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Plus Ultra!! [Boxer Changes]
It's been a while since people have been discussing Boxer's changes, mostly around Geist Schritt's mechanic. Most of the people stopped using the class for what it offers, which is the technique of playing and RPing as a skilled close-ranged fist fighter, that relies in nothing but their fists, unlike the other two Martial Artist classes.

But this relying on Geist Schritt only for the sake of a 50/50 gambling game, which rewards you with +3 momentum on win, but no reward for the opponent. Boxer's other problem, which is the extensive number of skills and the Skill Points management, and also some skills that doesn't seem to fit the class at all, or should have their mechanic changed. With that in mind, I'll place my suggestions below:

Geist Schritt (Eins/Zwei/Drei)
-Instead of total negation of the skill used, the skill should provide with a nifty DR bonus if successful, something akin to Stalemate's damage reduction.
-Should not give 3M momentum to Boxer if successful.

The bane of Boxer and what made the class so famous during launch, and also what's holding the class from being buffed. Gaining momentum in any sort of way in this game is extremely game-changing and can be abusable to provide with certain settings.

-Change the skill completly, from giving Hit/Crit to provide a boost Boxer's Skill power to 5*Schwarz Strum level, to a maximum of 40%.
-Give the skill a cooldown after the buff ends, around 3 or 4 turns, so it's prevented from being spammed.
-Increase the FP cost to 20 or 25.

Remember where the other 40% is, after Schwarz Strum was nerfed from 5% per level? Well, here it is. Scharfe currently adds nothing to the Boxer setting, as the class is entirely auto-hits, meaning no crits or necessity for hit. Sure, it could help against Evasion, or even combo with a Duelist class, but Duelists tend to not have a high FP pool, and the whole setting to increase your Strum requires much time that they don't have, making it not worth it. This change will give the skill more light to Boxer users, without being super oppressive, as the scaling on their skill aren't as high as let's say, Demon Hunter's Reaver. Evasion users can still mitigate this, and doomwalls too.

Schwarz Strum
-Change the innate to a one skill point requirement only, with the maximum Strum still being 8.
Once again, one of Boxer's worst things is their skill point management, as great part of it, everything seems to be really good. A few passives being changed to a one-point requirement would actually aid the class on that aspect, as they already suffer enough with Skill Pools if you don't focus on SKI or aren't Destiny. Even as Destiny, you would find yourself sweating.

-Change the passive to a one skill point requirement only.
-The max range of the winds would be half of the previous maxed one, in this case, 3.

Same thing as above, but it's something people have been placing at least only one point for the sake of the extra AoE damage. Said AoE doesn't apply (as far as I know) to the target, so why not make it permanently a three range instead for one point? It looks way better of a deal to me.
These seem pretty fair changes to me, especially the geist thing. Never made much sense that a boxer with no evasion could just straight up prepare for and negate an attack entirely. +1
I actually like those changes, considering that the main problem is taken into account. I am entirely up for those. +1
[Image: Chivalry_Medallion.png]
I like it. When I saw first saw geist, I figured preparing for a specific attack, which brought to mind damage reduction/evasion, not "negate it completely and have 10M next turn""

While boxers don't currently need more reason to be mainclassed (in my opinion anyway) thanks to martial arts and Weathered Body, Combo Fighter, etc, maybe the geist DR can get Stalemate (75% reduction) levels if mainclassed, otherwise 30% (Eviter levels) if off-classed. That way people wouldn't Duelist/Boxer to get around Stalemate's usual defense requirement.
My favorites so far on the OP are the changes on Scharfe and Geist Schritt.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Well well, some Boxer balancing? I'm in.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Pretty sure the whole point of Scharfe is so you have the option of NOT being autohit boxer, what with the change long ago to prevent SS loss on basic attacks. I'd rather see a boxer get another option or two for basic attacks than to just get rid of it.

Keep in mind, the game's not necessarily designed so that you can buy every single skill you want without destiny (even if some classes have a very clear superior option). No reason there can't be additional skills added to suit fancies and alt. playstyles.
I think Scharfe doesn't need to be changed, for example you can run a hit focused boxer as you brought up to avoid evasion, which is more than possible imo, now that evade is getting reduced somewhat due to a certain trait's removal, all you'd need is to spec into hit instead of power for an artificial damage increase.

Everything else sounds fine though.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
In my full experience of gameplay since Boxer was released, I have seen only one person who even built to be a basic hit boxer. While popularity is not the issue here, the thing is that these changes are made to reflect Boxer itself, not a certain combo like Duelist/BK with Boxer. I've seen many duelists who just picked the class to deny an attack and get whooping 10M from it.

Not to mention classes like Duelist or Black Knight really doesn't need extra hit/crit Scharfe provides, which is alot. Classes that are heavily focused on autohits doesn't have things like that and I don't see why Boxer should, other than I mentioned in the original post. Evasion could be a reason, but Boxer also has a knockdown, in which during pre-nerf Geist, you can actually do some crazy shit with it, things like Fegen > Felhook > Grandupper for insane amounts of damage.

It's not about 'denying cool gimmicks or setups', it's about giving the class more credibility other than 'heheh I geist, you lose'. And yes, I'm very well aware that you're not meant to grab everything and even with this change, you won't. Destiny or not.
At this point im liking the changes stated here for boxer. Im down for these changes. +1
[Image: Empress_of_Light.gif]

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