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Chaotic Key
After the recent change to where Chaotic Key can be placed, the menu type also seems to have been updated to the same system pvp requests use. Like pvp requests, the menu does not have layer priority over your inventory, so activating it from your inventory makes you unable to interact with the core consumption menu. Unlike pvp requests, the core consumption menu does not time out, so you have to log out to escape this lock. Doing -that- will spawn a BDP with no core, which is likely not what you wanted in the first place.

In case this is unclear, reproduce as follows:

1. Open your inventory.
2. Right click the Chaotic Key, then use it.
3. You can not interface with the menu, and are stuck until you relog staring at your inventory.

Given that this issue happens with everything involving these menus, I'd ask if it's possible for them to pop-up over inventory/character stats/laplace/etc, like the old windows used to.

EDIT: In the mean time, type use-item Chaotic-Key to get around this issue for now. Without the inventory blocking your screen, the key should function fine.
This should work fine in 1.68c.

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