Quote:Speed Demon
Requires: 20 CEL, Escape Artist
Dexterity Trait (only one can be selected). You focus on moving faster than the eye can follow, at a cost. Nullifies ALL bonuses to Hit and Evade, but increases Evade gained from Base CEL by 1.5. Base Move is also increased by 1.
Quote:Hawk Eye
Requires: 20 SKI, Trap Spotter
Dexterity Trait (only one can be selected). You've naturally observant and very perceptive with your attacks, at a cost. Nullifies ALL bonuses to Hit and Evade (including buffs), but increases Hit gained from Base SKI by 1.5. Basic Attack range is also increased by 1.
Quote:Trained Endurance
Requires: 20 DEF, Die Hard
Physique Trait (only one can be selected). Your training was more focused on physical defense over magical resistance. Increases your Physical Damage Reduction from Scaled DEF to 1.25%, but reduces Magic Damage Reduction from Scaled RES to 0.5%.
Quote:Trained Resistance
Requires: 20 RES, Die Hard
Physique Trait (only one can be selected). Your training was more focused on magical resistance over physical defense. Increases your Magic Damage Reduction from Scaled RES to 1.25%, but reduces Physical Damage Reduction from Scaled DEF to 0.5%.
Quote:Healthy Physique
Requires: 20 VIT, Die Hard
Physique Trait (only one can be selected). You are more robust physically than the average people, which unfortunately is not a body type shared by many, therefore making your armor less fitting. Increases your HP by 10%, but reduces Armor and Magic Armor by 10.
Quote:Careful Striker
Requires: 20 GUI
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). You tend to think more before attacking, which can be a hassle sometimes. Increases Critical Damage by 25%, but reduces Flanking effects by 25%.
Quote:Mean Ganker
Requires: 20 GUI
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). You thrive on "teamwork", as long as 'you' are the one flanking the enemy. While Flanking an enemy, increases your chance of inflicting injuries and Critical Damage by 50%, but Flanking is disabled if you have no other party members in your team.
Quote:Brutal Striker
Requires: 20 STR
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). You don't think at all before attacking, which can be a hassle sometimes. Increases Scaled Weapon Attack by 15, but reduces your maximum Momentum by 1.
Quote:Armor Crusher
Requires: 10 STR, 10 GUI
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). Your strikes are sundering, but heavy on your arm. Increases offensive skill momentum costs by 1, but your attacks gain 15 Armor penetration.
Quote:Buster Arcana
Requires: 10 WIL, 10 GUI
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). Your spells are sundering, but lengthy to cast. Increases offensive spell momentum costs by 1, but your attacks gain 15 Magic Armor penetration.
Requires: 10 WIL, 10 GUI
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). You've studied a certain spell's incantation to its limits, but didn't seem to crack the code on others. Your first spell equipped will always refund 1M when cast, but all other spells have a 50% increased FP cost.
Quote:Lady Luck
Requires: 20 LUC
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). Sometimes lady luck tends to smile at you, other times, not so. At a (Scaled LUC)% chance on round start, you may receive a bonus (or penalty) to Hit, and a bonus (or penalty) to Evade equal to 75% of your Scaled LUC.
Lady Luck (Hit) and Lady Luck (Evade) are rolled separately to become a buff or debuff and also to be granted on round start.
Quote:Do No Harm
Requires: 20 FAI
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). You made a vow to never seriously hurt anyone, not even your enemies. Chance to inflict wounds is reduced to 0%, but the power of your Healing Spells is increased by 10%.
Quote:Blinded by Faith
Requires: 20 FAI
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). Your god take the wheel, you say, and so far they didn't disappoint. You may as well as be a walking testament that they do still exist and influence the world around you. Sets your Armor and Magic Armor to 0, but chance of Faith-based effects (Such as Pray, Devotion, Convert, etc.) to activate are quadrupled.
Quote:Last Stand
Requires: 10 STR, Die Hard, Ruled By Emotion.
Mind Trait (only one can be selected). You're hard to be put down when others are counting on you. Once per fight, in a fight where you have at least 1 party member in your team, if you are the last unit standing of your team, upon being defeated, Die Hard will activate as Last Chance and grant you immunity to damage until your next round. (For each Party Member KO'd you will also receive 2M.)
When this effect is over, you will be inflicted with Certain Defeat, Interference and Badly Beaten for 4 rounds.
![[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Lifestyle/ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg)