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  Meiaquar Suit-Expansion
Posted by: Shujin - 05-08-2023, 07:05 AM - Forum: Submissions - Replies (1)

Originally I wanted to Convince Papa Dev to have some mobster themed Dungeon, but I am not quite finsihed with the Icons and there is currently no real space where they fit in reasonably. I probably add a couple more soon. 

HOWEVER, those still work wonderfully as mirror shards, so I might as well upload those so far, before I cry to dev before he gives actually useable goons that I can capture to fullfill the mafia theme! (Bandits suck ass!)
[Image: download-1.png]

Shujin: Correcting, Animating, minor spriting
Kentaromiz: Everything else

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.rar   Mobster Pack.rar (Size: 8.16 KB / Downloads: 1)
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  Help I can't Jump
Posted by: Sarah54321 - 05-07-2023, 11:30 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (6)

[Image: image.png]

The pathway to the Wind Elemental Youkai requires the jump talent to get to and from. The only issue being if you are carried there by a party member, kicked or otherwise left behind, you cannot get out of the small island.

Please help door stuck.

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  Mechanation Arbalest/Dh qol
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 05-07-2023, 11:19 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (1)

Revolver raid cannon is a pistol....

Could we please add a option when selecting this trait, a little pop up, where we can select What gun type it is (pistol, rifle, or shotgun) and for flavor, 1-3 rounds

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  Arbalest Ambidex.
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 05-07-2023, 11:18 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (2)

Could we allow with ambidex-on that the Special armament be the main weapon and that it will search for a subweapon rifle/bow

Specifically because sometimes you'd really like your subweapons potential a lot more.

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  Blunt Weapon Parts
Posted by: Snake - 05-07-2023, 06:05 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

I don't know why we never had those. It'd be cool to have weapon parts for weaponry that you don't want to use when being a good cop who just wants to suppress an enemy without leaving them a bleeding, sliced or punctured mess on the ground.

Quote:Blunt Blade / Axehead / Spearhead / Bullets / Arrows

-2 Power, -3 Critical, +5 Weight, Changes the damage type to Blunt.

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  [v2.73] Wraithguardn't
Posted by: Autumn - 05-07-2023, 05:02 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Wraithguard seems to behave oddly compared to every other DR in the game, while passive DRs like Indomitable/Weathered Body/Voidveil etc. do NOT currently reduce the damage of unprotectable damage (Such as Poison/Bombs/Divine Eyes), Wraithguard is the exception to this, where it is specifically able to mitigate these forms of damage where other DRs cannot, making it inconsistent among every other DR source other than perhaps parries.

This might be intended, this might not be intended, I just wish for unprotectable damage to remain consistent in what it should affect so either outcome is fine.

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  [v2.73] Pulln't
Posted by: Autumn - 05-07-2023, 02:08 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Circular AoE pulls such as Scarlet Twister and Cyclone Spear have stopped pulling this patch for some reason or another, I've gotten them to pull under odd circumstances I can't detail, for the most part they are consistently not working however.

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  Ciara Aylward - Shadow Puppet Ability Request
Posted by: WaifuApple - 05-06-2023, 04:20 AM - Forum: Approved Characters - Replies (3)

Applicable BYOND Key - Maritime Strategist Apple
Character Name - Ciara Aylward
Request Type - Shadow Puppets
Request Details -  So, here's the idea:

If you've ever watched horror movies with dolls in them, this invokes certain traits and tropes of that. I want the ability to bring dolls 'to life'. Now, the reason this is in quotation marks, is that there will be no actual life to these dolls. In essence, I am asking to be able to use an advanced form of grimweaving that allows Ciara to puppet inanimate objects, only - like dolls of various signs, or plushies.

This would happen in a few ways:

She's able to move them around. Make them look as if they're alive by puppeting their limbs to move them around, so long as she's within a decent proximity of them (the same room, within view of them in SL2, for example, so these things won't be moving if there's no Ciara to be found nearby).

