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  Solblader & Solcharges
Posted by: PossumParty - 07-09-2024, 11:16 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (12)

Hello friends! Hoping to get some changes into Solblader to kick it up a bit and speed up their gameplay. If you have any ideas please toss 'em in here! Mainly I'll just be going over Solcharges for Solblader and putting through some ideas to gain them more easily.

So, in my opinion, Solblader in its current form is SLOW! Painfully slow, holy guacamole. I do think it's a good class in all honesty, it does a lot good, but it's so painfully slow if you want to use any of its utility spells at all. Let's take a normal class that has similar things- Mage and its augments.

For 3m they can give you whatever enchant + elemental attack, stats, and magic on-hit related to the element. Awesome! And then we take Holy Sword, costs 2 Solcharges, and for that it gives you +5 SWA, +5 Light ATK, extra damage on undead, 3 times per round 50% light atk on basic OR offensive skills- that is pretty good. And to get that you need essentially 6m, 3m to Solcharge, 3m to Holy Sword. The same with Holy Shield and Wings as well- essentially you need 6m to use any of your cool stuff. Lets look at other classes and their skills - Bards songs, 3m. Curate, 3m, just costs 3m to heal, same for priest. Graft, Invigoration, Quickness, Malmelo, Sanctuary- etc., you get it. No set up needed, just whip it out. Now lets take a look at a usual Solbladers turn.

Solbladers turn: Solcharge (3m), Solsphere (3m). 2nd turn - Solcharge (3m), Radiant Splendor to upgrade sphere (3m, 3 charges). 3rd turn - Solcharge (3m), Holy Shield or Sword or Wings (3m), 2 charges). It takes THREE turns basically to get your start-up on Solblader. On that 4th turn you have 4 charges now to play with at least and can start actually fighting- if you don't want to cast any of your other buffs (which you probably do). It just takes soooo long to get your class' skills off. Mind, you don't HAVE to do any of these things of course- but then you know.. why are you playing Solblader?

For another example- lets say you want to use Solblader's heal and you have a casting tool. 3m to Solsphere, 3m to Solcharge to gain enough charges for it- then you can finally heal, another 3m. You don't get the best heal of it, but it's something. You can also use Star Parade- but, guess what? It takes 3 solcharges! So you'd have to Solcharge, solcharge, star parade, heal. 2 turns to do a heal. Whoof. But it can get even worse!

Let's say you don't have a casting tool- you can get it from the class anyway, right? And let's say you want the bigger heal from it. What does it require?
Solcharge(3m), Solsphere (3m). 2nd turn - Solcharge (3m), Radiant Splendor (3m, takes 3 charges). 3rd turn - Solcharge (3m), Holy Sword (3m, takes 2 charges). 4th turn - Radiant Solace! (Takes 3 charges) Yippee! It takes 4 turns to get your big heal! It has to be worth it huh? Oh- Priest can Mass, Graft, and Malmelo- all in one turn? Oh..

And so, I think Solblader just needs more ways to gain Solcharges. Currently you have Solcharge- gain 1-3 charges for 1-3 momentum (has a 1 turn CD), Illuminating Sol - You start with 3 Solcharges IF you're monoclassed (lets be honest, no one is doing this). Or Sapping Sol - If someone is grappled or KD'd you can cure that, do 60 damage and gain 4 solcharges. But that bounces back to the first problem- to do either of those its going to cost 3 momentum, then another 3 to do this ability- you're taking a whole turn to get 4 solcharges. And finally, once per round, if you use a Mercalan spell from a NON-SOLBLADER class, use pray, or get a critical hit, you'll gain 1 solcharge. This requires classes outside of Solblader AND ones with Mercalan spells to get usage out of this. You can also crit too, which isn't a bad option to have. Just you know.. its gonna take 3 turns to get 3 solcharges out of this ability- IF you're getting use out of it. Outside of these- there is no way to gain Solcharges. We gotta fix that!

Options I'm putting forth - I think any of these are good to put in, maybe even ALL of them to be honest.

Option 1: Solcharging - Generate 1 solcharge a turn. Simple, easy, good.

Option 2: Solsphere and Holy Aura - Whenever you step into your Solsphere, gain 1 Solcharge. Simple, makes sense too- your sun sphere is charging you up. OR, and this may be a better option- whenever your Holy Aura is triggered, gain a Solcharge. Your heal can give you this, Radiant Surrender, and stepping into your Solsphere.

Option 3: Wall, Speed, and Flash of Light - For Wall of Light, whenever you Guard, Protect, or Parry, gain a Solcharge (limit to once a round). For Speed of Light, whenever you Evade or Glance, gain a Solcharge (limited to once a round). For Flash of Light, whenever you use a Mercalan based spell, gain a Solcharge (limited to once per turn).

I think all of those are great options and have 2, maybe all 3 of them in Solblader would be a good option. They go into the class' fantasy well and play right into its playstyle, fit right in to the class. There's counterplay (get someone away from their orb, dont evade on them, hit their parries or protects, silence them). And it opens up Solblader to just not having to sit there and Solcharge up the entire combat. They'll still probably want to do it on first turn, maybe later on if they need an emergency heal for example, but they won't be locked into it the entirety of combat to just be able to use their skills. Instead if they play well into their class, they'll be rewarded with Solcharges and be able to more frequently use their classes' abilities. Yay!

