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[v.2.87 v3] Balrog Fire Warriors |
Posted by: Snake - 06-11-2024, 07:29 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_206.png?dateline=1630814956) |
While I'm not sure if it is a bug or an unintended side-effect of the code used for this, Fire Warrior copies the appearance of a defeated enemy, INCLUDING its current visual effects like 'Fear' or 'Titan Gale', so the resulting copy is very weird and cluttery visual indication of what it is supposed to be.
This also happens to Carbuncle statues when they die.
Balrog On-Death effect indicator |
Posted by: Snake - 06-11-2024, 06:25 PM - Forum: Suggestions
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_206.png?dateline=1630814956) |
A simple request to make it better for me and other people to see an enemy got converted into a Fire Warrior:
- Make it so it plays the animations: Fire Whip on them, followed by Piercing Link's Chains, once the Fire Warrior is created.
Craftable High Rarity Drops |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 06-11-2024, 08:18 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_30.png?dateline=1708214534) |
As it stands it feels like you wasted a shot at a 9* if you roll one of the several craftable ones as a drop.
Or any other rarity really, 8 and 9 just hurt the most with how infrequently they pop up.
While there is some merit to random dropped versions in some cases, outside specific drop pools you'll almost never want to get a non-weapon craftable item drop.
There's a whole lot of ways this could be tackled.
My suggestion would be to have dropped 8-9* rarity items break down into a new material that can be used to make 8-9* items of your choosing. I'm thinking a 5:1 ratio. Could slap on a murai sink, too.
A similar system could be used for 10* items to give less desirable 10*s purpose though 10* farming isn't as problematic. Usually. It'd just be nice to provide additional avenues to obtain heavily contested 10* sources by burning through the massive pool of 10*s rotting in banks because no one wants them.
Removing Item Belted weapons from Menus |
Posted by: polly - 06-11-2024, 05:14 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_2001.jpg?dateline=1687166170) |
Exactly as the title says.
Item belted items still show up in item breakdown + pawning menus. While if you are careful, you will generally not have any problems with this. But it's still a bit unnerving that items on your item belt just pop up there. Feels like it's one misclick away from getting yoinked out of your inventory without warning. Removing items from these menus (by treating them as equipped) would be a good QoL change.
Also, item belted items unequip whenever you change your equip list. Not the main complaint, but that would be a nice change as well.
Auto-Tune |
Posted by: Rendar - 06-10-2024, 10:10 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_18.jpg?dateline=1709018019) |
Auto-Tune is lovely whenever it decides to work. Unfortunately, some maps in SL2 are just designed extremely poorly with half your team on one side of the map, and the other half of your team 2 tiles away from enemies.
Could Auto-Tune be changed to be an automatic application of the first song in your repetoire to ALL allied units, regardless of distance? Being the only person that benefits from the buff, whenever it eats a chunk of FP (It's like 20 FP) makes it really, really awful to run, and borderline pointless at times due to how short the duration of the buff is unless you are Performer.
[v2.87 v3] Daisangen't |
Posted by: Trexmaster - 06-10-2024, 01:41 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_30.png?dateline=1708214534) |
Daisangen's +2 to all non-VIT/APT stats do not apply to summoners installed with Dragon-race youkai as the skill suggests.
This was tested on the test server with all youkai contracted.
Steps to reproduce:
1. all youkai pls
2. fresh outta spawn
3. test go to dev room
4. Make sure to actually buy The Contract, Sync Mind, and Install, then equip the latter.
5. Adjust your contracts list to put Chun, Hatsu, and Haku to the top.
6. Run over to the Prinny
7. Check your stats
8. Install Chun/Haku/Hatsu
9. Observe that your stats that Dragon youkai don't have do not change at all.
Simple Shine Sword Buff |
Posted by: the REAL Minos Prime - 06-10-2024, 12:09 PM - Forum: Suggestions
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_1976.jpeg?dateline=1679279617) |
Shine Sword is mostly a gimmick weapon. Extra damage and a transformation. I more often see people take Shine Sword just for the transformation, not intending to actually use it as a weapon.
To encourage its use as a weapon, and cement its role as a paladin's weapon, I propose a simple buff -
Shine Sword can be used to cast Mercalan domain spells.
If this is considered to be too overpowered, then I'd add the caveat that the user must also be under the effects of Pray in order to cast with it, to further lean into the Paladin style of a religious knight whilst also not slinging Shine Rays and Malmelos left and right. However, I don't see why it being able to cast Mercalan at all times would be op, given that it's both an 8-Star and a black book weapon. A weapon that requires either a really lucky drop or a special recipe should have some special quirks that make it stand out.
Katana Master Improvement |
Posted by: Poruku - 06-10-2024, 04:42 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_195.png?dateline=1648075189) |
Currently if you have a katana in one hand and another weapon in your other hand, you lose katana master. This loses you a chunk of bonuses that are really helpful for kensei.
I would suggest that katana master only checks if you have a katana and not if you have no other weapons. It's already impossible to play kensei without focusing on a good katana anyway so it's not like people are gonna off-hand a katana and play kensei with another sword or something weird.
I just wanna play a kensei that has a sword and a handgun... But if I do I'm losing a lot, on top of the fact two-hand makes that playstyle really bad in the first place... I just wanna be cool. Is that so much to ask? Or a katana and a shuriken? Doesn't that just make sense?
Character Application: Biiig dragon |
Posted by: matthewmwps - 06-10-2024, 01:43 AM - Forum: Approved Characters
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_1945.jpg?dateline=1687953780) |
Applicable BYOND Key - matthewmwps
Character Name - Blaze
Request Type - MAKE ME TALLER
Request Details - Character height of 7'7"
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable):
I want to roleplay a Hyattr who believes themselves above other serpentkind simply because she is BIGGER. Real amazon hours.
More information for Fight Spectators |
Posted by: sirtrex - 06-09-2024, 11:05 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
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![](https://neus-projects.net/forums/uploads/avatars/avatar_2006.png?dateline=1687831243) |
Allow fight spectators to see the HP and FP of each fighter listed at the top or side of their screen similarly to how you can see your party members HP/FP at a glance when grouped up.
Barring that maybe this info could be displayed next to a fighers icon when a observer's cursor hovers over them.
Information about what statuses each combantatant has could be revealed in a dropdown menu when a observer hovers their cursor over the combatants icon.
Currently people spectating fights can get all the info needed, but it requires the spectator to click on each combabants icon multiple times after each move to get info on thier HP,FP, statuses etc. It works, but fights could be more convenient to follow.
Also letting people hear the music being played by peoples marching bands in battle would be nice, or any of the fight music.