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Limiting Reductions
Guard not working with Evasion seems like a good way to start it off.

Not many people in heavy armor have 'good' dodge, but I can see your armor class affecting evasion too.

Those two changes, alone, would stop a lot of the evasion shenanigans... but, magic will still be kinda gimped against VA's. Which I mean, is sort of the point, since Void Veil wasn't the .best. against magic. Unless you had good resistance to stack onto it.

With VV and Evasion alone you knock a say.. after item/stat res 100 sear to 35 damage. Which is kind of a lot, considering. That, alone, would make it be fine and 'balanced'. What makes it unbalanced is your item/stat res kicking in and dropping that shit really.. really low. Really quickly.

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