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[v2.93 v5] Cannon Oddities
Blowback Cannon and Buster Cannon have a number of damage-related bugs, corresponding with the Full-swing subtalent and Excel Crash interactions.

  • Blowback Cannon is applying 2H's Full Swing when applicable (Howling Handshot) correctly when used, but is not applying during the Excel Crash version of the skill.
  • Additionally, the Excel Crash version of Blowback Cannon is not giving a damage bonus based on how many excel charges you have.
  • Buster Cannon is not applying 2H when applicable (Howling Handshot) when used.
  • This was tested but Excel Crash Plus is applying to Buster Cannon correctly.

I am hoping that Blowback Cannon unequipping the weapon before damage calcs is correct, given I think that this is a very unique interaction and I am risking my current build's viability given I wouldn't be using Excel Crash that often. 
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
This has been corrected.

The two-hand bonus could be seen as a bug since it's mostly only happening because of the way Blowback Cannon applies its damage, allowing the 'reloading' status to trigger before it applies. I think it's fine the way it is so I've changed the other skills to work the same way.

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