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REQUEST: Gothic DISCer |
Posted by: LadyLightning - 11-19-2014, 05:39 PM - Forum: Submissions
- Replies (1)
I was just thinking how cool it would be to have a sort of castle or vampire-themed DISCer
to use for our houses. It could have the Blackstone Castle floor tiles, like we see in the old
abandoned castle dungeons, and stone grey recolours of the Chaturanga floors and walls.
For furniture to craft, possessing this DISCer would unlock crafting recipes for the first
ever door in the game that's 3 tiles high and 3 tiles wide -- the Gothic Gate! It would be a
build-up item, of course, a la the bookshelves and stuff, and would appear as a set of dark
brown wooden double-doors, banded with iron reinforcements and hung with a big, iron
ring to use as a doorknocker, fashioned to look like the nose ring of a gargoyle head. It
would be swept to a point at the top, and the left and right sides would have part of the
stone grey wall texture on either side of it, so it would blend in well.
It should also have craftable gargoyle statues, and iron candle sconces for the walls, in
both mundane and purple-flame varieties. And coffin beds! ..And coffins stood upright, so
we could line the walls with coffins and enchanting altars, etc.
Would any of our wonderful icon-artists be interested in trying their hand at this? Brynn is
prepared to offer 50,000 murai to an architect who could ICly design something like this,
too, if that's enough incentive.
Party Settings: Turn Timer |
Posted by: Daisuke - 11-19-2014, 10:42 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)
I think it'd be really convenient if the party leader could change the duration of turn timers for everyone for those occasions when someone has to go afk and you're in the middle of a battle. Could be an option in the menu when you click your portrait in battle.
[Face Icon States] Please bring them back! |
Posted by: Ranylyn - 11-19-2014, 06:24 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (12)
Let me be blunt:
"Faceicon State" are sorely missed by some SL2 players. The ability to convey emotion through your face in the chat log without emoting the exact details of the curl of a smirk or the tone of pink of a blush go a long way towards enhancing RP.
These were removed a long time ago, with the justification being "Iconcrashing" where someone uploading a new non .dmi icon would crash other players if they didn't relog first.
Considering the faceicon state change REQUIRES .dmi files to work, this literally changes nothing.
In fact, while loading a new faceicon without reloading currently shows a skewed zoomed variant to others without causing crashing, partying/trading with someone who has not relogged still causes this problem, and some people try to upload new faceicons on the fly due to faceicon states no longer being an option.
Could we please bring them back for a -TRIAL- run, at least?
Cellsvich at Night |
Posted by: Rendar - 11-19-2014, 05:55 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (14)
Can we PLEASE get more lights in Cellsvich Square? This is just awful and well. You could get mugged sitting at the fountain with your friends surrounding you because of how hard it is to see shit.
[Board] Catalyst and Enchanting Shop |
Posted by: Xero Shade - 11-19-2014, 03:54 AM - Forum: Marketplace
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A single poster is magically pinned to the board.
I seem to have come into a overload of catalysts from removing enchantments from weaponry. I have many, many catalysts to bind onto a weapon, or armor, of your choice. I am the blue haired magus, who proudly displays his blue Papillion wings. It isn't hard to find me.
If you have a specific desire for your item, let me know. I'll see if I can find it.
(( Translation: I seem to have come into a overload of catalysts from removing enchantments from weaponry. I have many, many catalysts to bind onto a weapon, or armor, of your choice. I am the blue haired magus, who proudly displays his blue Papillion wings. It isn't hard to find me. If you have a specific desire for your item, let me know. I'll see if I can find it.||
Here's a list of the enchantments I have:
Otherworld Wanted Poster: 8 (Can Enchant: Armor | Increases Steal's success rate by 5%. Increases Security talent's effective level by 1 while equipped.)
Four-Leaf Clover: 3 (Can Enchant: Accessory |+3% Item Drop Rate (Enemies Only; Stacks))
Purging Flame: 4 (A magical flame that removes all enchantments from the item, including cursed and doomed ones.)
Ice Jewel: 1 (Can Enchant: Torso | Enchant Info: Increases SKI by 2 and increases Cryomancy talent's effective level by 1 while equipped.)
Flame Jewel: 1 (Can Enchant: Torso | Enchant Info: Increases STR by 2 and increases Pyromancy talent's effective level by 1 while equipped.)
Oath Sign: 14 (Can Enchant: Weapons | Enchant Info: All weapon parameters improve by 1. Cannot be dropped when losing a battle.)
Golden Wax: 18 (Can Enchant: Weapons | Enchant Info: Recover 2 HP every round. If at 25% HP or less, effect is doubled.)
Precious Stone: 15 (Can Enchant: Weapons | Enchant Info: Improves the statistical effect of the Charisma talent by 1.)
Warding Charm: 2 (Can Enchant: Torso| Enchant Info: +10% Status Effect Resistance.)
Wind Jewel: 1 (Can Enchant: Torso| Enchant Info: Increases CEL by 2 and increases Aeromancy talent's effective level by 1 while equipped.)
Ghost Killer: 14 (Can Enchant: Weapons | Enchant Info: Deals 1.5x damage against Undead, Ghosts, Vampires, and Possessed. )
Floating Feather: 7 (Can Enchant: Weapons | Enchant Info: Weapon weight is halved.)
Deathwish: 6 (Can Enchant: Weapons | Enchant Info: +1 Power, +5 Critical. Increases the effective level of the Harvest talent by 1 while equipped.)
Scripture: 6 (Can Enchant: Weapons | Enchant Info: Weapon hit is increased by your Faith.)
Soul of War: 7 (Can Enchant: Legs| Enchant Info: Increases March talent's effective level by 1 while equipped.)
Shadow Hole: 4 (Can Enchant: Torso | Enchant Info: Increases Packrat talent's effective level by 2 while equipped.)
Return of Vanishing shopkeeper's |
Posted by: kuronekosama08 - 11-19-2014, 03:14 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (8)
Okay I will be descriptive as possible two days ago I payed for a stall about 800 mura worth and set my shop keep I place it on the stall business as usuall maintaining it and such till today 3 mins before posting this message the shopkeep vanished so I thought it was in my inventory this was after I lost in a battle mind you crazy lv 57 phantom crypt when I went to check my inv for my shop keep it was just gone not in my inventory or on the stall not sure if there was a reboot the name of the shop keep was Nibaki's custom parts on the Beyond key name Anna Puma chars name is nibaki yuisen.