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Lore Questions: July (2015)
This is a new topic for Lore Questions because the old one was about 26 pages. The format is roughly the same, but some guidelines;

1) Try and format your questions appropriately. As in, make it easy to read and answer.
2) Try and limit the number of questions you ask per thread. I don't mind answering them, but don't get crazy and ask me 20 things, especially if they require detailed answers.
3) Try to avoid asking extremely specific questions, such as 'Did anyone ever die of food poisoning in Cellsvich?'. Answering these is difficult, because not everything is set in stone, so giving a definitive answer on it not only restricts me in the future, but it might influence other players' character concepts that involve it.

That said, if you have any questions, you can post them in this thread! I will post answers at the end of the month/start of the next one.

Thanks! (And yes, if you had questions from the previous topic that I didn't answer before I closed it, you can post them here, but remember the formatting guideline.)
What makes legendary weapons so legendary? I mean are they simply unbreakable? And, why are the replicas unbreakable as well? Is it because trying to replicate a legendary weapon is more than enough for its power to seep into the replica?
The Bear Smith says "(Dang no good dungeons)"
Just a Normal Person says "(( . _ . ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Dungeons. ))"
The Bear Smith says "(Yes dungeons, the best place to grind)"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Smart people call them BDP. ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( But I call them. . . ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( *sunglasses* ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Your mom. ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Get it? ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Cuz lot of people enter and exit! ))"
The Bear Smith says "(*Smacks*)"
OOC DJScias: Anyhow, as long as Dev isn't 'accidently' uploading porn to the server again it'll be fine.
How do Black Beasts approach settlements? Do they walk around to and from place to place, like other animals, or simply pop up out of the ground when they feel like it?
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
How long has ASAGO been up and running? Prior to their establishment, how was currency handled?
The Bear Smith says "(Dang no good dungeons)"
Just a Normal Person says "(( . _ . ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Dungeons. ))"
The Bear Smith says "(Yes dungeons, the best place to grind)"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Smart people call them BDP. ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( But I call them. . . ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( *sunglasses* ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Your mom. ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Get it? ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Cuz lot of people enter and exit! ))"
The Bear Smith says "(*Smacks*)"
OOC DJScias: Anyhow, as long as Dev isn't 'accidently' uploading porn to the server again it'll be fine.
Okay, so is there any lore to Demon Hunters other than Dev May Cry?

How do you hunt something you don't know exists?
So just a couple of questions about the 'mist' Vampires turn into when they die.

Is there any way to stop it from simply floating away? And is it possible to simply follow it to where the Vampire will reconstitute?
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
Are there illicit drugs in SL2's universe? What are they called? Which ones are legal and illegal? (For the sakes of the guards.) [strike]I need to make a drug dealer.[/strike] Not really, though, me and a few others wanted to know.
[Image: da4KzKk.png]
"[url=' Wrote:Normal Username » Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:36 pm[/url]"]What makes legendary weapons so legendary? I mean are they simply unbreakable? And, why are the replicas unbreakable as well? Is it because trying to replicate a legendary weapon is more than enough for its power to seep into the replica?

They're made so well and used by people who do important things, mainly. They're unbreakable because they're enchanted.

"[url=' Wrote:Mivereous » Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:58 pm[/url]"]How do Black Beasts approach settlements? Do they walk around to and from place to place, like other animals, or simply pop up out of the ground when they feel like it?

Sometimes they run in from wooded areas, sometimes they appear from the ground with little warning. It all seems rather a whim of the beasts or their master.

"[url=' Wrote:Normal Username » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:45 am[/url]"]How long has ASAGO been up and running? Prior to their establishment, how was currency handled?

Here's a little history and lore on how Murai works:

The corporation has been around for roughly 30 years and established its bases of operations in major cities very quickly, likely due to support from the government(s). Currency was handled very similar back then to now, only it made trade between people who move around a lot, such as businessmen, sailors, mercenaries, and tourists very difficult because a lot of shopkeepers did not know the value of foreign currency and were putting themselves at risk of being scammed. The problem compounded when the Mage's Guild portal service opened to public use, as people were moving around more than ever. Those two factors more or less gave birth to the idea of Murai, but only the Asago Corporation put together a system that worked well with it.

