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  [Version 2.80 v3] Not Bait
Posted by: Cogster - 12-31-2023, 07:17 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

It seems bait for fishing has been broken for some time now? Apparently using any kind of bait to try and narrow the pool of what you fish doesn't actually increase or decrease the odds of receiving anything. This has been said to be broken for almost a year now though whether or not that holds true isn't really something I know. 

No. I'm wrong about the bait part. It's not that bait is bugged. After testing it a bit more. It seems that the Super Rod just doesn't acknowledge what bait you use, while the Old Rod does. Its the Super Rod that is bugged.

What actually happens is that you can equip any tier of bait, it gets consumed and you're likely to get the same results as if you had just used the normal worm bait. In 5 tries with Worms, I've gotten Large Eels, squids and trout. Yet in about 7 tries with Frog bait. I've only gotten TWO Pufferfish.
[Image: image.png?ex=65a4331f&is=6591be1f&hm=74d...f20334da3&]

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  Arcanist Mage Promo Idea
Posted by: MothEnthusiast - 12-31-2023, 06:04 PM - Forum: Class/Race Ideas - Replies (5)

I took it upon myself to rub my two braincells together and produce a spark. For what reason? I don't know, myself. Either way, allow me to introduce a class idea I had: Arcanist. A spellsword-esque mage promo with a heavy focus on short range, semi-low mobility, and high zoning potential.

I've always felt that certain classes are hard to properly personalize, so I tried to make at least a few of the skills easier to make your own, hence the odd elemental gimmicks. Also, if you're confused on what some aspects mean / do / are intended for, just read the rest. Everything should be self-explanatory once you've read every skill.

Either way, let me know what you think. Hopefully Dev thinks it's cool; I tried to strike a balance between unique mechanics and not being overly complicated to implement, should he so choose. I think a class like this would fill a niche that people have been asking for for a while. If you think a particular combo or skill is busted, I'm open to tweaking numbers on this original post. Also, good LORD I don't know what's happening with the spacing. Saving this as a draft has made it impossible to get the spacing between lines to work properly.
-- Offensive Skills / Spells --

Focus Flare - General Domain - Element determined by your highest elemental attack, dealt as magic damage. If highest is tied between two or more elements, becomes Null damage. 100% SWA, 120% highest Elemental Attack (randomly selected if tied for highest). Spawns a Focus Wisp on a random unoccupied tile in 3 range of the target. - 3 range, single target.


Guided Kaleidoscope - General Domain - D class Invocation, ("A stroke of the brush, a twist of the lens..." - 150% SWA, 50% of 3 highest elemental attacks - Connects a line of special tiles (based on elemental attacks, default Cinders) between each enemy and ally in the circle 3 times per, and splits the damage between the 3 chosen damage types upon enemies in the affected area. Spawns 3 Focus Wisps in the affected area. - 5 range circle in 3 range. If enchanted with an element, has a chance to inflict a status based on the element.


Focus Sigil - General Domain - 60% elemental attack - Travel up to 3 tiles in a cardinal direction. Upon reaching an enemy, stop and perform a basic attack on that enemy. On-hit, imbue the target with your focus, giving or powering up a status called Focus Sigil (Element) with a power of (60% of highest elemental attack) for 2 rounds. Once the status expires, the sigil explodes, causing the target and all other enemies in a 3 range circle to take protection-ignoring magic damage equal to the level of the status, with the damage type matching the element used for its scaling. Every 40 levels of the status also spawns 1 Focus Wisp in a random unoccupied tile in 4 range. 2 round cooldown.


Zakeru - Nature Domain - 60% Lightning attack - Perform a basic attack on an enemy in 1 range. As an on-hit effect, knock the opponent back 3 tiles and deal Lightning magic damage in a 2 range circle around the target. If enchanted with Redgull, this becomes a 3 range circle.
Jikeru - Nature Domain - 100% SWA, 100% Lightning attack - Target an enemy in 3 range, dealing Lightning magic damage to them. The lightning then bounces to the next enemy within 3 range, dealing damage to them and repeating until there are no more targets or until 5 targets have been hit. Focus Wisps can be bounced to without counting towards the target limit. If enchanted with Redgull, this damage can critically hit.

