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  Change Bone Binds to make sense.
Posted by: Mikuel - 06-22-2024, 07:44 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

Okay so... With the tome parts being a thing now, I started taking a look into them... And one specifically got my attention. The bone binds:

+3 Weight, +5 Critical, Upon casting a Huggessoan spell, if any enemies are in 2 Range, the bones rattle and attempt to inflict Fear them for 2 rounds. [1 round CD]

Now, it doesn't seem bad at first glance but lets go into the issue: Critical boost for tomes has two uses: Basic attacks and any mutation shenanigans.

WHY does the part that has effect to interact with huggessoan spells also increase your critical rate when that does nothing for the hugge?

Sorry for putting this bluntly, writer is tad sick. Feel free to ignore the topic or enlighten me of uses for this part.

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  toggleable obedience
Posted by: FatherCrixius - 06-22-2024, 04:23 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - No Replies

give spiritual tattoo : obedience the toggleable passive treatment

this would be cool and let you do cool things less obtrusively mechanics wise; such as shapeshifter avoiding specific transformations (without making it 0 friendship) or youkai that will auto unsummon / uninstall on the end of turns.

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  [v2.87 v3] Various ranger bugs
Posted by: AkaInuHime - 06-21-2024, 08:43 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: 2mh0ze.png]
You can use annorum wind runner to get into walls. It doesn't seem to check collision with terrain or enemies at the final tile when using it, like you'd expect compared to how sidecut works.

Also, forest fiend's description says it lets you target a tile, but it doesn't actually let you use it on a tile without an enemy on it (which would be useful for destroying plants like cherry blossom, as well as lining up the annorum aoe to hit multiple targets).
(Also, the annorum version doesn't display a circle when you're selecting where to aim it, only a single tile. Not strictly a bug, but it seems off compared to how, for example, charge mind rye shows the full aoe area).

Using frigid arrow on an ally standing on a rain trap damages them.

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  Character - Request for Transformation
Posted by: owarinohebi - 06-20-2024, 04:34 PM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Mizutsunes
Character Name - Tatsuya Nakahara
Request Type - Skill Interpretation
Request Details - ONLY when character in question is using the Hexer Class . The idea is basically an interpretation of the Death Knighting ability. Instead of filling the individual purely with malevolent spirits, it fills him with all of the negative, "Feral" rage he has in him, and manifests in the form of Darkened Armor. Character Race remains Hyattr, though only Character Appearance (and height, standing up to 6'5 in this form instead of 5'5) actually changes (displayed by icon changing and Orb of Illusion). Character is put in a Frenzied/Berserked state (RP only, no mechanics involved), but can be taken out of it if anger is quelled, or character is killed or rendered unconscious. Upon character reaching 0 HP (in a PVP fight obviously) in this state, the transformation ends, the character is rendered unconscious, and returns to normal. Out of combat, this gives no extra abilities other than what spells he has/Death Knighting provides. Sentience still (mostly) remains, though within form, character is continuously communicating through deep snarls and growls instead of words.
Specific Request - Character Enrage/Berserking state interpretation of Death Knighting that is allowed to be displayed out of combat.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I just wanted to play around with a different interpretation of Death Knighting! Wasn't sure if it was able to be done without an application, so I threw one in as a just in case measure.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - Hexers deal with negative emotions as well as dark spirits. I thought it would be fun toying with the whole negative emotion aspect of Hexing.

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  shapeshifter again lmao
Posted by: FatherCrixius - 06-20-2024, 02:24 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

[Image: yFt7PGo.png?ex=66758c95&is=66743b15&hm=8...77b1863fa&]

Phase fang is not refunding the 1M it used to on v2.88v5. I believe one of the solblader changes caused this, as it was still working not too long after Sol appeared on test ser.

[Image: u4KO9Ly.png?ex=66758c95&is=66743b15&hm=f...&height=96]
[Image: GPYQ7cy.png?ex=66758c95&is=66743b15&hm=e...&height=36]
[Image: 5xDZdjc.png?ex=66758c95&is=66743b15&hm=1...&height=50]

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  [2.88v5] No One Liked That (Church Faithful Inquiry)
Posted by: Rendar - 06-20-2024, 03:23 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Ray, please don't murder me.

From testing, the Church Faithful set seems to interact with heal-tag spells in a.... very strange way.

Church Faithful Elf
Light ATK - 77
SAN 45
121 SWA
System: Debug: Total Power for Graft / Zerotrain was 245.15.
Ren Brown recovered 290 HP.

