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Broken M Type. Eating
From the experience I have from playing, I know the M Types cannot eat food, and therefore cannot get the well fed buff. But the mystery cases with the candy and mirror shards are not been set up properly, because M types can eat any form of their candy and get sugar rush and well fed.
Mechanations can eat food, what makes you think they can't?

Straight from the page on them:

Quote:Mechanations typically take focus from the air and process it from food in order to recharge

No race is barred from eating food for that matter, even Liches and Dullahans can eat food. It can be fluffed as them burning it for energy or something.
You just have to make sure you're eating a 'cooked' type meal, and not raw ingredients (apple, tomato, potato, etc). We can't do that anymore. Double click the food item, and if it has a HP/FP regen percent in the description, then you can eat it.
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