Gravirei - Isesipian Spell - D class Invocation ("Earthen tether, sever and reconnect.") - Deals 8 instances of Earth damage (120% SWA, 250% Earth attack, split between instances) to a single target in 4 range. Each instance adds airborne to a non-airborne enemy, or removes airborne from an airborne enemy, slamming them into the ground repeatedly. Each instance creates an earth pillar on a random tile in 5 range. If the target is magnetized, they are knocked down on the last hit. If enchanted with Galren, they are immobilized for 3 rounds.

Rupture - Isesipian Spell - 100% SWA, 120% Earth Attack - Target a 1 range circle in 2 range and deal Earth magic damage to all enemies inside. Dense tiles in this area created by you or an ally are destroyed, increasing this spell's damage by 5% per tile destroyed. If enchanted with Galren, the tiles instead have their duration reduced by 2 turns.

Crystal Garden - Aquarian Spell - 60% Ice attack - Perform a basic attack on an enemy in 1 range. On-hit, warp to a random empty tile in 1 range of the enemy, deal armor-ignoring Ice magic damage and leave an Ice Statue in the tile you struck from, and in 2 random tiles in 3 range. Tiles with statues also come with Ice Sheets. If enchanted with Kraken, create an additional statue. Statues made this way last for 3 rounds. 2 round cooldown.

Frosted Angels - Aquarian Spell - 100% SWA, 80% Ice attack - Deals Ice magic damage to every enemy within 1 tile of an Ice Statue. For every additional statue near the target past the first, increase the damage by 10%. If enchanted with Kraken, this increases to every enemy within 2 tiles of a statue. 2 round cooldown.

Wind Grip - Sylphid Spell - 60% Wind attack - Target an enemy in 3 range, dealing armor-ignoring Wind magic damage to them and pulling them to the tile in front of you. If the target reaches the correct tile, you perform a basic attack and grapple them. This does not apply additional Grapple effects. If enchanted with Talvyd, the range is increased to 5 tiles.

Nersbattere - Nerifian Spell - 60% Fire attack - Target 2 locations. The first must be a grappled enemy in 1 range. The second must be a tile in 1 range. Grab the enemy and swing them in the direction you selected, then push them along 4 tiles. At the end of the push, or until you meet a solid object or mob, dealing 225% Scaled STR blunt physical damage to them and 60% armor-ignoring Fire magical damage in a 2 range cone. If the target is slammed into a mob or dense tile, the blunt damage is increased by 20%. If enchanted with Nerhaven, leave cinder tiles in the explosion cone equal to 75% of your fire attack. 3 round cooldown.

Sky Blaze - Nerifian Spell - 100% SWA, 120% Fire attack - Target an airborne enemy in 6 range. Leap to that target, becoming airborne if you are not already. Deals Fire magic damage to the target and knocks them down. If enchanted with Nerhaven, end their airborne status and increase the damage by 10%.

