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  Volcanic Hot Verglas
Posted by: Pyro - 05-05-2023, 08:48 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (17)

this one will be controversial 
but i really like the idea of dark authority-type beat skills
Channel Rage
1 SP
Passive (Can be removed, but not toggled)

In stark contrast to the traditionalist Hyoyan orders of the Verglas martial arts, some users of the art form have branched off to formulate their own connection with the spirits of hare, bear, and fox. Though, unlike the cold and frigid calm of a typical Verglas, these wielders of the martial style channel raw, unkempt rage into their actions. The spiritual energy they imbibe themselves with burns red hot, summoning forth infernos comparable, if not surpassing evocative mages.

- All ice tiles summoned by Verglas will now be cinder tiles with level equivalent to 25% of fire ATK.
- Ice Points are replaced with Obsidian points. These black pillars, rather than dealing elemental damage, will instead inflict slashing physical damage. Furthermore, when they are summoned on a cinder tile, they will spread them similarly to an ice point's ice.
- Ice Point Greaves now inflict bonus fire magical damage equal to 50% of fire ATK instead of ice.
- Permafrost now affects cinders.
- Winter's bite now applies exclusively to fire.
- Insulate now applies exclusively to fire.
- Crawling spikes will now inflict slashing physical damage, but costs 1.2x the amount of FP.
- Icicle spear will no longer function. Instead, it has been replaced with a fireball. This fireball, if using Ice Point Guard, inflicts 100% Fire ATK and 120% WPN ATK in a 3 range diamond. It will also leave cinders with level equivalent to 50% of fire ATK.
- All stances will have their relevant ice damage requirement and buffs changed to fire damage.

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  Chimera corpse-eating popup suppression preference?
Posted by: tinypause - 05-05-2023, 05:13 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (1)

Having a preference option to not open up the chimera corpse-eating menu would make bonesawing corpses much easier for any chimera.

It would also `vastly` reduce any chances of accidentally eating the wrong corpse and then getting a mutation that bungles your whole playby, or depending on circumstance, your whole character!

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  Character Ability Request - The Hypotenuse
Posted by: Sarah54321 - 05-04-2023, 08:39 PM - Forum: Character Applications - No Replies

Applicable BYOND Key - HateFillsMe
Character Name - Hypotenuse (Real Name can be given, but they are a Shaitan)
Request Type - Character Ability/Artifact Fluff

Request Details -  

To be DM'd to a GM.

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  Medals, Stamps and Milestones
Posted by: Shujin - 05-04-2023, 12:42 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

An idea I thought might add a little additional depth to building, but I am not exactly thinking is a must have, just a way to tie existing mechanics in, with a little more purpose.

One thing that always bothers me, is when certain UI Elements aren't actually used much if at all, or feel unfinished.

Stamps I always thought to be odd, even in G6 already, was how the stamp system worked. In essence, I got the idea and liked it:
-You do stuff, you get a stamp for small Boni.
-You have limited Slots (36 total), so its another avenue to build your build.

Simple and effective. Whats Odd about it is more that we never actually had enough Stamps to fill the slots with, so the part of making choices there was never a given. You always just got everything. And Korvara that was forgotten entirely and now is dead UI.

Medals/Milestones are the little popup windows for one-time Achievements. You have alot of them, many being random goofy things, some being Milestones, some hard to get, some easy and you get them naturally. BUT

You have no way to actually look them up, which makes them up and forgotten quickly or you can not "Aim" to achieve one, its just happening at random. And its just achievements Visually.

My Idea would be to connect both things and make it feel a bit more rewarding, as people naturally get additional stamps from just playing the game and achievement hunting. Its fun!

How I think it would work if implemented:
-Add a greenbook/questlog submenu that displays Medals/Milestones You have and you are missing, to make it a little more fun you could leave hints on not achieved ones
-Many of the Mdeals/Milestones now also come with Stamps or Legend Ink Rewards or other similar things.
-The Idea is to have many Stamps, with tiny Boni, so that you eventually have to make a decision about which stamps you Equip making it part of the build.
-Not all stamps should be combat/stat stamps either.
-I am half tempted to also say that the stampbook would then also need a "Fruit" item to reset the stamps, to prevent too easy hot swapping.

