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[2.72b] Strange bug with Eventmin Placeables Menu
When you log on your eventmin key and try to select a placeable, here's what happens

1: Spawner > change spawn type > placeables > ok
2: nothing happens
3: guess I'll try again. Spawner > change spawn type > placeables > ok
4: This opens up the menu on the left. A disorganized list of objects that seems like a totally different list(?)
5: You can use the objects on this list no problem but it's missing most of the items from the main list
6: After a while the correct menu will open (the one on the right). It just pops up as if it finally processed your first request.
7: Use the spawner normally

Note: This also happens with the furniture menu, with a different list of random furniture items.
Note2: Relogging brings up the correct menu afterwards. Perhaps this is reboot-based.
[Image: Ubp1pjU.png]

Regardless, it can slow down work for eventmins if you can't find what you need. Though of course a revamp of the spawner menu would be great.
The part where nothing happens is the game populating the spawn list. I plan to update this tool in the future, so just deal with it for a little while longer.

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