-- Utilities / Support --

Wisp Conjuration - 1M, Utility - Target an empty tile in 6 range and create a Focus Wisp on that tile. If enchanted with an element, also create a special tile based on that element. (Tiles - Fire: cinder, Ice: ice sheet, Earth: Earth pillar?, lightning: shock tile, wind: air shaft)
Expanded Domain - General Domain Utility spell - Target a tile in 6 range and spread its tile effects (cinders, ice sheets, etc) that were created by you or an ally in a 3 range circle around the target tile. Tile strength remains the same and tile duration increases by 3 turns. Dense tiles targeted only spread to 5 additional random tiles within the area, as opposed to filling out the entire area. 2 round cooldown.
Snap Cast - 2M, Utility skill - Prepare a spell in advance. Give you the 'Prepared Spell' status, which reduces the Momentum cost of your next spell by 2, to a minimum of 1. Lasts for 3 rounds, or until used. 2 round cooldown.
Guiding Lights - Mercalan Domain Support spell - Consume all of your Focus Wisps, healing yourself for 25 + (50% of Light Attack) per Wisp consumed. Allies are healed for each Wisp within 1 tile of them.
Enchant Null - 2M, Utility spell - Sometimes, you make the wrong call. When used, removes your currently active Elemental enchant. (Nerhaven, Talvyd, Redgull, Galren, Kraken)
Enchant Renewal - Support spell - It's easier to repair than replace. Increases the duration of enchantment and transformation statuses of a target in 4 range by 3 rounds. 2 round cooldown.
Will'o'Wisp - Utility buff skill - Apply the Wisp Calling status to yourself, nullifying the effects of Arcane Blade, but giving your weapons the following effect: On-hit, 50% chance to spawn a Focus Wisp on a random tile in 4 range. Status lasts 3 rounds.
Cloud Envy - 1M Utility Sylphid spell - Not everything is better on the ground. Target yourself or a target in 6 range and make them airborne. Cooldown is reduced by 1 for every Focus Wisp on the field. 10 round cooldown.
Screaming Cant - Huggessoan Support spell - D'atram midarma. Target yourself or an ally in 4 range, curing them of Silence and/or giving them Conditional Immunity (Silence) for 4 rounds. If Silence was cured this way, deal 40 protection-ignoring Sound and Darkness magic damage to them.
Conditional Immunity (Silence) makes the target immune to the Silence status, but ends prematurely if they begin an Invocation. 4 round cooldown.

-- Passives / Innates --
Arcane Blade - Innate When attacking or using a skill that applies on-hit effects, if there is a Focus Wisp in 6 range of your target, consume it and apply your on-hit effects a second time. Only applies once per attack. Excel weapon effects do not apply twice.
Spell Clash - Passive - Parry skill. When attacked from the front by a spell, you have a 25 + (Scaled RES/2)% chance to parry the spell, reducing the damage by 50%. Each spell parried this way costs 5 FP. Does not function when silenced. Can be toggled on and off.
Focus Wisp - Innate - Skills and spells that create Focus Wisps will not do so without this skill. Focus Wisps are battle objects (like Papilion Butterflies) that move 3 tiles towards the nearest enemy every turn. They cannot occupy the same tile as another Wisp. Every Wisp within 1 tile of an enemy deals 15 protection-ignoring Akashic damage at the start of each round. Focus Wisps have 10 HP, can be attacked, are not dense, and have a Hardness of 1. If Arcanist is your Main Class, Focus Wisp's Hardness is 2 instead.
Arcane Prowess - Passive - Anything's a casting tool if you throw enough focus at it. Your mainhand weapon counts as a casting tool regardless of weapon type or enchantment, but its SWA is considered 40% lower when casting spells with it. Main Class only.
Spell Hardening - Innate - You're used to being cooked by your own magical mistakes. Increases WIL and RES by rank. (Max 3 ranks for 3/3 WIL/RES)
Shielding Crest - Innate - Magic is a source of power for you, and serves to harden your body against magic and strikes alike. For every positive status you have, increases your Magic Armor by 1. For every 3 positive statuses, increases your Armor by 1.

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  Invention Request - Helping Hands
Posted by: CabbitNet - 12-30-2023, 07:48 PM - Forum: Applications - No Replies

Applicable BYOND Key - CabbitNet

Character Name - Tiara Terrarria

Request Type - New Technology

Request Details - Due to the studying of golems of Geladyne mines trying to replicate such and also trying to get myself an assistant via trade of robotics with Meiaquar. I have decided to go another venture using the knowledge of the things I studied to create A deferent type of Prosthetic arm. To Act as an assistant to hold things or to operate tools I Desired to try using Arm Prosthetics that do not need to be attached Fully to the body in order to work.

These Extra set of arms would be attached to the back of the shoulder and would reach down along the armpit to give easier use. These Arms are not strong enough to use weapons or be able to do advanced things such as fine detailed work. Things like holding a table or holding tools and using them for minor work Would fall more under it's categories.

How I explain my prosthetics to work require a bit of focus and training to use your focus to control the flow of the limbs within the prosthetics. Having extra ones however will mean using more focus to control them and also Allot more Brain power to use all four limbs at once "This includes your own hands."