Without Church Faithful Elf
78 Light attack
45 San
120 SWA
System: Debug: Total Power for Graft / Zerotrain was 223.
Ren Brown recovered 268 HP.

The Order of Operations seems to be

(SWA(120/121)+Rank Pow (25) * Church Faithful (1.15) + (Other (Light Attack and Sanctity due to Elf).

I'm not saying that Elf Sanctity should be inside the 1.15 bracket, because good lord please do not make elf healers any better than they already are, but uh.. I feel like Light Attack should at the very least, be getting the 1.15 modifier to it? Because as-is, I'm putting 2 item slots onto a build to get a 21.9 increase to a heal, rather than what should probably be 33.45.

Church Faithful
(121+25) *1.15 + (77+45) = 289.9 Which is Close Enough to the 290 it healed.
Edit: This still doesn't actually make sense, because Halo + Crucifix is +4 power to mercalan spells. Which. Just. Isn't here.)

Non Church Faithful
(120+25) + (78+45) = 268

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  [2.87v3] Battle Field Limitations
Posted by: Rendar - 06-20-2024, 02:15 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

For some reason, the battlefield Ring in the Vale keeps losing the ability to access the Max Parties tab in the modifier menu. It just. Poofs. Even without people touching the battlering all day.

Which means that groups of 2 people cannot use it, and only a full set of 4 parties can activate it.

I wish I could give more details, but this has been something that's been happening at seemingly random for the past few months.

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  Multiple Parry skills (or how stalemate prevents holy shield)
Posted by: matthewmwps - 06-19-2024, 12:42 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (5)

To give a simple TL;DR before the post even begins:
If you have two parries, the lower priority parry should be allowed to activate for attacks which don't apply to the higher one.

For the more detailed explanation:

My understanding (from a small talk with others mind you so take with a grain of salt) is that parry skills have a priority system.

If you have multiple, the game will always default to the highest one. If you have stalemate for example and know no pain, stalemate will always be the parry the game uses due to its higher priority.

This prevents multiple DR skills stacking on each other to make a high damage move essentially become zero.

But the system doesn't care about conditions. It always uses the higher priority.

So if you're attacked by a weapon that KNP applies to but stalemate doesn't, it doesn't matter. KNP is completely ignored over stalemate.

I think in those circumstances, the other parry should be able to attempt a proc. This would apply especially to something like holy shield, which is omi-dimensional. Should you have stalemate equipped, holy shield will never apply it's parry even if you're attacked from the back.

Obviously if the higher one has the conditions needed and fails its chance (i.e. stalemate CAN parry the attack but does hit the percent chance) it shouldn't look for other parry skills.

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  Klaus Handdonwerk - Playable "Zombie"
Posted by: MarktheUnlucky - 06-18-2024, 04:59 PM - Forum: Denied Applications - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Nobleed
Character Name - Klaus Handdonwerk
Request Type - Character Transformation
Request Details -  Merging together the dead and the living in a synchronious amalgamation of flesh, steel, and corruption.
Specific Request - Re-Evaluation of application due to using the wrong channel.

Concept and Original Draft

Klaus was a Shaitan Hexer that used spirits to further himself, making a deal with 5 Black Pages for the promise of power. This, in turn allowed him to manifest the Death Knight Armor alongside hating on the Glykin(now Serpentkind) extremely. This would've been a very good deal on Klaus's end, as this meant that he can just distance himself from Serpentkind and not have to deal with the consequences and reap the benefit of having more power to himself. Though, that is until the Watcher came. In the intense battle that follows Hecatoncheires' march to Geladyne's walls and as the dust settles and the living armor has been defeated, Klaus was left to die in the ravine beside where the battle took place. And as he slowly succumbed to his wounds, there was only one thought in his mind. He didn't want to die.

As Klaus was in his Death Knight form, the Spirits did not leave Klaus. He was truly a host for these 5 Spirits... And as an act of malicious compliance to pursue the impulses on what these spirits drive on, and the specific scenario of negative energy of having a gigantic suit of living armor walk up to Geladyne's walls, it was a perfect situation for these Spirits to Hijack the body of their host. And they did. That night, the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies of this Shaitan was changed for a singular purpose, To continue on. To Live.
And now, Klaus lives on as a Monstrous Abomination. Possessed in his own body, He continues to march. Not daring to return to Geladyne for the shame that he now has to bear. To steal from his own people to continue to live. This singular wish to not die is what is driving this Monstrosity to live.

