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  Die Hard Proc Rate
Posted by: MothEnthusiast - 01-22-2024, 01:29 AM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Die Hard is a weird trait. The idea, at least how it reads to me, is the typical shonen protagonist "I'm not finished yet" getting back up trope, but... it scales off LUC of all things? It doesn't really strike me as a 'lucky' thing, nor is the requirement for the trait LUC. It's VIT.

I hesitate to suggest VIT being Die Hard's proc chance, but it'd definitely make more sense. Personally I think it should take the higher of the player's LUC or VIT, or maybe something like highest of LUC or FAI to symbolize some sort of divine intervention style thing. But having it JUST be LUC is very... bleh.

Edit: Or the higher of LUC or VIT/2. To account for everyone needing VIT.

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  Madness Mantra (True Name)
Posted by: Trexmaster - 01-21-2024, 09:38 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

As it stands Madness Mantra functions off the current displayed name of a player character/mob. This means that an alias will take precedence over the real name of a player character for those who might have their mantra set to a character's name.

Could Madness Mantra also check the real name of a player character who's using an alias?

That way if you say, have a mantra for a specific character, you don't need to constantly change it if their alias is changed to make it activate in fights.

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  Torsolessness Buff
Posted by: the REAL Minos Prime - 01-20-2024, 05:17 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (5)

There are classes that have some benefit from being torsoless, such as Evoker and Martial Artist promos, as well as the effects from Flex Off and Like A Dragon. However, as one could imagine, lacking a torso - or removing it from Flex Off - means you lack any stat bonuses, including evade.

Why is this a problem? Because Evoker and Martial Artist both benefit from Dodge, and as Like A Dragon synergizes with both MA and tattoos, it benefits from dodge as well. If what people say is true, torsoless has no dodge whatsoever, meaning a dodger just loses a large chunk of their already limited survivability just because they wanted to take advantage of Like A Dragon or the extra damage from Evoker's passive - and in dodge's current state, losing the massive buff to your base dodge that your torso grants basically forces you to either kite or outdamage your opponent.

Of course, having a torso without building for torsolessness should always be better than not having a torso, but it shouldn't gimp you just to take advantage of Flex Off/Pure Power. As such, I propose that lacking a torso should give a flat +20 to your dodge as if you were wearing a torso with an evade stat of 20. This puts it at a respectable evade stat that makes torsoless dodge gimmicks viable, but still makes traditional dodge-boosting torsos more viable than simply not having one unless you are doing a torsoless gimmick.

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  Spirit Entertainer, faith and Korvara
Posted by: zericosmic - 01-20-2024, 01:31 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - Replies (7)

Grinding spirits can be miserable, it's very easy to drain the whole world of white or black pages as a single person, in fact it happens pretty often when I go spirit hunting, unless i'm unlucky and someone ate them all before me, and the drought gets especially bad days after difficult events, black pages take potentially months to grind (but that's not the only issue black pages have, and that talk is not why I gathered you all here today.)

Spirit entertainer is a lovely solution to this problem, however outside of saving you hours of graveyard/crypt sitting it is not worthwhile to invest in from any point of build optimization, outside of for a select few builds, and as SAN can be beneficial to quite a few races whereas FAI can be difficult to fit in to a large number of builds, it's a lot easier to get as a FAI build..

From a lore perspective I don't think faith on korvara has anything to do with spirits, SAN at least fits the whole Entertainer part, given it's a core stat for a bard and scales sound damage, but you'd be hard pressed to find any bard picking the trait up due to bards generally having very little desire to invest in Faith.

On top of that I sort of want to bring up my primary problem..

A lot of people, just sit and wait for mental stam/ spirits to recharge/reappear, (me included) it is time that is just spent not interacting with the rest of the community and SL2 is a very social orientated game, it's not fun nor do I think it's productive for the community to spend time just sitting somewhere out of place and not interacting with anyone. To top it off, losing spirits is a very frustrating experience, to the point that some players will get actively angered at potential party members if they wind up in a situation which their actions cost another player their spirits, which I don't think is a healthy thing.

TL;DR: I would just like to propose the removal of the FAI requirement when it comes to spirit entertainer, I believe it's a stat requirement that is difficult to fill for most class combos, and I believe that Faith is a stat that lorewise doesn't really apply to things spirit related on Korvara. And lastly I believe making the trait more accessible, is more healthy for the social aspect of the game.

Now before any of you say white spirits are already strong, I don't oppose the idea of making more way to punish spirit users, I just don't think losing spirits is it chief.

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  Shard Count
Posted by: Raigen.Convict - 01-20-2024, 12:14 AM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - No Replies

Hear me out... Can we have an inventory counter added that tracks how many of each Memory Shard a player has BUT ONLY FOR THOSE MADE IN KORVARA... It would immensely help to not have to backtrack to nemalyth every time just to check while out and about searching.

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  Like a Dragon momentum bug [Version 2.81]
Posted by: renowner - 01-17-2024, 01:47 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

The 'Dragon Fist' status that you get for using the Dragon Gi's like a dragon set does not currently reduce kick's momentum by 1 when basic attacking with attack or sub-attack. In my testing, every single time I used my basic attack with Dragon Fist active, Kick always costed 3m afterwards.

I'm not sure if this is just a trickery thing, since I had 60 scaled guile or if it always works like this: However the status in battle doesn't mention that it lowers kick's momentum cost anywhere.

Additionally i'm not entirely sure its a bug, but using gunfighter's boots and a gun with Dragon Fist active does not cause you to shoot with the gun if the basic attack trickery applies.

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  (v2.81 v5 - EVENTMIN TOOLS) Mutation Does Not Work
Posted by: Snake - 01-16-2024, 06:28 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

The effects of 'Mutation' (Mutated enchant) does not work on NPCs, as if the weapon does not properly update its effects for the NPC utilizing it. There is not much to test about it.

Mutate a weapon to another type, and the NPC will still utilize the base weapon type for skills, not the mutation type.

Ideally, I'd love if we could manually change the type of a weapon, rather than counting on Mutation. And the NPC properly acknowledges those changes and uses it for the specific skills.


Things that alter the weapon in particular, like Gigantic granting +1 Range, also does not respected by the NPC, given when they're set to "Ranged", and you grand them a 1 range weapon such as a 'Manic Slasher', and grant it Gigantic, they'll only move 1 square, believing the weapon is 1 range, when for real it has 3.

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  All-Fight (Monk)
Posted by: Snake - 01-16-2024, 03:44 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (7)

The passive makes it so you, once per round, you gain more Ki when fighting multiple enemies. But it doesn't do anything else beyond that and a measible 5% damage buff.

This should do more to be a proper Main Class-only skill, so the master of making things busted is here to fix that problem, proposing...!

Quote:All Fight

True monks know the value of time and being efficient, and therefore try to deal with as many enemies as possible at once. When damaging an enemy, if that enemy has not been damaged by the Monk in same round, the damage is increased by 10% and it generates 5 Ki for the user.

Additionally, you negate Flanking bonuses from the enemy, and damage from Evasive Strike is increased by 50% of your SWA per enemy within 2 range of you (max. 150%).

I've adjusted a new idea below, check it out!

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  Face Icon Menu Scrolling
Posted by: polly - 01-15-2024, 10:32 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL) - No Replies

You know the little window that pops up when you click on the smiley face near the text box that lets you select FIs?

The one that requires you to click on the tiny little arrows to navigate? I think I'm not alone with accidentally moving when I miss it by just a few pixels.

It'd be neat if scrolling the scroll wheel while hovering over the FIs would let you switch between pages easier. Could give it a cool down of half a second or so, so you don't accidentally scroll past the page you were looking for.

The mouse wheel isn't really used for anything, so I don't think it would interrupt anything.

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  Upgrade Flamethrower (v2.81 v2)
Posted by: Senna - 01-13-2024, 07:27 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

This is a little harder to explain but it seems the upgrade flamethrower skill is not using the correct ranks. I could be wrong to what the problem really is however, I have the Debugs in the hope it explains what's going on.

Without using the skill

System: * Initial Damage: 156.9 Fire Physical, flags: , sk: Flamethrower (/obj/skill/flamethrower) , wep: Ilxx / /obj/items/equip/weapon/guns/magical_nova * play_atk_anim was . * 59 Evade VS 223 Hit. (Damage Hit Mod was 0) *2 Roll(s) Remaining. This one was a hit. GLANCE_CHECK_FIRST was enabled and the first hit roll was successful, so no glancing. * Critical check: Defender was critical immune or crit_multi was 0. (156.9) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (156.9) * amp_multi was 1. (156.9) * reduc_multi was 56.7815. (89.0902); MAG DEF, 40.23 PHYS DEF, 95 REDUC * elem_reduc was -3. (91.7629) * armor was allowed. armor_reduc was 12. (79.7629) * Damage caps applied. (79.7629) * Damage shields applied. (79.7629) * Final damage was: 79.

After using the skill

System: * Initial Damage: 48.3 Fire Physical, flags: , sk: Flamethrower (/obj/skill/flamethrower) , wep: Ilxx / /obj/items/equip/weapon/guns/magical_nova * play_atk_anim was . * 65 Evade VS 223 Hit. (Damage Hit Mod was 0) *2 Roll(s) Remaining. This one was a hit. GLANCE_CHECK_FIRST was enabled and the first hit roll was successful, so no glancing. * Critical check: Defender was critical immune or crit_multi was 0. (48.3) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (48.3) * amp_multi was 1. (48.3) * reduc_multi was 66.7. (32.2161); MAG DEF, 33.3 PHYS DEF, 100 REDUC * elem_reduc was -3. (33.1826) * armor was allowed. armor_reduc was 12. (21.1826) * Damage caps applied. (21.1826) * Damage shields applied. (21.1826) * Final damage was: 21.

The base skill is rank 5. The upgrade is rank 3.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord