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Strong issue with events
**Disclaimer: This post is not about allowing our alts to powergame.**

So, recently, it has come to attention that alt interaction in RP beyond casual things is strictly forbidden. While this makes sense in some situations that could bring up quite the annoying problems, it also eliminates a huge fragment of the fun in Sigrogana Legend 2. Why does this happen?

Alts, with the agreement of both parties involved, have been used for events. Both private and public. This usually happens because the GMs still deal with a harsh, real life that they can't really avoid no matter how much they want to, so event tools are a pretty rare alternative when it comes to making said events. Which is ironic.

As it was previously stated, it has been brought up that sort of self-support for creating an event battle is strictly forbidden. Almost all these times alts were used to create an event for other players to enjoy, a GM was asked for permission, and said GM would often monitor/be kept updated with the way this person is handling those alts.

Normally, this wouldn't matter enough for it to be brought up in the forums, but considering we're pretty low on events thanks to real life's influence on our fellow GMs... it adds a strong sense of dullness to the game. It truly creates Sigrogana Legend 2 into a full, 'slice of life' title that rarely has something significant going on for it.

Often times, when we desire to host events, we do it for our friends. Sometimes the entire community. We would just gather other people to help us if we could, but see... we also want them to be able to enjoy as a participant, and not just as an Event Character.

In order to try and alleviate this, a few questions must be made:

1. With the permission/observation of GMs, can we party with alts to create event battles for other players?

2. If no to the above, is there any chance of expanding the usage of event tools, for players that aren't the occupied GMs?

3. If the information is wrong, then could we be informed on what are the limits of alt interaction, beyond what's already on the wiki?

Of course, if anyone else has input on the matter, feel free to throw in your two-cents. Personally? I believe that allowing more alternatives for events would enhance the game experience.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
There's really nothing to be added, here. A lot of what I wanted to say was already said, but I do agree with the idea of allowing party with alts for, and only for, event battles for other players. No, I do not want alt partying to be valid. No, I do not want it to be the norm. I only want it for the capability of entertaining my friends.
I've never really felt the need to post on the forums; but with this issue becoming a...growing topic, I felt the need to give my two cents on this. SL2 is a great concept and it's still a game I've honestly felt I have found a place in; but with that, of course, there needs to be a continued stream of interest else wise one can get bored of the 'daily routine. There's always needed to been a balance between 'action' and 'casual', but that's getting off topic.

Events are meant to be one off, twice off, sometimes thrice off thing for devving characters and just generally keep people interested in what they play; but of course, there needs to be some kind of 'antagonist' or bad guy to work for in that event. But that can be severely limiting in cases where you don't have enough people for said event.

And that's why it feels like the entire alt interaction rule should be 'lifted' if only slightly. If it's a public; GM-Ran event where there's planning and major prep before hand? I fully see no issue with restricting the interaction between alts as to make sure one person isn't trying to get all the spot light and such.

But in private events, where it's more focusing on a personal characters development and its done between friends; say in a house space? I can't see where this would be a issue. The people involved know of the interaction; or rather, should be. In doing this; it both gives the players themselves the ability to entertain other players through such things. Have /actual/ character arcs with /actual/ development, go beyond the usual Cellsvich Square Casual or Arena Group Fight RP and make something fun for many to enjoy.

Not only that, but it'd put much less stressing to get more GMs. GMs don't have time or interest much of the time as /is/ to run events. If everyone started running to them in the attempt to find someone to run there events for them? It'd leave them even less.

Sure, there should be some 'checking' involved in the process. That's understandable. But RP is about making a character and doing something fun with them! But part of that is rping with others and that would be a lot easier if you're not, say, unable to participate in a event due to already being a villian. But having a character who would at least BE there.

RP is a great thing; its a tool that lets us create awesome, interesting characters which we honestly feel proud of, in great moments. And down with; in sad moments. We shouldn't limit ourselves only because of a rule like this; especially when consent is given on both sides. Sigrogana Legends is a absolute stellar medium for RP, but we can't let it turn into a...Slice-of-Life only sort of situation with the exception of the rare times GMs feel able to do a event.

Please consider this, and thank you.
I don't really see any issue with this as everything would be following the guidelines and strongly notifying the GMs of the matter. I think it's a great idea and it would allow players to bring something special to the table. As of right now I don't see many events happening to be quite honest and we get it, GMs can't always be online or have the time to create such events but that's where this allows us some freedom and creativity on a regular basis without having to hassle them. +1 from me.
Since this is litterally not even benefitting anyone specificallyin gameplay or RP in those cases, I see little issue aswell.

It's basically just another storytelling tool, and making it a bit more fun using the gameplay mechanics that are actually quite enjoyable when not abused in a minmaxing way to "win".

As with many things, I feel aslong as there is consent on both sides and everyone is aware and agrees on it/allows it to happen out of fairness actually. (Yes,sometimes given the hero influx of people in SL2 and how many "villans" there are and how massively restricted those are, it's not unthinkable that the heroes say "Oh shit, 8 vs 2... Wanna get atleast one full team?".)
So yeah alt partying to get game benefits? nah!
But to increase the enjoyment for people in events, given everyone is aware and agrees on it? Why not?
There is alot of work put behind it for the people leading the events anyway. Being able to fine tune each character in the event gives you only the possibility to actually make it fair and balanced much more easier, instead of asking friends to play the one offs with builds actually used for something else. (Most of the time much stronger than a "goon" should be)

I am personally also one of those people that really hates bothering GMs aswell. I respect that they do it in their free time and I feel bad that they would maybe even waste their time for it cause Events...Let's be honest, hosting them is rarely a thing that pleases everyone and it can be really unthankful and easily get out of hand at times not even un purpose, simply cause you overlooked a thing or RP post. I would feel terrible when I even bothered someone who was wasting is freetime for that. (Yes, I have low faith in the community to not be salty fucks.)
I'm not quite sure what the problems with alts are here. 'No alt interactions' has been the rule since day one. I've granted a few exceptions for very specific and extreme circumstances, provided the player is trustworthy enough and I'm keeping a very close eye on them, but that doesn't make alts anywhere near a necessity for events. Granted, having a large amount of players on one side makes it difficult to amass good numbers on the other, but that's a slightly different topic.

That being said, if it's a problem with players trying to pitch in on the combat side of events, that's understandable. Currently, the system requires players to party up a bunch of meta-abusing builds if they want to reach even half the level of the challenge GMs can throw down. I believe there's one or two suggested event tools (in the hidden forums) that can seriously curb this issue, though whether or not they're implemented is up to Dev and whatever priorities he has.]

On the side, the GMs are more available for anyone needing help for making/running events than you think. At least one or two of us are usually able to help someone, though our schedules aren't the most consistent nor constantly free.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
I'd figure making a pvp option that allows you to take mercenaries into pvp.

Then event tools to make custom mercenaries that can only be used in mercenary pvp could solve the issue for events.

Even without even mercenaries this would help players roleplay a proper bandit leader better.
I'd be so down for an option that allows Mercenaries/Monsters to be used in PvP. It can't be abused anyway, since you can simply 'deny' to PvP someone who's trying to cheat up with mercs, and for it being an option, obviously.

That is sure a very ezpez solution to this whole issue, since we only need alts to increase the number of combatants in the field more or less for fluff reasons. This way, four people who would make a team, could entertain four or more different teams with a filled up NPC mercenary team, it's a win-win and would make small, player-driven events easier to do for your bored buddies who want some plot progression.

(Another is also the possibility of Guard players use NPC Guards to help them apprehend (cheeky) criminals in places that have guard characters stationed around by default, like in Cellsvich or the Arena.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
This pvp option should also allow for items that summon allies like frost dog whip and barghest armor.

This would be helpful for anything goes middle of the wilderness unfair fights where one side does have an unfair (fair) advantage as the (something I've missed from sl1)

Dev could for instance make a guard item accessory or battle item Guard whistle that summons a random amount of guards at the start of combat or summons new guards at the battle border at the beginning of the next round.
You can seek GM permission for alt interaction specifically for events but obviously it's something that would get easily abused if it were allowed in everyday RP.

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