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  Snakey Boi 2.77b
Posted by: Senna - 09-19-2023, 05:35 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Snake shot isn't poisoning. It doesn't seem to be doing its inflict check for poison.

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Photo [2.7X] Unable To Create New Background Layer
Posted by: TheCommonNoob - 09-18-2023, 12:56 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

As the title suggests on one of my characters the option to create a new background layer does not exist with "Blank" being the only one available.
When prompted to choose a background layer to edit, only the options of "Blank" and "Default" are available.

This character hadn't interacted with the background layer options prior to 2.71.

Attempting to edit or make a new layout (clicking the blank sheet):
[Image: CC2EnYb.png]  

Choosing between layouts currently available to me (clicking the sheet with the cogwheel):
[Image: SHile2v.png]

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  'Carry Item' for Guild Flag Skin tone
Posted by: Deja Vu - 09-18-2023, 02:35 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Upon selecting 'Carry Item' on the Guild Flag to attach the item to your sprite, the skin tone of said sprite turns black.

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  Elemental Oil
Posted by: JamOfBoy - 09-16-2023, 04:55 AM - Forum: Class/Race Ideas - Replies (6)

Arbalest's Accelerant is omni-elemental which is awesome, but the triggering factor, Oil Chain, is locked entirely into being fire damage. This is... counter-intuitive, and prevents the class from being truly coherent in terms of elemental specialization for anything other than fire.

It doesn't seem unfeasible for this to change.

Functionally (please correct me if I'm wrong) the fire tiles left by Oil Chain are identical to Cinder tiles. Why not ditch the flames for Cinders, then add elemental impact functionality? Ice sheets, Air Shafts for wind, Static Fields for lightning, with poor earth left with a tossup between rocks and flowers.

Alternatively, simply have Accelerant and Oil Chain share the same criteria for typing, keeping the flames and maybe making their colouration obvious as to what element they'll deal.

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  Tank Boxer
Posted by: Cogster - 09-15-2023, 09:49 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (7)

Boxer's in a weird spot right now but this isn't going to be a thread pitching a class rework or anything to that degree, I'm simply asking for some minor changes to some small hiccups.

The Struggle skill (granted when Frozen), Racial skills, as well as Guard shouldn't reduce your Sturm by 2. 

It's cool that Boxer gets rewarded for spec'ing into evade through Krahenflugel which grants you +1 sturm for evading something because of the nature of evade which incentives going harder in offense over defense.

But if you try to build a defensive playstyle with Boxer, you're automatically on the backfoot because you can't use Guard which is a major staple of playing a tank.

I feel that because Guard, and subsequentially any racial skill, punishes you by taking away Sturm. It tends to make Boxer feel even more narrow than it already is. It should honestly just restrict class skills and movement but nothing else.

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  Aliagmato v2.77
Posted by: Senna - 09-15-2023, 12:32 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Seems you don't get the range increase with Aliagmato regardless of your bonded. It's stuck to two range only.

I tested it with 3 youkai, 1 bonded, it was stick to 2.
A single youkai, bonded, it was still stick to 2.

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  Thick Iron
Posted by: Sawrock - 09-14-2023, 03:09 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Make a version of Boulder called Thick Iron, by using like... five times the amount of iron. Or using a unique ore. This has two purposes:

1. I don't have to go into the minotaur mushroom fun maze (a minor inconvenience)
2. I don't have to have a weapon made out of rock, which is disgusting (more important)

Any jokes at the expense of my username from this suggestion will be noted and not unexpected.

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  Flurry of Ripostes
Posted by: MothEnthusiast - 09-12-2023, 10:39 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (11)

Using any sort of multihit is downright suicide against anybody with Riposte. Each hit of a multihit can (and usually does) earn a Riposte 50% damage strike. Granted, this is only in melee range, but you really shouldn't be getting nuked to death by your own multihits.