She's able to project her voice through them. It will still sound like her, which she may be able to work around with crude imitations of another voice, but those imitations will always be flawed. She's not a dialect expert, her voice, even trying to fake as another, will be uniquely identifiable. This serves as a way to make her conduct scenes in her head of two puppets perhaps talking to one another, when in reality it's all her and her imagination creating a fictional reality that to anyone else is complete insanity. It's all in her head.

The size of these objects scales the amount of focus it takes to do this, which is why Ciara would stick to plushies and small dolls, rather than anything tall like, for example, Kipbots. This will be solely used on her own possessions, too, as her control will likely have some basing in her emotional ties to the objects she is trying to puppet. The more attached she is to it, the easier it is to control. The less attached, the less hold she can find over these things.

These have no combat bearing, in this state. They have the durability they would normally have, meaning their best purpose in combat would merely be as distractions. They are not going to be fighters she controls, or anything silly like that. They would be much, much too weak for that, and the most they could wield is a kitchen knife, if you're lucky. This is hardly a threat to most adventurers, and is simply made to be an ominous bit of flavour.

Note, they do not give her hearing through them, or allow her to see through them. They're not sense extenders. Ciara would still see and hear only things she could normally see or hear. Figured I'd clarify that, as well.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I have wanted to do something with puppeteering inanimate characters for a while on this character, ever since touching upon her arc of insanity with dolls and playing god with her own imagination and a bunch of wooden objects. I want to have this arc have led to a tangible bond with the objects that were created in it, and to allow these creations to see more use as creepy, flavour things that will ultimately have little bearing beyond creeping people out and selling the kind of character Ciara can be, highlighting her ugliest flaws through how she acts with control over these inanimate things. They may very well find themselves used for decoy tactics and other forms of trickery that would come from vaguely humanoid shapes moving in the darkness (where Ciara is most in her element) with it left up to players to see through and put to work quick thinking to recognise them as puppets to ignore.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -
[Image: image-21.png][Image: Screenshot_2023-03-29_051850.png][Image: Screenshot_2023-03-29_134136.png]

The plot beat of Ciara and dolls has been one that has come up several times, and there is currently, in the Rune Magician cave, a collection of dolls that were created by her and sprited by me placed there. People have seen and reacted to the dolls, associated them with her, and they are her creations, based off existing characters that she knows and has ties with.

The woman's whole combat style carries with it certain focuses on darkness, that, while not using hexer explicitly, could be considered a form of grimweaving, and affinity to the darkness itself. This is further supported by her race as an Umbral having a specific affinity to darkness in not just resisting it, but getting more dark atk from levels. This is to say that she has a lot of ties to this kind of energy, and her RP has always seen her being a very emotional woman going through a lot of struggles, so it's safe to say that sentiment and attachment would play a lot into the way this affinity takes place, sometimes. These are sources of emotion for her.

Another tidbit to mention is the lore document mentioning necromancy as in essence puppeting corpses. If this is possible on a high end scale, controlling small, inanimate dolls like puppets is something I feel should not be much of an ask, in comparison. It is way less of a threat on the scale of danger.

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  Character Application - Kira Diragmos
Posted by: pooplup0987654321 - 05-05-2023, 11:39 PM - Forum: Denied Applications - Replies (1)

Applicable BYOND Key - POOPlup0987654321
Character Name - Kira Diragmos
Request Type - Character Ability Fluff, Weapon Ability Fluff, Affliction Ability, Character Approval, Character Weapon, Character Appearance

Request Details -  

a) A race based off of humans that are described as so: the race Frostborne, are individuals that are tall and muscular humanoids with white, blue, or gray skin, and icy blue eyes. They have a layer of frost covering their body, which they can control to varying degrees. The Lore pertaining to Frostbornes is that they are a race of beings born in the frozen north, where they have adapted to survive in the harsh, icy terrain. They have the ability to manipulate ice and snow, using it to create weapons and armor, as well as to freeze their enemies in place. Their society is organized around the principles of strength, honor, and loyalty, and they value physical prowess above all else. This character's gameplay is as follows, Frostbornes would be a physically oriented race, with high starting strength and endurance stats. They would have a racial ability that allows them to temporarily freeze their enemies in place, and another ability that allows them to create weapons and armor out of ice. However, they would also have a weakness to fire-based attacks, as their frosty bodies are vulnerable to heat.

