the target has. (If the enemy is inflicted with Analyze Weakness of a LV equal or higher than your attempt, the skill will refund the Momentum and you'll only call out their weaknesses, without refreshing the buff.)
If you are defeated or inflicted with Blind, the Analysis ends.
Quote:Enemy Evaluation
Attempt to predict your opponent's movements based on patterns. For 3 + (Tactics Rank/2) rounds, there will be a X% chance that the unit's attacks, skills or spells will become predictable, resulting in a Glancing Blow instead of a successful Hit. (X = 15 + Tactics Rank + Skill Rank*2)
Furthermore, if the target of Enemy Evaluation uses any action affected by Repeat Action, their Hit, Evade and Critical will be halved on the next round. (This effect is always active if the enemy is a non-boss monster)
If you are defeated or inflicted with Silence, the Evaluation ends.
Why Blind or Silence, Kunai??? That's so unfairly common!!!
Easy, because you need to bark out your orders and your coaching, so if the enemy somehow keeps you from speaking or you lose contact with the thing you're focusing on, it's only logical for your attempt to help your team to be blotched on live. It just feels both balanced and like it makes sense.
Also this justifies the increase in range and duration.
In line with me rarely ever filling all of my trait slots with things that I actually really like / want for my character, I randomly stumbled across an idea for a new trait.
Sentimental Swap (Requires Weapon Sentimentality)
It always feels better to go back to ol' reliable. Swapping to your Sentimentality weapon of choice costs 1M instead of 3M. (Or refunds 2, whichever would probably be fine.) However, switching away from your Sentimentality weapon costs 1M more (for a total of 4M.)