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  A shortage of rocks!
Posted by: Xero Shade - 11-13-2014, 03:06 AM - Forum: Marketplace - Replies (1)

A sheet of unlined paper is nailed to the board. On it, some rather fancy handwriting is scribbled.
I seem to have come into a shortage of items in which I need to continue my blacksmithing. I am not well known around the parts of Sigrogana, or anywhere really, as I prefer to keep my head down. But, now, I'd like to request the aid of anyone willing to sell this man angular stones, special rocks that can be used to sharpen a blade. I will be willing to pay approximately ten murai (10) per stone found, if the money is any added incentive. Just look for the man with mismatched eyes, and a red tattoo across his face. Or, you can paste something on this note and we can try to schedule a meeting.

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  Static/Non-Static Dungeon Idea
Posted by: Xero Shade - 11-13-2014, 02:40 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

So, I was walking around and saw that there was a castle behind one of the static dungeons. I was wondering if, maybe, we could turn it into some sort of dungeon that only is accessible during the times that Iahsus is in one of it's moods (particularly orange/red). The basic concept is that a land bridge would appear, connecting that castle to the mainland. The castle would have a 5 - 10 floors, where each floor has mobs that are two levels above the previous. So, say if your party leader was level 60, the highest level mobs you'd face are level 80, making things much more challenging. Also, there would be about ten mobs per floor, and each patrol has 'crazy' standards for spawns, as well as each patrol having two miniboss tier creatures.

I'd like for this dungeon to be a gauntlet. In more extended terms: when you go in, you are not able to go out. You can only go in -once- per mood shift; Normal > (No entry) > Red > (Entry) > Normal > (No entry) > Orange > (Entry), and there is no place to rest between floors. There will only be a spot to repair weapons, as it shouldn't be expected to traverse over 40 battles with crazies with only 40 durability. In response to this possibly-significant handicap, I'd like to suggest a 20 - 25% EXP boost for all creatures that are spawned within that dungeon. Perhaps, even, the effects of foods are mildly reduced to add to the difficulty factor?

To reduce on Arena's training day-tier lag, I'd like to ask that only 16 people be able to be present within the castle's dungeon portion at a time. I would suggesting having a center stairwell, with two doors on either side, in which groups can then enter. A maximum of four people can enter any door, and those doors then vanish/lock upon being entered by the maximum occupants, to maximize the amount of EXP they can gain.
Perhaps there could be treasure-chests as well, since it -is- a castle. I'm open to any other suggestions/tweaks that people might like. Just a brainstorming idea that I came up with, whilst dungeon-hunting.

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  Bug or Suggestion? No idea which.
Posted by: Xero Shade - 11-13-2014, 01:47 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

Just wanted to ask that you put this forum's link on the game versus the current one.

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  Class Combo Comparisons Can Crazies
Posted by: Trexmaster - 11-13-2014, 12:54 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (11)


Each class combo gets three battles.

TL;DW, the point is that mages have a /way/ easier time clearing by a long shot, and typically don't even risk death compared to most melee builds.

The first few segments can be skipped since they're self-explanatory (mages wipe the field, who knew.) but the melee fights taking nearly 3-4x as long goes to show things are a wee imbalanced.

You also might say 'melees are better at dealing with single targets' and to that, I'll say mage spells rarely even care how many targets there are, they'll do the same damage regardless.

In brief...mages are just all around superior to just about every other class combo in the game (at least for clearing PvE--PvP is a whole nother bag of worms.) They clear faster, they've higher survivability (because they clear faster) and they're generally very simple to plan with.

EDIT: http://i.imgur.com/S40hcUp.png?4 Linked for size.

For those not wanting to watch the video ^

(Repost from the old forums.)

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  [Curate] Silent Prayer
Posted by: Mivereous - 11-12-2014, 11:19 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (5)

Could Silent Prayer be changed to something that doesn't make it overly useful, perhaps:

4 Ranks at 5/4/3/2


3 Ranks at 4/3/2

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  Gambling Part 1: Card Games!
Posted by: Ryu-Kazuki - 11-12-2014, 11:00 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Currently all the Casino in Oniga has is Chinchiro; which doesn't give it much of a reason other than to play, or get prizes, which is the preface of this suggestion, but with more of an ideal to make it more desirable with new games to add.