b) The Ice gauntlets: These gauntlets are forged from the purest ice and infused with the user's own ki energy. It is incredibly dangerous and can freeze anything it touches. The user can also channel their ki into the knuckles to unleash devastating ice attacks, freezing enemies and shattering even the strongest defenses. The gauntlets also has the unique ability to create a shield of ice around the user, protecting them from incoming attacks and damaging enemies that come into contact with the shield. This would couple with my previously mentioned character and would act as a primordial heritage weapon that is passed down within the Frostborne lineage.

c)Traits and skills unique to this character: Trait: Gifted (increases all stats at character creation)
Talent: Inner Strength (increases maximum HP and MP)
Starting Stats: 20 Strength, 10 Dexterity, 10 Agility, 20 Stamina, 5 Intelligence, 5 Willpower

And some of these passive/active abilities if possible: 
Inner Strength - Increase maximum HP and MP by a certain percentage.
Nimble Feet - Increase evasion and movement speed by a certain percentage.
Body Control - Reduce the cooldown of martial arts and Verglas abilities.
Resolute Mind - Increase critical hit chance and critical hit damage.
Rugged Endurance - Increase resistance to physical damage and reduce stagger duration.
Mind Over Matter - Increase resistance to magical damage and reduce status ailment duration.
Raging Spirit - Increase damage dealt while at low health.
Focused Mind - Increase accuracy and damage dealt with martial arts abilities.
Parry Master - Increase chance to parry incoming attacks.
Master of Balance - Increase resistance to knockback and knockdown.
Ki Flow - Increase MP regeneration rate.
Elemental Resonance - Increase damage dealt with elemental-infused attacks.
Martial Discipline - Increase martial arts critical hit rate.
Liquid Nitrogen - Frostbornes have blood that is at subzero. When cut, slightly freezing and damaging it comes it contact with?

Dragon Kick - A powerful martial arts technique that deals massive damage and knocks enemies back.
Arctic Blizzard - Create a powerful blizzard that deals damage and slows enemies in a wide area.
Ki Blast - Fire a powerful blast of ki that deals damage and staggers enemies.
Diamond Skin - Increase defense and reduce incoming damage for a short time.
Chain Strike - Rapidly strike multiple enemies with a flurry of martial arts moves.
Frost Nova - Create an explosion of ice around yourself that damages and freezes enemies.
Burst of Speed - Temporarily increase movement speed and dodge chance.
Focused Strike - Deliver a precise strike that deals massive damage and ignores enemy defenses.
Thunderclap - Create a shockwave that damages and stuns enemies in a wide area.
Phantom Step - Quickly dash forward and gain temporary invincibility.
Glacier Wall - Create a wall of ice that blocks incoming attacks and damages enemies.
Perfect Parry - Parry an incoming attack and counterattack with a powerful strike.
Hurricane Strike - Unleash a powerful spinning strike that damages and knocks back enemies.
Frostbite - Inflict a debuff on enemies that slows them and reduces their attack speed.
Dragon Dance - Perform a unique martial arts dance that increases physical abilities and grants immunity to certain types of damage

And one Unique Skill that aligns with my character/race:
Absolute Zero: This powerful ability allows the user to freeze the air around them, creating a zone of extreme cold that damages and slows down enemies caught within it.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable):

a) I'm making this request because I wanted a character that could be deeply attuned with his martial artist/Verglas class. And this unique race would add to why my character would have such a deep affinity to ice and the way of hand-to-hand combat. Overall, it would prove to make the roleplay experience deeper, since my character would also have this stoic, resolute personality about him when communicating with others, but he would also be a string all or advisory on the battlefield. His appearance intimidating and unpredictable. Also, height would be slightly above average, and the specific abilities mentioned in the race bio are unnecessary ie. create ice weapons, and etc. since some of these would be within the Verglas class.