Confirmed culprits:
Exgalfa (when casted with a melee weapon)
Needle (Priest; when casted with a melee weapon)
Rapid kick
Fist basic attacks

Needs testing, but probably would also do the same with:
Mad chop
Regenschuar (or however you spell it, from boxer)
Twin dance (the damage of the second hit is far lower than that of riposte, to boot)

Easiest solution is probably just to make Riposte once per target per turn. I'm getting very tired of having to run ghosthands just to not die to my own attacks because of what seems like an oversight.

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  An offset regarding the recent Kensei nerf
Posted by: Fara Heims - 09-12-2023, 08:30 PM - Forum: Class/Race Ideas - Replies (2)

So, with three of their effects becoming stances, there's a couple things that I think just looking at it knowing what other classes can do, as well as the already very strong weakness that it has only getting compounded, I've come to decide to post this, as there's things that Kensei does that it could do better without making the stances overbearing. Please note, I don't actually play a Kensei, but know how difficult the weakness that the class is now blatantly going to suffer from is to deal with.

The weakness I speak of is that with 

Small tweaks to the stances

  • Absolute Death: This stance is in theory good, but the limited levels of classes makes this a very poor way to get Aoe damage into a class with a very heavy focus on single combat. Its damage cap on it's effect is 50 per target as is, while other melee classes that just outright have Aoes that cast, do just about as much damage as the upfront attack to all targets in their Aoes. To address this: Doubling the level scaling and making it so the level of the Absolute Death buff is always added to the damage, taking the damage from 50 to 110, would make it an adequate Aoe option, just add an asterisk that the Aoe damage cannot hit the target if it does not already have that restriction! And this is suddenly an on-par option to the best option Kensei have at this point for their three stances!
  • Absolute Fear: While this stance is already stronger than absolute death, being that it imposes fear debuff with an already SWA, Skill, and Celerity focused class, this effect couldn't be better to have! Though for 15 focus per turn, it's more than a little intensive! It contributes to the stated weakness above. To address this: Reducing the FP cost by 5 on this stance particularly would be enough I think. As said above fear is quite a potent effect! It makes it so evasion is only compounded! Adding to the value of celerity on this class. But 15 FP makes it not worth enough to use it over Absolute Pace in most situations in the Kensei's control.
  • Absolute Pace: This is the stance that's the caveat and before the nerf probably would be what could arguably justify the nerf to make them stances instead of where they were before. With the passive effect of the stance being an evasion chance equal to it's level at 10, this made it equivalent to an additional 5 Celerity on the Kensei's evade stat, particularly without the drawback of diminishing returns once they hit 50 total. This alone would be enough to put it on par with the current absolute fear. But it also has the proc-based effect of Battle Flow, granting 100% extra strength damage when it procs on the next offensive skill used. Before the shift to these becoming stances, this probably validated the use of Absolute Death, but now that they cannot stack, Absolute death isn't nearly good enough to be even compared to Absolute Fear! Nothing needs addressed for this one! It's a good tool with a perfectly balanced cost.

But the issue that compounds all of this is a lack of sustainability for it, I'd recommend an innate be best to fix that.
That being called Like Water.
"The Kensei is a tranquil swordsman, and those who have learned to weaponize this tranquility grow to be at one with the world just as much as their weapon."
The big suggestion I have for it's effects are as follows:
Upon evading an incoming offensive skill, gain 5 FP. Each rank grants Evade. 
Evade per rank: +3 (3 ranks)

Together this will both make the sudden shift to Stances with FP cost instead of passive skills and the fact that Kensei's never had much for options to deal with lower-than average ease of gaining FP reserves be mitigated without outright making Kensei capable of 'dealing with everything' so to speak.

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  [v2.77] Caught in the Crossfire
Posted by: Autumn - 09-11-2023, 06:22 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

For some reason or another, a Rune Mage's runes can trigger on allies who are confused even if the rune mage themself is not.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord