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Total Control or None at all. [2.60b]
Certain mercenaries and other summons don't seem to correctly operate with Total Control turned off. So far I've noted that Hot Lips [Korvara] does not function with their Samba of Strength if total control is turned off, the animation for them singing the song shows but you won't receive the buff from them itself. I haven't seen any other mob mercenaries have this issue yet out of the new ones added, everything else on the Hot Lips seems to function as expected for it casts and uses.

The other summoned creature(s) that seem to struggle while total control is off are the Engineer Turret Bot & Medicopter so far that I've seen, the Turret itself will attempt to cast Bullet Shred when in the proper range, but no animation or attack happens on cast, causing it to put the skill on CD and waste a turn on it, it doesn't seem to use Bullet Spray either but this is less of a issue since I figured it did not know how to aim the attack itself.

The Medicoptor is the one I've seen that is more a issue, as when it turn comes around it will use every potion it has on itself for two rounds before auto attacking. I'm not sure if it just something that was coded on it to set it up like this but I was curious and wished to bring this to the attention on it.

I know leaving total control on is a simple solution to this, but I wanted to at least let this be known just incase others are grinding and leave total control off for mercenaries be it during a boss fight or otherwise, so they can react accordingly.

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