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Al Abel (Enchanting)
I have a Character with five base Enchantment, one level in the Enchanting trait, Al Abel (Enchanting), and maximum FP, as a Zeran.

This should add up to eight Enchantment skill. However, the skill window claims that I only have seven.

It seems that this wasn't fixed at all in the update. Or, if it was, that the skill window isn't displaying it.,gOtwhkQ,SyyyzvJ,Ta3T6Tm

Screenshots and stuff.
I have the same issue with my Hyattr. They should have Enchanting Skill Level of 5 but it only shows 4. (3 from Profession Levels, 1 from the Enchantment Talent, 1 from Al Abel (Enchanting))
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
This should be corrected. It also seems like the actual enchanting process wasn't taking into account a few things it said it was. I'm surprised no one noticed.

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