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Expanding Builds
The thread title is supposed to be a pun on expanding ice but I'm not very good at it, cutting to the chase, I think that Fox tree skills from Verglas (Icicle Spear, Crawling Spikes and Expanding Ice) should all be considered Aquarian Domain magic, that can be cast with fists, similar to Asura Fist, there are a couple of reasons for this:

-The massive FP costs of these skills can be mitigated by talents and tome pages, to great effect mind you.
-It would allow ice mages to sub-Verglas for the passives its brings, as well as let them cast these spells specifically with a tome (It'd be like old pre-GR days, where these skills solely scaled off of WIL and suited a mage's playstyle anyway)
-Offers almost complete build variety for anyone wishing to use ice as their character's theme, and wants to do so with Verglas.
-If a mage forwent STR and spec'd entirely into WIL, they can't bask in everything MA has to offer either, so it doesn't just make Verglas off the rails good.

For these reasons, I think this could be a good change.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Verglas is the most uncommon MA character, at least this is my opinion based on what I've seen all this time, for both PVE and PVP. More build options with it would further encourage its usage, so the opening sounds pretty fine to me to be honest. It doesn't sound like it'd end up crazily broken either.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
Like before I still believe Verglas needs generally a little overhaul to get put back up to speed, but I like the suggestion, atleast combats the MASSIVE FP costs a bit when you use the combos.
While I agree wholeheartedly with this, I still feel the rest of verglas's normal skills could use fp reductions, they're designed to combo after each other, using multiple a round 2-3+
I'd like to revisit Verglas at some point and give them a little once over, maybe add some new skills for them, since I do agree they feel a little bland and could be using certain mechanics better than they are now.
I would like that actually, maybe it'd bring Verglas into a new light similar to the VA update.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
As much as I love Verglas, I still believe Bonder is much more in need of such an overhaul. So while it pains me, I just say shove this a bit back for now and focus on stuff that really needs it.

Also now that I thought about it a little more. I think turning it into magic is a terrible idea. I much rather have it be a fist skill that can be used by tomes. Else I fear with the existance of 150% scaling tomes and +10% aquatian domain items we get a new level of min maxing which would make it dumb.
Not to mention the lore behind it, that it's not really magic.
And if you made it magic, you want Famiuga+ expanding ice final flares shujin?

Personally what verglas needs is more combo game potential.

-1m on skills outside the first is a good start, maybe changing it so that instead of being a , do 1 fox skill to get a discount on 2 bears it became a status for each that stacked, used a bear, fox and hare-1 ect for each of them.

This way, after using a bear, then a fox, bear would also be at -1 and hare would be at -2m. This could encourage destiny verglas finally.

example 3m fox skill, 2m bear skill, 1m fox skill, 1m anything else finisher. Keeping verglas scalings not as good as other fist skills along with an fp reduction would encourage this combo potential, making them competitive compared to demonhunte in combo land.
I said I do not want it magic. It should remain a skill. So stuff like that does not happen. I trust Dev however to come up with something, whenever he revisits it, and leave it as that.

I want my snowball skill though!
How about we don't let Spellthieves steal it. Yes? Excellent. That being said, please let us silence it.

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