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Lore Questions: June (2015)
Are Papilion wings able to be adjusted at will? As in 'fade in and out' of reality in a sense? Or just be illusions? Can they be disabled using earth magic? Are they 'real' in any sense or is it up to the papilion.
[Image: b89f62f8ce.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_m7g6clz79C1rpqqpz.gif] I'm also still Batman.
Are the tiny people in spatial dungeons real, or an illusion? If they are real, could they be brought out of the dungeons to be raised in the outside world? I'm assuming powerful illusionists would be able to tell the difference between them being illusions or real, also.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
"[url=' Wrote:Reikou » Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:58 am[/url]"]Are Reapers actually born as Reapers or is it possible to turn into one?

Reapers are born as reapers in Lazarus. It's not possible to turn into one.

"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:44 pm[/url]"]1) You said last month that a wyvern in Human form looks similar to a wyverntouched, and is about as strong as they look. Does that mean it would be acceptable to RP as a real wyvern "undercover" among the population? Possibly using class combos to represent more "pure" wyvern-like abilities if combat is needed?

2) On a related note, say you want to pretend to be another race for whatever issue, such as a Glykin keeping a hood over it's slitted eyes and scale-flecked neck, to avoid racism and trying to pass off as a normal human. How observant are normal people (not players, obviously) and how closely do they normally watch for this stuff? Would the expectation be to be discovered quickly, or to be able to keep the facade up for some time? I'm mainly wondering if they keep an eye out for excuses to be hateful, or if they're more "live and let live" if it's not obvious.

3) Could focus be compressed and contained for later use? For example, if you lay in bed every day for a week channeling any focus you could spare into an object, could you extract that focus later?

4) How potent is defensive magic? Could one realistically be able to conjure a barrier to protect someone else from a lethal wound? Since defensive magic we currently have basically sucks for lack of a better word (Sanctuary is the best damage reducing spell and it's not even strictly a "barrier",) what cost would be attributed to a powerful ward? If a group of people were to band together and take turns keeping a barrier up over an entrance or something, could they realistically keep it up?

5) Is there any particular reason regenerative effects are so few and far between? Is there some inherent oddity to regenerative magic that makes is less functional than the likes of Graft or Malmelo? I mean, I don't know about you, but I'd rather cast a regen spell on myself before a fight to minimize the damage I take over time, instead of being bloodied and in pain just to be treated all at once afterwards. It just really seems like something the Church Knights would use, you know?

1) Considering you can't select Wyvern as a player race, no.
2) It depends largely on the race and the NPC's relationship with that race, but we can assume that most NPCs that aren't looking for something specific probably won't notice it, usually.
3) To a point. Depending on the material and the object itself there are limits to how much focus it could hold, but things like Focus Rings are made using a similar process.
4) The power of a barrier would directly relate to how difficult it would be to keep up. You can't really 'take turns' holding up a barrier someone else made. It also likely matters what kind of barrier we're talking about; a generic barrier would be relatively weaker than one of an elemental nature due to the way spell domains work, but it wouldn't have a nemesis element (IE, why enchants give weaknesses to other elements). Anything that stresses the barrier (damage, for example) would also cause its maintenance cost to increase.
5) Regeneration is slow acting and when you have a big gaping hole in your chest, you don't always have the time to wait for your regeneration to patch you up; you'd bleed out long before then. Furthermore, regeneration interacts with things like dismemberment poorly, because the longer the body part has been gone, the less effective it is. It's only really suitable for cuts and shallow stab wounds and is usually a supplemental effect to basic healing spells if absolutely necessary.

"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:50 am[/url]"]Just to clarify, the Blink spell is considered less safe than Void-related abilities that do not actually involve teleportation such as the Black Wind or Voidveil, right?

They're all about as unsafe as the next.

"[url=' Wrote:Someone » Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:43 am[/url]"]What is Kinu's favorite color?

How about Ashe's?



"[url=' Wrote:Normal Username » Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:59 pm[/url]"]Legendary weapons, do they still exist? If so, where are they mostly located?

