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Status Icons Disappearing after Leaving Party
It seems your Satus Icon for Prayers disappears either while in a party or after exiting one (I'm not sure which cause it but it's easily reproduced and has been around for a little bit).

EDIT: I'm fairly certain this occurs after the party is left, and that it's only a display issue. I had the Prayer Status activate/come back when in battle.
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Exxy Izzy
Disappearing while in a party would be wonderful. Your party members shouldn't be able to tell who you prayed to unless they saw the wemote attached to praying in the first place.
"Esther" Wrote:Disappearing while in a party would be wonderful. Your party members shouldn't be able to tell who you prayed to unless they saw the wemote attached to praying in the first place.

This is a bug report; having them hidden from your party members or observers is an entirely different thing (and should be a Suggestion, not taking place in a Bug Report).

Edit: No hate meant to this, but please refrain from posting unless it's pertinent to this bug.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
What I meant to say was, I don't think it's a bug.
It shouldn't disappear for the person who has it as a status effect, it's easily confusing and can lead one to think the Prayer Buff wore off before it actually should have. Now please stop posting on this and wait for Neus to write a response. Q_Q
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
Do -all- status icons disappear in this fashion?
My apologies, all Status Icons do disappear (this was done with Excel Charge(s), Prayer Status and Hikari's Blessing to be specific).

Edit: Just to be clear, they do reappear if you do an action that updates them (like entering a battle or, possibly - I've yet to test, relogging). So it's only the Icon being affected and not the actual Status Effect.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
This should be corrected.

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