Ideas what could be:
-Mastering each class could give a Class relevant stat (maybe one extra for Destiny people to be fair to them)
-Money Achievements could give extra droprate/Moneydrop stamps.
-Roleplay medal +exp stamp
-Tying medals/Milestones to Bosses with harderones giving maybe Legend Inks and some other interesting stamps. Like your level counts +1 (no Extra stats, its just for calculating effects, meaning at Lv60 vs 60 Orichalcum might find use. )
-some raw +1 base sub stats for Evade/Hit/crit/Crit evade or Armor/marmor, FP/HP regen, Raw HP/FP etc. could be given for monster slaying milestones or reaching level thereshold (Number of certain mobs killed or total monster slay counter)
-maybe some cool stamps for reaching level 6 in a craft, thats related to said craft to make it slightly improved. more crafting/cooking related Milestones, so people actually playing the craft alot get tiny boosts, over someone who just rushes to 6 for the sake of it (crafters rise!)
-Maybe even stamps that give like +1 enemy spawn. So like pseudo bloodsoaked, which in a party +4. Cause its fun to create your own challange.

Stuff like that. Its something you can rush, but will come eventually with time me naturally. Once you have a lot of stamps that all only do a tiny bit, you have to start making choices, and the system is easily expandable in future when new content is added.

Won't lose any sleep over it not being added, but I think it be a neat addition that ties already existing mechanics in that feel Halffinsihed or forgotten to begin with.

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  Evade Suggestion (CEL DR and Bellcurve hit)
Posted by: Poruku - 05-04-2023, 06:56 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Hear me out... We keep talking about glancing this and bring back evasion DR and whatever bell curve maths and such, but I wanted to add my suggestion that I think would not be frustrating to play against and would remove the need for gouging stats.

Instead of making hit and evade a direct comparison, we make them entirely independent.

There is no more evade value. Only evade DR and hit chance.

The attacker rolls to hit based on a bellcurve formula with his own hit. Skills and buffs can modify this chance. For instance, an evade buff or passive would mean attackers get reduced hit. This means you want accuracy even when fighting tanks, which makes sense. In actual combat, even heavily armored combatants will try to not get hit, but they will be far less effective at it.

50 hit: 10%
120 hit: 50%
170 hit: 75%
220 hit: 90%
etc. I dunno how the math would look like. But basically hitting high amounts of hit means good chance to hit but never guaranteed.

When an attack "misses", it applies evasion DR.

Your CEL determines how much damage reduction you get from evasion proccing.
10 CEL: 11%
50 CEL: 55%
so you can reach fairly good DR value with your CEL. Skills might increase this

Effects when an attack "misses"
- Defender always take some damage, reduced by evasion DR. So there is no "full evade"
- Skills do activate status resistance checks, but defender gains +1% bonus status resistance per evasion DR
- Weapon on-hit and on-crit effects don't proc
- Most skill effects that are guaranteed still activate, like fleur(?).

Evade from your gear and certain skills reduces enemy's hit value! Making your CEL more valuable. So evade builds would be centered around trying to have better chances of proccing evasion and increasing DR.

So for instance, maybe a guy has 200 hit, so his hit chance is 85%. The enemy has gear (25), a passive (20) and one buff (35) that reduce hit by 80, so he has 50% chance to hit instead of 85%. And his DR is 60% from raw CEL, so the evasion build is getting an averaged 30% damage reduction from evasion with, let's say, a medium amount of investment. Meanwhile, a tank build with no CEL invested would get about 1.5% DR from evasion in that scenario.

Balancing this part would be quite delicate but if the hit chance formula is solid and the ways to modify hit feel fair, the rest will fall into place.

Of course this is just an example but the idea would be that the common evasion build would be able to reach an evasion chance that gives them good DR without needing to focus their whole build around it, allowing them to get other kinds of defenses as well like good hp and DR. You just invest however much you want into each and it gives proportional results. 

It would also put an element of ever-present RNG to common combat which would make plays less "guaranteed" even in tank matchups.

Skill would still be an important stat, but you wouldn't need to reach a specific amount or compete with gouged numbers on the other side. So overall people would be able to put stats a bit more spread out and focus on what they want. If they want high hit, they can invest more and there's skills that will help with that, but it would never completely invalidate evasion.

Evasion ignore abilities would still exist, but since evade no longer requires going all in, it would be more like a nice way to counter evaders instead of a way to completely destroy their build.

You would probably see many builds with something like 50 cel, 30 def, 30 res, and a bit of evade buffing, getting decent mileage out of hybriding. Or super dodge+tank builds who are very tough but aren't untouchable (still need SR versus DoTs...). Or maybe a tank gets like 30 CEL and a little bit of evasion passives to complement his tankiness.

