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Critical Evasion!
I'd argue that if you "Evade" an attack it should not at the same time be a critical hit on that person. Lightning spells/Lighting autohits do that however and can get crazy amounts of damage even though the attack has technically been "Evaded".

I suggest that:
The lightning deals a critical blow!
Evasion! OOC takes 180 Lightning physical damage. (Crystal Rose)

can't be triggered together. So when ever someone evaded the attack you can no longer also trigger a critical blow. Makes also more sense, and makes lightning mages play a bit more tactical with knockdowns/cast.
Lighting is already ridiculously strong, it really doesn't need this ontop of it.
Lightning needs a nerf anyway. we've been saying this forever, lightning crits are dumbfuck powerful. Let's not look at buffing evasion, and look more at just nerfing the most over-used gimmick element in the game.

On the subject, MORE ACID WHEN
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[Image: mQMYHlv.png]
This is not buffing evasion though, it's nerfing lightning crits. Since this ONLY happens with lightning crits exclusively. So it lowers the percentage of when a lightning crit happens by them also needing to have high Hit if they want to full benefit on Lightning crits.
Else people could pretty easily abuse Axes/Berserker shell for stupid amounts of damage/crit chance with reaver crits, for example. Without needing much hit at all.
Yeah, I'm completely agreeing you. But, lightning as a whole needs a look at anyway. Hopefully, someone makes a thread about that eventually.
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[Image: mQMYHlv.png]
Its like Lightning has been a problem in the past somehow.

I still stand by my suggestion to make lightning criticals 50% of GUI instead of 100% of GUI, as they already gain bonuses from weapon scalings and elemental scalings.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I know, right?

But yeah, honestly I believe both could happen and it would still be very strong.
perhaps make it so that Redgull based lightning crits do more damage than those from the badge.
"Lolzytripd" Wrote:perhaps make it so that Redgull based lightning crits do more damage than those from the badge.

Everyone uses redgull anyway cause mage fits into almost every build and conduiz exists, this changes nothing Lolzy.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I agree with making Evasion proc deny Lightning Impact criticals. It's impossible to play a squishy against people who pack the good ol 950 Ryemei one-shots.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
As someone that tends to get fucking nuked every now and then with a flying thunderbolt of murder Redgull magery from across my range when I could have evaded and changed the tides of battle only to get critted, I fully support this, as well as the half reduction from lightning criticals from GUI.
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