I hope that sounds good to you! If you have any ideas or criticisms please let me know. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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  Micah Klein - Curse & Height App
Posted by: CuteRedCrab - 07-09-2024, 03:55 PM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - CuteRedCrab4
Character Name - Micah Klein
Request Type - Height + Ailment
Request Details - I wish for Micah to be afflicted by a Shaitan-specific carapace curse.

The main idea behind it would be that it, in a way, would replace Micah's natural clotting. Whenever she experiences an injury, instead of regular blood clotting, she has carapace grow rapidly within the affected area. This, while having the ability to make her last longer in combat, is excruciatingly painful. With this in mind, the carapace has the capability of growing wherever there is injury, from the smallest of cuts to the biggest of gashes, causing it to be in places usually not seen upon a regular Shaitan.

Given the extensive overgrowth of the carapace, which has the very real danger of taking over large portions of her body, cause her movements to become sluggish. While this extensive carapace can keep her safe, it likewise threatens to render her immobile if it's not maintained.

She'd also be 7'10".

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I just want this as a little special thing my character would have, with the added benefit of providing roleplay for people who wish to know more about said curse or attempt to cure it.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - I will be using the Turtle Shell armor as a mechanical representation of this disease. The extra momentum to get up makes her sluggish, while the defenses are from the extensive carapace. She will likewise have the Cursed Blood trait.

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  Age Request Below 14
Posted by: Ray2064 - 07-09-2024, 11:50 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - Yar4602 
Character Name - "Amande"
Request Type - Age request
Request Details -  There's not much to it. I'd just like to make a 12 year old character, mostly due to the upcoming wave of slum / street rat rp. I don't mind providing details if asked.

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  All Shards Donation Item
Posted by: CuteRedCrab - 07-09-2024, 09:13 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (39)

Just a Korvara-specific donation item that, when used, gives all shards in Korvara (Worxar, etc.) to the character this was used on.

Pros: Dev gets a lot of money, we get all the shards.
Cons: None.

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  Reusable battle items
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 07-09-2024, 03:57 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

let's be honest, grinding is pain, watching people farm 24/7 is pain, potions with non farmable items is pain

my suggestion, make all battle items non consumable, infinite use, limited uses per battle instead

Or, make all potions/other crafted consumables give stacks of 5 or 10 instead of a single use.

yes this is about gunpowder.

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  Shujin's random stuff
Posted by: Shujin - 07-08-2024, 08:59 PM - Forum: Submissions - No Replies

I have a couple of Icons still flying around since ages, that I never uploaded for one reason or another, but might as well collect them here as maybe some of them might be interesting enough.

Bloodbrone-esque items:
[Image: Bloodborne-stuff.png]
Bloodborne-esque clothing:
[Image: blood-Screenshot-3.png]
NOTE: I only put the first two in an icon state, the other 3 are previews but the sprites are included, I was just too lazy to icon form them, feel free to do so if anyone wants to.

LoR/Porject Moon inspried Sweepers, 5 Variations:
[Image: hjk-Screenshot-3.png]
Original intentions was to either have them as deeper Sewer Enemies for Meiaquar as cleaners, or as some sort of diving suits, or both. All sprites are done, but I haven't put them in Icon form yet, feel free to do so, or tell me to do so if you are interested in them, otherwise not really worth the effort.

Loan Sharks... But literally:
[Image: Loanshark-3.png]

Also all just previews, the sprite sheets are done, but not icon formed. Also wanted to make variations of them in Fang/sandshark color scheme but I got lazy. Will do it though on demand.

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  [2.88v5 (2?)] Reflected Damage
Posted by: Rendar - 07-08-2024, 08:05 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Traveling Warbler attacks Fūjin no Ryū (Wind Elemental) with Boundless Skies!
Fūjin no Ryū (Wind Elemental) reflects the attack back at Traveling Warbler!
Eviter! But Traveling Warbler parries the attack!
Traveling Warbler takes 53 Wind physical damage.
Traveling Warbler recovered 1 FP.
Traveling Warbler takes 77 Wind magical damage. (Kagero)
Traveling Warbler takes 77 Wind magical damage. (Kagero)

Reflected Damage is behaving.. kind of strangely.

Namely that you can parry your own attack, and then (if you, for instance, Firebird).. apply effects of such to yourself. Unsure if it's really, truly, a bug..

But Reflected damage is interacting very strangely and making it like you are, in fact, Attacking yourself. Rather than a proper reflection.

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  Thanks for the Rematches, Dev!
Posted by: Shujin - 07-08-2024, 06:47 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

The rematches are alot of fun and really challenging. I like this sort of content.

I would like to express my thanks for that.

I do think though, that it's still a little "Unfair", towards dodgies, as they can get very easily 1 turn deleted even through their buffs, when there are multipile bosses. While I so far didn't run into an issue with hitting very much in the rematches(just a few misses here and there, which is fine), I think we might need something for those in the long run. Not entirely sure how to do that, to be completely honest, without breaking other areas.