b) This is just something that further added to the plot of my character being a frostborne, making a special and unique item that would be specific to my race and class. It seems straightforward in its use and its acquisition would be at character creation, although require a certain level, and/or stat requirements, for balance purposes.

c) These abilities were requested for just eccentric playstyle within the game, being a prodigy when it comes to hand-to-hand combat makes him suppossedly gifted, but that could overstep my bounds. The passives/actives just added some fun and intense abilities for a martial artist that would switch up how a battle could go especially pertaining to my race specific abilities like Absolute Zero, Liquid Nitrogen, Frost Nova, Glacial Wall, Artic Blizzard, and etc. This is just more stuff that would also be supported by the lore due to the origin of my character. Many of these abilities would certainly be reworked, and not all of them would naturally be accepted, but they were cool additions i thought for a martial artist/Verglas

Roleplay Lore Supporting Request:

Character Ability Lore - Understanding the lore within the game that Verglas are disciples that live in monasteries of Hyoya, which is a harsh environment, training and encapsulating their abilities from the snow. And Verglas being martial artist make some of the passive and active martial artist specific abilities plausible due to their background, with addition to their snow abilities make many of the abilities listed viable. Furthermore, the appearance and certain characteristics of the race would be reasonable due to the training within the harsh environment and a deep attunement of a Verglas being one with the ice and snow, hence the hair, eye, and physical attributes.

Weapon Lore - the ice gauntlets would coincide with the idea that as Yuyan Verglas departed, he left behind heirlooms to his disciples that would be passed down to hone and strengthen. The abilities would work like other weapons that create smoke screens or inflict elemental damage with how it would work with ice. And how some weapons have the description of having auras, or physical appearances, this would have a rigid icy air coating it, due to its total imbuement of ice element within the gauntlets from Yuyan. It's not able to freeze on touch every time, but there would be a chance. This heirloom incumbent on the ki the martial artist is able to imbue within it.

Tid Bits - the weapon would grow colder, and ice would engulf the user's arms as its infused with icy ki, almost completely encompassing them.

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  Volcanic Hot Verglas
Posted by: Pyro - 05-05-2023, 08:48 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (17)

this one will be controversial 
but i really like the idea of dark authority-type beat skills
Channel Rage
1 SP
Passive (Can be removed, but not toggled)

In stark contrast to the traditionalist Hyoyan orders of the Verglas martial arts, some users of the art form have branched off to formulate their own connection with the spirits of hare, bear, and fox. Though, unlike the cold and frigid calm of a typical Verglas, these wielders of the martial style channel raw, unkempt rage into their actions. The spiritual energy they imbibe themselves with burns red hot, summoning forth infernos comparable, if not surpassing evocative mages.

- All ice tiles summoned by Verglas will now be cinder tiles with level equivalent to 25% of fire ATK.
- Ice Points are replaced with Obsidian points. These black pillars, rather than dealing elemental damage, will instead inflict slashing physical damage. Furthermore, when they are summoned on a cinder tile, they will spread them similarly to an ice point's ice.
- Ice Point Greaves now inflict bonus fire magical damage equal to 50% of fire ATK instead of ice.
- Permafrost now affects cinders.
- Winter's bite now applies exclusively to fire.
- Insulate now applies exclusively to fire.
- Crawling spikes will now inflict slashing physical damage, but costs 1.2x the amount of FP.
- Icicle spear will no longer function. Instead, it has been replaced with a fireball. This fireball, if using Ice Point Guard, inflicts 100% Fire ATK and 120% WPN ATK in a 3 range diamond. It will also leave cinders with level equivalent to 50% of fire ATK.
- All stances will have their relevant ice damage requirement and buffs changed to fire damage.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord