Many people are not fond of what it presently takes to finish a character in terms of getting their EXP and items.
Korvara is in a state where grinding is not much different than g6, where it is simply a means to an end. It is the barrier between you and playing your character the way you want to play them. It is especially important you finish your character if you ever want to participate in events involving PvE, or you will be an active detriment both ICly and OOCly bar EM intervention.
The Grind is not something people enjoy. It is a hurdle to be stepped over as quickly as possible, and yet Korvara is designed in a way as to make this hurdle an arduous one if you lack the support to overcome it without wanting to spoon your eyes out of your skull, lest you be blessed with not a single soul trying to grind anything you are.
Minimizing how much time is spent grinding for the sake of The Grind means more time for people to devote to more productive things. Like roleplaying on this roleplay mandatory game. Very few people enjoy roleplaying during the The Grind. The Grind is the time for getting your character to the point you want your character to be.
I believe we can both minimize The Grind and also make it more enjoyable for the time that IS spent having to get your character up to snuff with the rest of the crowd.
To minimize The Grind:
There are multiple issues making The Grind take far longer than it really should.
PROBLEM: Spawns are timegated, heavily. This becomes an issue if any more than one party of players are attempting to level at a time, and is generally frustrating to deal with. Forcing players to artificially extend the amount of time they're forced to farm EXP or items, rather than roleplay with their characters.
SOLUTION: Higher spawn rate, more mob spawns. A simple band-aid solution if nothing else. There are a plethora of other things that could be done, but this seems the most feasible fix without any drastic changes required to make things feel at least a little bit better.
PROBLEM: Some crafting materials and many equipment pieces are pure RNG to get, thus further delaying the character building process. The amount of RNG involved is simply egregious, the projected odds of getting a 9* item in particular being in the ball park of 1/40,000~ nowadays per eligible mob killed. And you can get maybe like, 30-40 or so attempts every 15 minutes.
SOLUTION: More consistent, reliable means of attaining items and craft materials. Such as the casino once more offering the craft materials it does on G6. It'd give more purpose to murai. Treasure maps and diving were G6s answers to some items. Korvara could use its own system for such, part of which may be covered in another proposed solution.
To make The Grind more enjoyable:
Currently The Grind boils down to farming whatever mobs are easiest, or whichever ones you're hunting a 10* from. It detracts from roleplay when the path to progress is always the same: watch someone hose down mobs for a few in-game days. Or do it yourself when you're searching for items.
PROBLEM: Reward is not commensurate to the difficulty presented by some dungeons. Obvious examples being the Minotaur Labyrinth and the Dual Colored Star.
SOLUTION: This one isn't an easy, binary fix. It would require tuning the rewards for dungeons specifically taking into account how overall difficult they are to clear. There are many ways you could go about doing this. A potential idea I had would be to introduce unique rewards to each dungeon, something like Worxas/Esthel/Sothis/Nephel fragments, which could be then used in new crafting recipes to make specific otherwise uncraftable items, to enchant items with boss only enchants, etc. A universally desirable currency item, essentially. Some dungeons like Minotaur Labyrinth might require something even more so it isn't left to rot still, but this solution is already dragging on.
PROBLEM: It's weird needing to have all your characters grind in a dungeon to see character progression.
SOLUTION: More ways to earn Legend Ink than simply grinding repeatedly. Item acquisition that doesn't depend on farming firebloods. The first thing that comes to mind is implementing something akin to Mabinogi's Commerce. Delivering trade goods between nations and getting EXP and money for the time spent walking back and forth, while also providing an RP opportunity in the process. Systems like this that encourage doing things aside from monster culling that contribute to the livelihood of the world.
We want more time to RP and less time spent needing to slave away at The Grind in ways that are not conducive to enjoyable roleplay.
Honestly. Who here really enjoys a riveting RP in Lava Lake as you grind once more for items, or to level a new character the 3rd+ time through. Characters are forced into that position if they want to ding level 60, unless they're really, really committed to the training dummy grind.
In an ideal world we would have content such as the Clinics in G6 to supplement EXP gains, but such things take time. For now just amping mob spawn rates and the number available at any given time should be enough while better ways of progressing characters are introduced.
Protect can proc for you defending an ally with Crest of Rook, who then will Crest of Rook protect you from the damage.
Which is a bit weird, but funny nonetheless.
Secondly, Protect does not actually seem to be reducing damage by 5, as it says on the tin. Instead it gives you 5 defense. Which, if you're burned, just does nothing.
Admittedly, I have only heard one side of the story, so I am withholding judgement at this point in time.
However, the incident itself as described to me raises a question.
If there is RP that would logically result in likely visible injury, deformity or other visible change, what is needed before acting on that, in future RP, or in self profile/alias manipulations?
If I'm arrested and handcuffed, am I allowed to change my alias to "Handcuffed person"?
If someone steals my lucky sombrero, am I allowed to RP around being bummed about not having my hat?
