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Plus Ultra!! [Boxer Changes]
In my full experience of gameplay since Boxer was released, I have seen only one person who even built to be a basic hit boxer. While popularity is not the issue here, the thing is that these changes are made to reflect Boxer itself, not a certain combo like Duelist/BK with Boxer. I've seen many duelists who just picked the class to deny an attack and get whooping 10M from it.

Not to mention classes like Duelist or Black Knight really doesn't need extra hit/crit Scharfe provides, which is alot. Classes that are heavily focused on autohits doesn't have things like that and I don't see why Boxer should, other than I mentioned in the original post. Evasion could be a reason, but Boxer also has a knockdown, in which during pre-nerf Geist, you can actually do some crazy shit with it, things like Fegen > Felhook > Grandupper for insane amounts of damage.

It's not about 'denying cool gimmicks or setups', it's about giving the class more credibility other than 'heheh I geist, you lose'. And yes, I'm very well aware that you're not meant to grab everything and even with this change, you won't. Destiny or not.

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