(Original Application: https://neus-projects.net/forums/showthr...?tid=11123)
I mistakenly used Event-Applications instead of Character-Applications due to miscommunication on my part.

Appearance(Since this is a Transformation Application)
Klaus's appearance would be monstrous of course. His transformation stemmed from merging his body with his death knight armor, and due to the possibility of broken bones, his skin would be reinforced with a material like his carapace or the magical manifested metal that the death knight armor comes along with. I'll attach a quickly drawn sketch using Mahoraga as a base. But all in all, he still has normal sight and perception albeit a little hindered due to the several spirits that may or may not interfere with it. I would ask that speech is not hindered, though. I want to make him able to communicate, even if he is transformed and strongly possessed, he is still a man.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable)
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request
  • (Can spirits take over?) All types of possession run that risk, yes, Installing Youkai included. And it's close, but not extremely, because a 'real' possession means bending your will to the possesser, which you don't do when you Death Knight.

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  Grinding Sucks 2
Posted by: Trexmaster - 06-18-2024, 04:06 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (17)


There is far too much of an overlap between what finished, high level characters want to farm and what low level characters wanting to progress want to farm to level comfortably. Especially when the high level players are often incentivized to solo so as not to lose desired drops to other characters, as outside boss fights the bonus for having other party members (10% IDR) is negligible compared to the cost (1/4th murai gain + 25% per member chance to lose your item to another character, vastly increased fight time if others aren't ending/taking their turn immediately).

We have far too few items that can be crafted that are only obtained via the global drop pool.


Why it sucks.

Here we are again. Trex complaining about how much they hate grinding, yet they do it anyways. Curious!

How far have we come since the last thread? Well, Dev gave all non Terra Flamma dungeons extra spawns (1 extra mob per 5 levels) in the 5-60 range. It helped a little bit for the earlier grind so I must concede we have made at least some progress.

But why am I making a whole new thread again?

The most recent update, the Dark Amplifier, introduced Dark Shards as a desirable currency which comes, primarily, from random mobs that spawn with a suffix called Wrapped in Darkness that guarantees a Dark Shard. Some mobs were given a 5% drop chance but as it stands it isn't lucrative to target farm these specifically for dark shards compared to farming content you can more comfortably clear and hope for the suffix to appear.

This is a problem in that we now have yet another incentive for high level players to be farming content far beneath them and depriving lower level players the means by which to progress because someone's hosing down all the easily farmable mobs for dark shards. This isn't a unique problem to this update, either. Before it was for the sake of farming random drops quickly since the drop table, by nature, does not care what the mobs are. So naturally power farmers will take whatever is fastest and easiest. Thus when you are levelling, you are often stuck with the content no one wants to do, that is slow and tedious. Making the already slow and tedious nature of grinding for levels even worse.

"But Trex" you say, "You can farm an LE out in about two hours in Lava Lake!". Yeah. If literally no one else goes there for two hours. Someone else is going to go there, almost always, likely for that reason if not to farm gunpowder/dark shards/random nine stars.

Of course, as touched upon in my prior thread, levelling isn't the only issue when it comes to grinding. What comes after. Item farming. Is made extremely tedious due to the absence of determinism in how one obtains the majority of items in this game. The vast majority of items come from the global drop pool, with a very small number made craftable. Not a single non-puzzle item added post Korvara (2022 Q2) has been made craftable. We were at least given new material kits for the new materials, that's about it.

How it can be better.

I've already made numerous suggestions, including making more difficult mobs like those in the Minotaur Labyrinth have a much higher if not 100% rate of Dark Shards to make them a desirable target for those farming for Dark Shards.

Ultimately, whatever provides levelling characters a path to progression that wouldn't be contested by already finished characters is what we're aiming for. How this manifests is up to Dev. Ideally we'd get something akin to the Badlands Arena where you can farm mobs that only award badges + experience so players can always access something for EXP without competing with players for mobs that yield drops.

As for items, it's pretty straight forward. Making more crafting recipes would help alleviate the issue of determinism when it comes to finding the items you want. It would create more desirable items in the market, and reduce people's compulsion to bank swathes of almost never desired items in the off chance someone might want an otherwise uncraftable item. Another suggestion I made in another thread was to have dropped 8-9-10 stars break down into material to make other items of the same rarity, so it sucks less to drop the undesired high rarity items. Since Raremetal stopped being special as soon as we got a vendor that just sold you 8 star items straight up.

Oh yeah. And it'd be great to get the crafting recipes we're still missing from G6. Such as those for the hand-slot items like Ghosthands, Green Gloves, and the Bands of <x> series.

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