If I'm hit in the head with a metal object in a 'harsh blow', can I have a bruise?
If someone I'm trying to arrest pulls a knife on me and stabs me during a conflict, do I need permission from the attacker before having a visibly bleeding abdomen?
From my understanding (Which again, I've only heard one side of the story, and thus may be wrong), a person was struck in RP, and did not get permission from the attacker to have a visible injury, which was one of several things they were punished for.
Apparently the Gryphon wing will count a hippogriph as 'able to be summoned' even if you are not currently eligible to utilize that youkai through either it being above contract limit or even having the summoner class equipped, as this was done on the test server and it summoned forth while I had Firebird and Ruler equipped...
Posted by: Neus - 02-20-2024, 06:12 AM - Forum: Announcements
- No Replies
2.83 Stolen Spellcards
Copied spells (IE, stolen spells from Spellthief) now become Spellcards when unequipped. There are two kinds of Spellcards; Green, the default version, which are non-trade items that can be used to re-equip the stolen spell, and Purple, which are functionally the same, but can be traded and stored, etc.
Added a Blank Spellcard recipe to the Enchanting craft. 1 of these is necessary to change a Green spellcard into a Purple one.
Essentially, these allow you to retain spells you have stolen with Spellthief as items, so that when you want to switch back to the class, all you have to do is use the items to get your spells back.
Copied spells retain their temporary/permanent status even if you equip/unequip them multiple times.
Copied spells in the skill pool now have a small card icon in the bottom left to show that they are copied spells, as well as their status; gray for temporary, purple for permanent.
Ghost Entertainer; Trait requirements changed to 10 SAN or 7+ Ranks in Spiritualism.
Spirit Shot; Damage is no longer reduced for Gun attacks.
Spirit Stillness; Debuff Immunity is now 3 times (from 1 time).
Gainsight; Disengage given now lasts 3 rounds, 1 attack (instead of 1 round, 1 attack).
Event Tools
Added 12 generic tent interiors as event stages. (Courtesy of Autumn).
File list is now organized alphabetically (why was it not like this in the first place?)
Event tool spawned battles should no longer generate minibosses.
Event stage entrances can now be made persistent through reboots.
New Items
Added 17 new plushies for a variety of normal monsters. (Courtesy of Appo)
Various changes to the following systems to support dynamically created stackable objects; trading, bank storage, house storage items, shops, automated shopkeepers. If you notice any ways to obtain/trade/store/etc items where the item's uniqueness is not retained (IE, it becomes just 'Spellcard' instead of 'Spellcard (Spell Name)'), please report it. Same for if there are any other oddities with these systems, please test them to make sure I didn't miss anything!
Aerialite now also creates an Air Shaft at the target's location for 2 rounds.
New lizard tail icon part (courtesy of d3moniz3d), which is available for most races that can/should have them, including Wyverntouched.
New generic tail icon (courtesy of Trex) that any race can use for fashion purposes.
Face icon selection window can now change pages by using the mouse wheel while hovering over the face icon previews.
Korvara dungeons with bosses now show additional messages when they're almost about to leave, and when they have left.
Terra Flama battlefield party locations adjusted slightly.
Currently you can proc twin dance with another weapon type due Ambidexterity, is this suppose to be happening? Would be cool if it's intended with a outdated desc but just gotta make sure if it's a bug or not.
Steps to reproduce
Equip two different weapon types of weapons.
Equip Twin Dance (make sure you're MC rogue or innovator)
Attack something.
Don't proc Twin Dance.
Equip Ambidexterity
Turn on the ambidexterity passive
Attack Something.
Proc Twin Dance (your weapons are still not the same type)
I've lacked a comfort character for a long time now, hopping from character to character on a weekly basis without ever belonging to any of them.
There are a few exceptions, yes, but most of them are hindered by IC circumstances, my own capacity as a roleplayer, or by chance, they happen to be exceedingly serious to a degree that I can rarely ever match with how my mood usually goes.
This unwinds with them lacking the capacity hang out with in simple, comfy scenarios.
But today I landed on something. An initiative so to say for me to try and address things from a new angle.
No mechanical design, one worldly overarching goal, and a silly outlook in the world.
Simple enough, right?
There is just one problem. I want them to be short.
And I want that shortness to be the ultimate reason behind their struggle in life.
Inferiority complex, struggles in profession, issues with general outlook, you name it.
The character in question is yet to be created, but the character uses Charlotta from Granblue Fantasy and the selected race is an Elf.
Specific Request
Approval for Dwarfism with character height below 4'5 at 90 cm (2'9"~) with symptoms not only physical, but focus-based as well, limiting the character's overall potential and making them struggle to achieve common standards for martial arts and magic. Details can be elaborated on in private.
Absolute Fear's effect that turns around enemies does not seem to trigger if the Attacker's back is against the wall for whatever reason, if this is a hidden feature color me surprised.