Depends on what you mean by legendary. If you mean the replicas, then yes, the originals still exist, usually as heirlooms to some of the powerful houses of the Great Six. Braver is with the Yut noble family, for example. Gae Bolg is the sigil and heirloom of the Tunnins, one of the 9 families on the High Council. Some people think that Artemis is in Bright Vajistra's possession (although you may note she uses Nobunaga). Nirvana belonged to an Alstalain general, as its description states, but it went missing about a decade ago; some people have claimed that Phobos of Chaturanga uses a very similar looking axe.

Creed's status and origin is unknown, but its user is someone called the Pale Moon, for lack of a better name, and is popularly believed to behind every major political assassination in recent memory, aside from the Tennou's and the Immortal King's (mainly because he lived through it). Shredder was last recorded in the possession of Hyoya and was used by a savage outlaw named Lexand Petan that turned travellers on Lispool into shaved ice (figuratively speaking...). He and his men eventually got turned into blocks of ice by the Hyoyain and still have their bodies on display.

Kigal might as well be a work of fiction, since no one's ever seen it, and its existence is a theory at best, based on stories from hundreds of years ago. A popular component of that theory is that whoever owned that tome, if it existed, probably still has it, if the contents of it are accurate to the legend.

There are other weapons of high legend that don't have replicas, and maybe we'll get to them sometime.

"[url=' Wrote:Stenzio » Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:07 am[/url]"]How does an Alga Plume function? As in; how does a simple feather somehow allow you to escape a dungeon in the blink of an eye? [I'd imagine from some remnant of 'Alga the Uncaged's' own power so with that question] Is there anything significantly known about Alga the Uncaged as well? Noteworthy events, deeds, personality, etc?

You cover the feather with your hands, light and wind surrounds you, and then you appear outside. Alga the Uncaged is a legendary bird; not a god, but a magical bird, whose feathers were so beautiful that it was repeatedly captured and sold for high prices. However, every time, within a week of being sold to a new owner, they would come to the bird's cage and find that it had gone missing, with only a few feathers at the bottom of its cage.

One such time, before Gold's Curse took most of Oniga, Alga belonged to a wealthy lord of a relatively small town, who was sold it by a travelling merchant. Sure enough, the bird went missing, and the lord was enraged, believing the merchant stole the bird back and was planning to slip away. So he and his men set out to find the merchant, and they did, staying at the Rainy Well Inn. They asked the merchant what he did with the bird, and didn't like his answer, so they cut his head off. This started an incident called the Rainy Well Massacre, where the merchant, some of the local soldiers, and the enraged lord were killed over it.

Typically this tale is shared whenever someone tries to sell someone else an Alga lookalike and has somewhat stiffled the business of buying and selling it.

"[url=' Wrote:Reikou » Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:59 am[/url]"]Who or what was/is worshiped at the Nameless Shrine?

The nameless god, actually a huge amphibious sea-serpent that would sometimes come on land and coil itself around the large hill the shrine is on to rest in the sun. People would try and gain its favor by leaving food and other offerings in front of its sleeping head. Eventually the empire scared it off for good, as many of its citizens were quite fearful of the large beast (and some believe the higher-ups were worried worship of it would cause religious conflicts). The common folk who worshipped it built a shrine for it out of guilt for its treatment by the empire.

Some believe that it resurfaced again on Gold later, and fell asleep for so long that it was taken by the curse and died. This isn't confirmed in any way, though, and is only said because of the shape and size of some bones found deep in the desert.
"[url=' Wrote:iDarkCara » Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:41 am[/url]"]Are Papilion wings able to be adjusted at will? As in 'fade in and out' of reality in a sense? Or just be illusions? Can they be disabled using earth magic? Are they 'real' in any sense or is it up to the papilion. - The wings of a Papilion are only as real as they're perceived to be and can be turned "on" and "off" at will.

Note that depending on the mental state and power of the Papilion, it can be a very real seeming and feeling illusion, and can be just as painful to them when harmed (although the pain isn't 'real').

"[url=' Wrote:Sawrock » Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:59 pm[/url]"]Are the tiny people in spatial dungeons real, or an illusion? If they are real, could they be brought out of the dungeons to be raised in the outside world? I'm assuming powerful illusionists would be able to tell the difference between them being illusions or real, also.

They're very real and can only live inside of space dungeons. Trying to remove them from their planet, or the planet from the dungeon, will result in their immediate death. Please don't try to liberate the tiny spatial people, for their own safety.

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