"[url=' Wrote:Soapy » Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:02 am[/url]"]Okay, so is there any lore to Demon Hunters other than Dev May Cry?

How do you hunt something you don't know exists?

The idea of demons isn't exactly hard to understand, even if one particular group doesn't have that title (to our knowledge). Some people may see vampires as demons, some may see Shaitans as demons, and so on. Demon Hunter is more or less a soldier who uses methods that would be excessively flashy or expensive to fight something mundane like a bandit, and could be considered necessary, given the deadly danger that comes to mind when one thinks of a demon.

I'm not going to pretend the class isn't heavily influenced (obviously) but hopefully that description gives you a bit to work with and makes them seem less out of place.

"[url=' Wrote:Slydria » Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:16 am[/url]"]So just a couple of questions about the 'mist' Vampires turn into when they die.

Is there any way to stop it from simply floating away? And is it possible to simply follow it to where the Vampire will reconstitute?

No. A lot of old vampire hunter sayings state that submerging the vampire in water before misting them helps, but that doesn't hold up in practice.

It is and isn't, and it depends on where the vampire is when they get misted. Mist can travel very high and very fast if necessary, to where even winged races can't keep up; which is only natural considering someone flying is a lot heavier than a cloud of mist. If the vampire is not far from their abode, it is possible to get some sort of approximation by trailing the mist if you can keep an eye on it, either through air tracking or having a nice clear view with no trees obstructing your view. Most vampires will reform in their sanctuary, which is the place where they took the vampire ritual. This is often a good place, since you have to take special care during the ritual not to be exposed to much sunlight and will often be a 'safe' place.

If that's impossible for whatever reason, for example travel there, even in mist form, taking more than the six days, or some force from inside the sanctuary preventing it (excessive sunlight, holy artifacts, that sort of deal), it is possible for them to reform in a random cavern where bats roost instead. This is much less safe and often drains the vampire a greater deal.

It is very hard to track a vampire after being misted, though. This is why, back before the Church Knights were formed, a group of vampire hunters called Sun's Ichor existed. They were essentially a group of extremists who saw Mercala as their goddess but took her teachings a little too far. What they would do is capture the vampire, gag them so they couldn't bite anything (including their tongue), find a high roof, and put the vampire up on it on a pulling rack to sit in the sun. Then, after the vampire hadn't drunk blood for a while and had been significantly weakened by the sun, they would ash them. Sun's Ichor was lead by a Glykin man named Azorus and almost everyone who knows about him knows that he used to feed starving vampires his own blood to torture them.

Eventually, though, they made mistakes and ended up "ashing" people who weren't vampires, leading to a loss of credibility of Mercala's faith and the Church Knights were formed. Sun's Ichor was publically denounced and hunted down by the law, while the Church Knights' noble, chivalric image made people trust in Mercala again. Some say the children of that extremist sect still operate today, but given that the 'rack and ash' is highly illegal now, they are basically outlaws. Like a really bloody Robin Hood. If they exist, and if they do, their number is too small and scattered to count.

A popular theory is that in retaliation for the atrocities that Azorus committed, vampires were the ones who started the negative rumors that surround the Glykin to this day.

"[url=' Wrote:Clockworkers Doll » Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:12 am[/url]"]Are there illicit drugs in SL2's universe? What are they called? Which ones are legal and illegal? (For the sakes of the guards.) [strike]I need to make a drug dealer.[/strike] Not really, though, me and a few others wanted to know.

I imagine opium/poppy tears would be quite popular as they were/are in the real world. They have a more pivotal role in medical treatment, especially within things like the Mercalan Church, since they prefer traditional methods to abusing healing magic. I imagine someone could get addicted to it, though.

As for more unique drugs, I can't say that's something I've put a lot of thought into...

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