Either way, I'd like more of this difficulty-level content, as it's actually difficult to Solo without feeling to overbearing (minus my soft dodge bones being broken instantly sometimes, before I even get a turn)


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  Feeding The Back For Pro Gamers
Posted by: Neus - 07-08-2024, 05:20 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (7)

In light of certain things, both past and more recent, I feel like now is a good time to make this post and discuss a topic which I have had on my mind for a while.

My intention is not to call anyone out, make anyone feel offended, and so on. This is meant as an awareness check, and a discussion. I'm not sure if people are cognizant of these things when they happen, or have felt certain ways because of it, but have been unable to diagnose the cause; nor do I think some people are aware of its impact and long-term effects on the community as a whole.

Feedback, How To Give It, and How Not To Give It

Because an RP game is a community-focused environment, where much of the content is created for and by the members of that community, feedback is a very important tool used to gauge and communicate experiences we have within it. Experiences such as events, or player-based plot lines.

Honesty is an important aspect of giving feedback; your feelings should be clear when you express yourself. "I liked this, because this reason. I didn't like that, because that reason." Something equally important is Empathy; the delivery of your feedback determines how it is taken. You can be considerate of the receiver of your feedback while also being honest.

Both of these factors are important, because they are the basic building blocks for constructive feedback, which in turn is used for improvement. If your negative feedback is honest but lacks empathy, it is not much different from whining. Conversely, if your positive feedback is empathetic but lacks honesty, it stunts any chance to address your concerns effectively.


One thing to keep in mind is that when people create event lines, they are often putting forth a good deal of effort. Part of it is, yes, that they have a story that they want to tell, but aside from the good feeling of player props, they don't get any tangible reward. While it is perfectly fine to point out flaws, there are times where negativity and emotion overflows more than is deserved.

It's important to try to stay objective and balanced when you are formulating opinions, doubly so when it's towards someone else's creative efforts. There is nothing that wilts motivation quicker for the average person than vitriol.

There is almost no scenario, even if an event is a poor experience, where one should be feeling angry. If you are in the event with others, and discussing it OOCly (in a voice chat, for example), you need to be careful about letting frustrations run wild. You don't want to have a group of people work each other up into a frenzy and then let loose on the person responsible for the event like they just keyed their car.

This isn't constructive. It's akin to getting pricked by a thorny branch and then burning the whole bush. It alienates you (and/or your group of players) from that person, or even a larger section of players who might want to follow in their footsteps creating plotlines. When people feel alienated from others, they do not engage with them. When people do not engage with others, nothing happens.

Nothing happening benefits absolutely no one.

Of course, it is understandable to feel frustrated if you feel your past feedback hasn't been taken into account in subsequent events. Event runners should keep an open mind when they parse feedback to try and see things from the player's perspective, and make adjustments appropriately.

Time & Place

Feedback given as something is going on is, at best, not very useful. That's not to say that you shouldn't say 'whoa that was cool!', and such, if something that wows you happens during an event. The person responsible for the event is going to want to hear that.

However, if you're having a bad experience, the worst thing you can do is express your discontent publicly as the event is going on. There are several reasons for this;

  • In all likelihood, the event runner isn't going to be able to address your concerns. They're busy running an event.
  • Because they're running an event, it may slip their mind by the time it's over.
  • Your negativity may cause other players to become annoyed with you for ruining their good vibes.
  • It runs the risk of derailing the event with arguments, and puts focus on the OOC instead of the IC.
If it's something that you can state respectfully and can be an easy fix, for example; 'I can't see the narrate', or 'We're having some trouble with this battle, can I get some help?'. These are not necessarily feedback, and you should mention it! The event runner wants you to have a good time, I promise.

But if you groan in LOOC about 'this event sucks' or 'I'm just gonna leave, this is lame', that is not okay behavior. Don't do it. People who behave like this may find themselves being asked to sit out of events if they can't control themselves.


All of this applies when you're discussing things elsewhere, outside of proper feedback channels, by the way. It's understandable to be more candid when you're discussing things with your friends, but abject negativity has a way of flowing back.

If you dislike a happening, an event, or whatever, but you do not make that known to the subject, then you can't expect anything to change. Even worse, if they find out that you've said harsh things exclusively in private, it can have a greater negative impact than even poorly constructed feedback would.

Please be aware of that, as well.

I think that the majority of the community already lives by this without being told, but as this does crop up from time to time, I thought it would be worthwhile to put it to a post. Some of the contents of the post may be co-opted for an 'event etiquette' page on the wiki for easy reference.

Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts.

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  The Fog Is Coming
Posted by: WaifuApple - 07-08-2024, 03:25 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Simple request here, honestly.

Since GMs have concerns about giving Umbrals a translucent sprite at night, can we give Umbrals a little fog effect at night instead? Just something overlayed on top of their sprite, nothing too aggressive. That way you're not OOCly enabling weird, potentially stalker-ish stuff from people hiding but Umbrals get something for their main thing at night.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord