Despite the wording on Deadly Shades (Using Swap Weapon grants you +50 Critical and +25% Critical Damage (doubled versus monsters),)... it doesn't actually seem to gain +50% critical damage versus monsters.
but Blackend Faith Shine Knights, still deal Light damage and it feels like they should do darkness damage. Given that stuff like Divine judgment kills Dark Res instead.
Despite Getting Into It's description, if a Fire Elemental is struck with fire damage (tested with On a Leash and Cyclone Spear), it is never seen as the 'target' of the attack, and therefore.. never actually gets affected by Getting Into it. Despite multiple instances of Fire Damage, not once did Getting Into it Proc.
Notably, Getting Into it procs on Absorb, and also upon Immunity..
Immunity, however, only puts the Triggering Damage as 0, and will put the Lingering Damage (Fire) as suitably a 1, rather than Half of the Power of the.. well. Attack that triggered Getting Into It.
Ren Brown used Cyclone Spear.
Fire Elemental reflects the attack back at Ren Brown!
Eviter! But Ren Brown parries the attack!
Ren Brown takes 22 Fire physical damage. (Cyclone Spear / Tuning Fork)
Fire Elemental reflects the attack back at Ren Brown!
Ren Brown takes 20 Fire physical damage.
Ren Brown attacks Ren Brown with Salamander Sword!
Critical Hit! Ren Brown takes 40 Slash physical damage.
Ren Brown takes 6 Fire magical damage.
Fire Elemental reflects the attack back at Ren Brown!
Ren Brown takes 20 Fire physical damage.
Fire Elemental reflects the attack back at Ren Brown!
Ren Brown takes 37 Fire magical damage.
Ren Brown used Cyclone Spear.
Fire Elemental reflects the attack back at Ren Brown!
Eviter! But Ren Brown parries the attack!
Ren Brown takes 27 Fire physical damage. (Cyclone Spear / Tuning Fork)
Request Details - I'd like to have on Gareth a fucked up curse, but less so really a curse and more so, bro is a fucking anomaly. Built INCORRECTLY, inherently mundane and magic works weird on him and often detrimental of the physical, hurts him more and often hampered with the metaphysical. Difficult to interfere with his mind or soul, shit is just weird.
Specific Request - Mundane is an enchantment that makes shit normal, sure magical but inherently normal, of the earth and terrestrial. In my interpretation of this, much like the earth it refuses change, the dirt is slow to warm up in the summer and slow to cool down in the winter. I wish for Gareth to be like this in a way, like fire to the surface to the earth fires roar and forests can easily be reduced to sunder but the dirt beneath it simply warms. Like light to a prism it gets separated, confused, splintered. When magic, basic elemental magic touches his body it easily tears him apart. It's as if he has a perpetual magic weakness, fire extra hot, ice extra cold, and even healing magic when unfocused and not a highly tight weave hurts him. I.E healing blast, healing touches his body, the magic gets refracted and instead chases it's closest direction of getting it's original directive finished. Like his blood being purified, but it's being purified aggressively as if you were boiling it clean. Painful and dangerous. Something that is very unpredictable, akin to wild magic in a way with the side-effects.
With the internal magic, magic that wishes to change the metaphysical like his soul or mind, it's like molding a boulder. Sure with enough time and effort you can do it, but it's such a fucking pain in the fucking ass. Much like the earth, something the mundane. It wishes to remain the same. Now with all of this, it will always be a thing of talking with the person before we decide on the side-effect or what actually goes on for both physical and metaphysical.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - Because it would be pretty fun, I'll be real. It used to be a thing where a few people with divine eyes called Gareth so ugly he could not be seen by them, as if his lines were constantly moving and refracting, a blinding being of light. NOW, when I changed playbys people kept that narrative and I wish to make a reason for that beyond being a funny bit. I feel like it would be pretty cool that his nature is just weird, incorrect, and wrong to the state of things. TOO normal, TOO mundane.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - I have roleplayed several scenes with Gareth of people cursing gareth and the curse having strange bonus effects we both agreed on. Which both I and the parties involved thought was pretty fun. This is the same with healers and also some divine eyes dudes, they seem to enjoy the small twist of Gareth making shit worse by existing. Gareth gets cursed to neigh like a horse, and instead he has the desire to stomp on someone like a horse would a snake. Which led to a funny scene of Gareth chasing down a witch. Then with the more physical, once an elf went up to heal Gareth because holy shit he was so ugly that's gotta be an injury (500 healing elf blast). It went straight to his face and he started SCREAMIN' which was pretty funny. NOW, I did talk with the player during this about how they didn't want to kill Gareth and would have been upset if that happened which is why I specify that I want to discuss with the players when it happens what actually happens so we both can come to a fun conclusion for the both of us. At the end of the day, I just want to have a baller time and I feel like this would be pretty fun to rp out. Thank you guys for taking time out of your day to read this, have a baller day.