Overall, it would take work to fine tune the math and balance, but if gotten right, I think it would be a great way to future-proof the balance of evade and hit and reduce the unfairness of certain matchups. No more feeling like your build is completely useless, whether that's because you can't hit a guy or you can't dodge a guy!

Of course, everything in this post is up for debate and ultimately it is not meant to be a suggestion to be implemented as is but something to offer alternatives and a new way to look at the evasion problem. I'd love to hear your feedback and discuss it!

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  [2.72b] Unholy Diver breaks dancer tempo
Posted by: Poruku - 05-04-2023, 12:43 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

Every time Unholy Diver or Kick Play proc trickery, your tempo is reset before the dance happens. Very annoying, making the Dancer/DB archetype essentially impossible to play without great frustration

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Posted by: Snake - 05-03-2023, 06:34 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (16)

Rustic is now just a worse Reaper enchant. Can it get bumped up to +10 Power to compensate for the lack of durability?

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  [v2.72b] Knockdown affects hotbar
Posted by: Autumn - 05-02-2023, 10:45 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Currently when you are knocked down and get back up, your hotbar stops working when it becomes your turn again. This is restored upon using a skill in the skill menu manually but can get annoying in encounters in PvE against enemies that spam knockdown such as Gold Beetles or Ice Giants.

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Heart Devourer of Munch Appreciation Thread
Posted by: Skimmy2 - 04-29-2023, 06:48 AM - Forum: Fruity Rumpus General - Replies (5)

Maybe it's just me going through a nostalgic phase right now and trying to get back into SL2.
But the past 14 years of playing your games, for better or worse, have been a wild ride.

All starting with Mitadake High (And by extension SL1 not a few weeks later), in my high school years. (Not including a years worth of SS13 prior).
I was playing Sigrogana Legends before I ever even touched D&D, or any other TTRPG, and it has deeply affected my introduction into roleplaying and the genre.

So thank you big man, keep doin' what you're doing. 


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Posted by: renowner - 04-26-2023, 06:27 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (1)

It is my opinion that currently there's a big problem in terms of kiting in this game.
People do it to let cooldowns refresh.
People do it to spam long ranged attacks.
People do it to run out the clock.
People do it to let people proc die hard. . .

There are so many ways to escape, and not very many ways to effectively chase, without leaving yourself open or creating a stalemate situation. I feel that this leads to unfair situations that tend to result in players feeling. . Dissatisfied in combat.

If you lose to someone just running away all game, or win after 60 turns of chasing, its just not fun. It isn't very heroic, interesting, or enjoyable.

For that reason I propose a sweeping change to most if not all techniques that move the character around:
Namely, for them to have the same effect that charge and thunder steps now have.

The ones that cost 1 or less momentum, or move 7 or more tiles: Winged Serpent, Haunting,  Blink (Yes I want this changed), Aerial Chaser, Ice Skate: I believe they should all go on a 3 turn cooldown if you don't end up within 3 tiles of an enemy unit.

The ones that move less: Flip Shot, Retreat Shot, Parting Shot, Sidecut, Kagekiri, Shukuchi, Crescent Rook, Bright Bishop, Silcut, Aligminato, Warp Strike, Pinball strike: I believe they should all have a 2 turn cd, if you end up not within 3 tiles of an enemy after movement.

And finally I also think Create Shade should have a 2 turn cooldown. Being able to spam it endlessly is so easily done, cheap to do, and draws out fights like crazy. I've survived at 0 fp for a good 6 turns straight just spamming this until I had enough fp regen to heal back up. The range on it is insane, and its only 3-4 momentum generally to use. I wouldn't even mind if it got a three turn cooldown.

This leaves certain things like Black Bolt, Detogate, Mass Rescue; and Charge Order still able to kite potentially, but I think that's fine enough. . . Charge order is 3m so you can't really use it to easily kite for yourself completely. Black Bolt and Detogate can be dodged and require signifigant investment, same with Vydel. . . And Rescue is only useful in a teamfight situation, and still draws them all together which sets them up for potential area of effect attacks.

If this change is made, then a lot of high mobility techniques can be used as a gap closer, without people being able to spam them to run away. Now if you want to run away, you have to stack movement tiles which has an increased amount of counterplay available in terms of traps and tiles.

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