It's very simple what I have in mind at the moment.

Kurojakku (Black Jack or 21 for those who call it other names)

It's essentially the same card game system but with some twists. (I'd icon a table and all for it, but I can't at the moment because my car's broke down and I'm staying at a friend's in order to get it repaired. And my computer is obviously at home.)

In the regular game, face cards (which should be some of the Sigroganan World's leaders for funsies) normally are a value of 1 or 10. Which can be problematic if you bust over 21. I thought if that need be; probably make it automatically so that if you'd bust while you have a face card, you can choose to devalue it to 1 to prevent yourself from busting; or when you get the card, you decide if you want it to be 1 or 10.

The Devil Ca -- I mean Joker. Or should I say Kinu? Kinu cards are like Jokers, which generally change up the way card games can be played. Let's say you get a Kinu drawn into your hand, right? You lose, no cuts, no buts, no coconuts. It's an automatic loss on your end if you end up with a Kinu (which is why it should probably be a lower percentage draw rate).

It's a simple idea for a fun little game to add to the game and the casino. If I had anything to add to it, I'll probably post back in here.

Also, could we get the casino games as craft-able furniture to place in our houses that way we can play it with friends (ICly or OOCly) in other places. I'm sure people like having gambling nights at the house from time to time.

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  Empty House Wipe
Posted by: iDarkCara - 11-12-2014, 09:44 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (13)

While trying to find a place I could get a house, I found several that were completely empty nothing changed. I eventually found a few open in Chaturanga but still.

Anyway we can get an empty house wipe//housewipe?

Community input requested.

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  Mercury Boots Teleport
Posted by: iDarkCara - 11-12-2014, 09:43 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

I noticed while using the Mercury boots, the teleport movement is very nice, but it still functions like a normal move and thus you have to spend movement going around something despite just teleporting.

Is it possible to get that movement modified to a blink style, where it can go a certain distance regardless of collisions? Or was it done this way for balance purposes//coding?

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  Phenex Wing Overlay
Posted by: Mivereous - 11-12-2014, 09:06 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: s9MvSK3.png][Image: ur2T6oJ.png]

From the front to the back, I suddenly lose my wings.

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  Soldier and Black Knight Suggestions
Posted by: Jay - 11-12-2014, 08:50 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

Some of these involve reworking current skills or adding entirely new ones. These suggestions are meant to inspire some ideas and consideration. I'm not expecting Dev to suddenly squish everything into wherever (and don't want that). The Soldier class is lackluster and it deserves some more love (and balance). If you like any of these or don't, clearly explain why, but other skill ideas would be appreciated. Keep it relative to Soldiers and Black Knights.


[Charge]: Gather your energy in a charge, which boosts your move based on rank for 1 turn. If you Bash an enemy while under the effect of Charge, you will move along with that enemy in a line, pushing them away and pinning yourself against them in the same motion,inflicting blunt damage based on rank. If you bash an ally while under the effect of charge, they will move along in a line as well.
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, 4 FP, Bash Charge Distance: 3, Base Charge Damage: 25% STR + 25% DEF
--> Rank 2: 8 FP, Bash Charge Distance: 4, Base Charge Damage: 50% STR + 25% DEF
--> Rank 3: 12 FP, Base Charge Distance: 5, Base Charge Damage: 50% STR + 50% DEF

[Thousand Stab]: Spear Skill. Pierce an enemy within 2 range with a flurry of stabs, dealing Pierce physical damage equal to percentage of your STR + SKI based on Rank, total. (Reduction from defense only applies to the total damage done.)
--> Rank 1: 10 FP, WPN Power + 15% STR + 15% SKI
--> Rank 2: 12 FP, WPN Power + 30% STR + 30% SKI
--> Rank 3: 14 FP, WPN Power + 45% STR + 45% SKI
--> Rank 4: 16 FP, WPN Power + 60% STR + 60% SKI
--> Rank 5: 20 FP, WPN Power + 75% STR + 75% SKI