Applicable BYOND Key - Nekojinn Character Name - Kuroun Request Type - Skill Fluff Request Details - Basically, i'd like my character to have two black spirits, posessing only her wings, those black spirits have no ill intentions towards my character, they just want to protect her.
I'll RP this as using the Death Knighting evoke, when the evoke is sucessful, her wings(omina) would turn into the armor that would surround her, the character themselves would lose conciousness at this point, and both spirits in the armor would simply try to protect the character.
Specific Request - Black Spirits possesing Omina wings, turning into Death Knighting Armor
Applicable BYOND Key - Imotepmechythings Character Name - Daemyra Salrel Request Type - Rp ability
Request Details - I'd like for Daemyra, as part of the contracts she offers as a witch, to be able to pause the physical aging of a living entity, once they have hit the point at which they'd start to naturally decay. (i.e. A point past their physical prime)
Specific Request - The intent behind this ability is simply to help people explain why their character is not aging over time and provides no actual benefit beyond that.
The ic behind it is, after studying elven longevity and coming to the conclusion that such is a result of their affinty towards healing magics innately, that artificially recreating a shadow of this would permit someone to halt their own physical decline, but only if constantly applied or theoretically extend a natural lifespan if the effect is periodically applied.
If said manipulations cease, natural age progression would simply resume, the years would not 'catch up to them', as it's only just nudging natural regeneration to prevent decay.
The cost to Daemyra for providing these contracts comes about in leaning ever more heavily into the need to consume the lifeforce of other entities to fuel herself, something that is already a rather pressing addiction and taxing to her psyche, limiting the amount of people she can actually sustain the effect on.
The cost to the people recieving said effect is that they must endure the stipulations of the contract that she states is required to sustain it, along with all the additional rules she sets as terms of that contract, something that icly must be fully accepted and agreed upon.
Oocly, alongside providing a logical ic reason for their character remaining the age they are, this is purely used as a means to offer the character in question additional rp tracks if they're wanting to interact with witchy woo in some manner, as people are not forced to age up their characters anyway.
Reason why you are making this request - It provides a logical way for people to prevent their characters aging up if they desire one and due to a few people wanting me, as Daemyra, to facilitate that for them.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Elves in lore are entities that don't age beyond their peak, such has been ascribed to their natural affinity to healing, another reference would be glykin who also possess an increase to natural regeneration, alongside an elongated lifespan, causing corrolation between innate healing and the length of someone's life.
According to the Install skill your racial base stats aren't supposed to be swapped for Faith, Sanctity, and Aptitude. (likely because all Youkai have 0 base in all three of these areas, regardless of race.) However it seems that its not actually the case. Currently it seems to retain the old amount of the raw stat, but scale with the Youkai's base. (Which is always zero.)
Below is my stats before and then after installing drowned woman. As you can see: My Faith, Sanctity, and Aptitude scaling all lowered despite the number increasing. (Other stats seem to work as intended, as you can see by the WIL stat in the pictures. As a phenex, 72 wil would normally be 60.66 scaled.)
Was a bit bored and saw some messages in the discord, so I took to work to making something fun here and grayscaled so they could be colored (Not doing any more than three tails, 32x32 is already a limit and a half for your spacing lol)
Here are some previews I made using the base icons to show case their appearance for ingame
For whatever reason, mousing over the battlefield while casting a static direction skill (such as Nest Flight) and while mouse targeting is active makes your unit face east. This has been reproducible every time.
I've only tried it with Nest Flight and Disengage, but I don't see why it wouldn't work with other similar skills.
Obviously this is an unintended gameplay advantage, even if being locked to a direction to begin with is giga lame.