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SL2 Version 2.01 Update Notes
[smcf=body]Bonder Excel Crash
Added Excel Crash to 4 Bonder skills.
  • Riagri - 1; Enhances the first projectile. 2; Enhances the second projectile. 3; Enhances the third projectile. (Enhanced projectiles get +10% damage dealt. If they do not hit an enemy, and the final tile is a valid battle tile, it summons the first unsummoned Bonded Youkai available.)
  • Ritual Sword - 1; FP Drain increased by 50% per charge. 2; +25 Hit for the attack. 3; All summoned Bonded Youkai also receive the FP recovery.
  • Infernal Summon - 1; Impact damage ignores evasion. 2; Youkai always attacks, regardless of skill condition. +25 Hit and +25 Damage to that attack. 3; Impact damage increased by 25%.
  • Aliagmato; - 1; +15 Hit to all attacks. 2; +15 Critical to all attacks. 3; +15 Damage to all attacks.

Bonder Skill Additions
Added several new skills to the Bonder class. (Additional skills will be added to this list over time.)
  • Pinball Strike - Targets an empty tile within 5 Range and teleports to it. If there is an enemy within 1 Range of that tile, you attack them; if the attack hits, they are knocked back 2 + Rank tiles. Any Bonded Youkai within 1 Range of them while being knocked back will automatically attack them, with a bonus to Hit.
  • Shift Dimension - 0M / CD 3. Targets 1 of your Bonded Youkai in 4 Range and instantly swaps places with them.
  • Attention Please - 1M / CD 1. Clap your hands, causing all summoned Bonded Youkai to face towards a tile you target within 5 Range.```
  • Contract Uno - While equipped and in battle, all Youkai except for the first Youkai in your contract list will be ignored. (You can't summon or install them, and they will not count against you for the purposes of determining Bonder benefits. You can rearrange the order of your contracts list in the Companions menu.)
  • Contract Tres - While equipped and in battle, all Youkai except for the first 3 Youkai in your contract list will be ignored. (You can't summon or install them, and they will not count against you for the purposes of determining Bonder benefits. You can rearrange the order of your contracts list in the Companions menu. If Contract Uno is equipped as well, this skill has no effect.)
  • Parted Pain - When summoned, your Bonded Youkai gain a permanent status that increases their damage dealt by 15% and halves their Maintenance and Skill FP costs, but your Youkai cannot bring enemies below 15% of their maximum HP (Any excess damage that would bring them below that is ignored).
  • Hell Above - Main class only. When a Bonded Youkai deals damage to an enemy, you inflict Hell Above on that target for 3 rounds. When an enemy with Hell Above takes damage from you, the status is consumed and deals protection-ignoring Akashic damage to the target equal to 5% of the damage dealt. (If you have only one Bonded Youkai, it does 10% instead.)
  • Warp Strike - Throws your weapon as a projectile in a 5 Range line. If it encounters an enemy, you teleport to an unoccupied tile within 1 Range of them and perform a basic attack that does magic damage. Otherwise, when it stops, if it is on a valid battle tile, you teleport to it.
  • Grand Finale - Innate. Requires Parted Pain. Defeating a monster in melee range that was within Parted Pain's HP threshold restores 3M and resets Repeat Action for you, but your damage against monsters outside of Parted Pain's HP threshold is reduced by 30%.
  • Heaven Below - Innate. Requires Parted Pain. At the start of every round, grants or increases Heaven Below at LV1 (max 10). This status is lost upon taking non-status, non-field effect damage. Increases damage against enemies within Parted Pain's threshold by LV * 2%, and upon defeating them, restores LV * 5 FP, and heals all summoned Youkai's HP and FP for that same amount. Every enemy you defeat that procs this effect increases the maximum level by 10. If you end the battle with a maximum level of 30 or more, all allies gain 10% bonus EXP and 10% drop rate boost.
  • Sagum Ruinam - Summon spectral versions of your weapon that launch at all enemies within 8 Range, dealing its damage type as magic damage to them. Enemies above Parted Pain's HP threshold take only half damage.
  • Conduct: Plie - Targets 1 of your Youkai within 10 Range and commands them to perform a spinning attack. They will move up to 2 tiles in the direction they are facing, dealing Slash damage to all enemies within 1 Range at the start of the skill and after each step based on the Youkai's CEL. Bonded Youkai move 1 extra tile.
  • Conduct: Jete - Targets 1 of your Youkai within 10 Range and commands them to perform a rushing attack. They will move up to 3 tiles in the direction they are facing, dealing Blunt damage to the first enemy encountered, based on the Youkai's STR. Bonded Youkai move 1 extra tile.
  • Conduct: Avant - Targets 1 of your Youkai within 10 Range and commands them to perform a diving attack. They will move up to 4 tiles in the direction they are facing, dealing Pierce damage to all enemies encountered, based on the Youkai's SKI. (The Youkai will travel through enemies as long as the last tile in the line is a valid battle tile.) Bonded Youkai move 1 extra tile.

  • Sanctuary - Power changed to 1 * Rank (from 2 * Rank).
  • Ritual Sword - Animation update.
  • Infernal Summon - Animation update.
  • Sanguine Star - Now costs 4M. SWPN Ratio changed to 100% + 10% per Rank.
  • Scarlet Twister - Water and Wind EATK ratio changed to 50% + 10% per Rank. Pull effect bonus decreased to half of Rising Game level.
  • Blood Spike - Water and Ice EATK ratio changed to 60% + 10% per Rank.
Grand Summoner
  • Astral Aegis - Changed max Rank to 1. Now grants +5 DEF and RES if you have a Youkai summoned (no longer stacks per).
  • Splash - Changed to 6% + 1% per Rank Water ATK and SWPN Ratio.
  • Analyze Weakness and Enemy Evaluation - Now costs 6M always.

  • Youkai now face towards the nearest enemy when summoned.
  • Astrology's Starsign Selection
    • Easier to click the select button in the Occult box.
    • Sound effect and animation added to the selection screen.
    • Can close it without selecting a starsign.
  • Companions Panel -
    • Bonded Youkai indicator added to Youkai panel. (Grey if not available, blue if available, glowing aura if single bonded bonus.)
    • Dragging Youkai now properly updates name color.
    • Made the page turn buttons behave more accurate to the way the actual lists are laid out. (IE, down arrow goes down the list, up arrow goes up.)

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