The reasoning behind making such a Thing is actually very themed to her lifestyle and also to in her hopes help her with advancing her Knowledge in the field of Prosthetics to see if she can create Prosthetic Wings in the future for those that once lost there wings.

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  [v2.80 v3] Korvara Ice Palace Battle Map Bug
Posted by: Vivi - 12-30-2023, 03:11 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)


Earlier today I encountered a regular bug when beginning combat in any part of the Ice Palace, the lv40-60 Korvara dungeon. It was easily repeatable and occurred every single time we repeated the conditions, but wouldn't occur any other time.

Whenever starting a battle in the dungeon, if it was a back attack, it would spawn us off of the map and show us a scene of a different part of the dungeon, as shown in the image I've dropped in here. At the end of the first round of combat the game would register us as being out of bounds and send us to the "proper" battle map, so it was a temporary, but occurred every single time. We tested it a bit and this would occur in any area of the dungeon and only if the fight began as a back attack.

I've been informed there used to be an issue with the whistle (jade insect whistle, I think) and back attacks doing something similar, but our party composition didn't have that. We did have a Bard/Performer though, so I'm not sure if there's a connection there.

[Image: 16FKIJ5.png]

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  [v2.80 v3] Jade Insect Whistle - Incorrect Material Kit
Posted by: Vivi - 12-27-2023, 02:51 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)


I have a fairly normal jade insect whistle made out of iron, a metal material. When I tried to use an alchemy material kit to change it to a different kind of metal (fossil, although I tried a few other kinds) it wasn't included on the list of options. I am however able to use alchemy kits to change it off of a metal and into a tome page, tested with a kraken chapter kit.

I assume this is a weird interaction by virtue of it being a tome and as far as I know all other tomes use pages instead. I've been told other people have successfully used alchemy kits to change the jade insect whistle into other kinds of metals so this might be isolated to just me.

- as a small edit, just to clarify, this is a crafted jade insect whistle, not the other one which starts with its material being a tome page.

[Image: M5g7UzM.png]

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  [2.80] Volume Upn't
Posted by: Rendar - 12-27-2023, 04:26 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Volume up states that it increases the range of Bard class song skills.

Performer is affected by the increased range for things like Pied Piper, however Dark Bard's songs do not have their range increased (Circle, or tile range otherwise).

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  Make Curtain Call a Dance Skill
Posted by: caliaca - 12-27-2023, 03:32 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (2)

So it can crit/benefits from tempo damage increase. Why does it not already do this

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  Class Stat Passives (For everyone)
Posted by: Autumn - 12-25-2023, 09:46 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (17)

There are multiple classes that have been caught between very old class design and newer class design that have been glossed over entirely when it comes to having stat passives, they help a lot in planning out characters so once again I'm asking for passives to be implemented for the following classes, with suggestions (that need not be taken) in case that helps.


+6 VIT


Rune Magician



Demon Hunter

Grand Summoner
+6 WIL


I will make the skill icons if needed be.

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  Eventmin Minibosses
Posted by: Rendar - 12-25-2023, 06:28 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

I know that this is sometimes a fun feature, but it genuinely can mess with balance whenever eventmins carefully construct an NPC encounter...

And then one enemy just gets a modifier that can turn them from A threat to A Nightmare. Towering being a key one.. Or something that is weak to earth (and potentially ONLY weak to earth..) being counted as Floating and impervious to earth damage.

It's really just a minor gripe, but it can make certain encounters way harder for no real discernable reason besides RNG.

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  Boots uneqipped
Posted by: Caboozles - 12-25-2023, 06:13 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

Not sure if this is a legacy bug or a common one, because I feel like I've heard this one talked about before.

Boots unequipped themselves, while still being equipped.

Relevant pics:

[Image: OY7NXwh.png]
[Image: zshClE3.png]
(Showing no debuffs)
[Image: 5oSEXPO.png]
(Stats in combat, 54 scaled Wil)
[Image: ETj6xYV.jpeg]
Stats out of combat, showing 60 scaled.

Still reporting it because it's frustrating to not realize until mid-combat that your boots aren't registering.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord