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House floors bugged ;A;
Hello! KitKat here. 

My house is completely buggered. I haven't lost furniture, but I'll enter a floor and it'll be completely black. It's not always the same floor as well. Sometimes it's the second floor. Sometimes it's the third. Sometimes it's the fifth. I don't know where else to post this, so it would be SUPER awesome if someone could get back to me asap.

Key/Slot: Katarine1420.slot2

Would be super duper A+ to get this fixed! ^u^;;
The next time this occurs, could I get a date and time so that I can check for errors around that specific time? Or if I'm not away on Discord, ping me in #gm-help so I can hop on and take a look at what's going on.
(06-16-2021, 05:57 PM)Neus Wrote: The next time this occurs, could I get a date and time so that I can check for errors around that specific time? Or if I'm not away on Discord, ping me in #gm-help so I can hop on and take a look at what's going on.

So sorry, will do that next time. Was unsure about pinging you, but good to know.
I am not the original poster but a mutual friend of Kitkatarine and I ran into the same glitch while they were building in their player house.  One of the floors proceeded to go pitch black.
Relogging fixed it once, however upon exiting and re-entering said floor the glitch reoccurred. 

Key & Slot: Effervescent.slot3
Date and time: 7/8/2021 5:07PM PDT
How to recreate: Walk into an extra level in a player house

Addendum: They are able to relog and enter the room without issue. However leaving and returning to it will cause the room to glitch once more.  This has re-occured at around 5:30 PDT. 

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