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[v2.80] Macr-wont
For some reason, for me anyway, with my macros here:

[Image: o60zCyt.png]

These will emote properly but won't show the face icon, instead defaulting to the first one, now this is purely a one-sided issue, they load properly for anyone else, but they do not on my side.

[Image: zPHiq12.png]

Instead just showing my default face icon.

As an aside, I have figured out that it flat out doesn't create the cache icons as well, which may be the cause.
Does this work if you do it manually?
This appears to be working now with my new FI set, I am unable to replicate this anymore, and I'm not exactly sure why, if I do Ill update the post and marked it unsolved.

[Image: yVdUSBZ.png]

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