[Roundtrip]: Axe skill. Line (5). Throw your weapon in a line, dealing slash physical damage to all affected. Then, the axe will return to you, dealing Slash physical damage again. (Damage reduction is applied to the totam amount rather than each hit.)
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, 7 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/4 STR + WPN Weight/6
--> Rank 2: Learn skill, 9 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/4 STR + WPN Weight/4
--> Rank 3: Learn skill, 11 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/4 STR + WPN Weight/2, Enemies will be pulled one tile towards you on the second hit.
--> Rank 4: Learn skill, 13 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/2 STR + WPN Weight/2
--> Rank 5: Learn skill, 15 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/2 STR + WPN Weight

[Skill]: Spear Skill. Line (1-2) The user lunges toward the enemy, aiming for chinks in armor or to create them, and jabs the target with the spear point, dealing bonus damage, with a chance to bypass defense (based on rank). If you are under the effect of charge, the lunge distance increases by its rank.
--> Rank 1: 8 FP, Bonus Damage: +3, 3% Chance
--> Rank 2: 11 FP, Bonus Damage: +6, 6% Chance
--> Rank 3: 14 FP, Bonus Damage: +9, 9% Chance
--> Rank 4: 17 FP, Bonus Damage: +12, 12% Chance
--> Rank 5: 20 FP, Bonus Damage: +15, 15% Chance

[Skill]: Axe Skill. Single. The user performs a powerful overhead strike, causing it to deal bonus damage and diminish the target's weapon durability (based on rank). Their DEF is reduced by 2*Rank for 2 rounds.
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, 12 FP, 4M, Bonus Damage: +4, -1 Weapon Durability
--> Rank 2: 14 FP, Bonus Damage: +8, -2 Weapon Durability
--> Rank 3: 16 FP, Bonus Damage: +12, -3 Weapon Durability
--> Rank 4: 18 FP, Bonus Damage: +16, -4 Weapon Durability
--> Rank 5: 20 FP, Bonus Damage: +20, -5 Weapon Durability

[Disarm]: Sword Skill. Single. When an enemy within 1 Range you are facing attacks you, there is a chance (based on rank) you will draw your sword and counteract, disarming their weapon and nullifying any damage. Prevents the use of the weapon in their main hand and appropriate skills for two rounds.
--> Rank 1: Activation Chance: SKI/4%
--> Rank 2: Activation Chance: SKI/3%
--> Rank 3: Disarming the target inflicts 10% hesitation for those two rounds.
--> Rank 4: Activation Chance: SKI/2%
--> Rank 5: If an enemy is beside you, there is a SKI/4% chance you can disarm them.

[Black Knight]

[Checkmate]: A heavy attack iconic to the Black Knights, using their heavy armor to crush and stun their opponent with power. On use, attacks a nearby target. If the attack hits, you deal bonus damage equal to your DEF, and stun chance based on rank.
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, 17 FP, 5M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 2%
--> Rank 2: 19 FP, 5M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 4%
--> Rank 3: 21 FP, 5M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 6%
--> Rank 4: 23 FP, 4M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 8%
--> Rank 5: 25 FP, 4M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 10%

[Board Shaker]: You slam your foot into the ground, shaking the earth around you and dealing Earth magic damage to all enemies in a 2 Range circle equal to your STR + your torso's weight, to a maximum based on Rank.
--> Learn Skill, 17 FP, Max Damage: 25
--> Learn Skill, 19 FP, Max Damage: 50
--> Learn Skill, 21 FP, Max Damage: 75
--> Learn Skill, 23 FP, Max Damage: 100
--> Learn Skill, 25 FP, Max Damage: 125

[First Law]: An object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a greater force. Black Knights are conditioned to gain momentum from bypassing these lesser forces. When you take physical damage equal or less than your WIL + a bonus based on Rank, you gain an additional +1 momentum. Requires Heavy Armor.
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, Trigger: WIL+2
--> Rank 2: Trigger: WIL+4
--> Rank 3: Trigger: WIL+6
--> Rank 4: Trigger: WIL+8
--> Rank 5: Trigger: WIL +10

Additional Comment: As you can see, my opinions on scaling and FP costs are completely different than Dev's and maybe others. But at a later date, I might end up reviewing other classes using the same perspective (glares at the heals).

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord