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Fortune Feather Overtuned
Fortune feather seems to be calculating things very very wrong. I have no idea how it is reducing the damage, but I tested it as follows.

Using a charged mind Libegrande and a normal Libegrande on a target, then repeating the same steps while the target was under the effects of Winter's Bite. I did this process once without grand summoner equipped, and once with for fortune feather.

Without Grand Summoner, no winter's bite:

Charged Mind Libegrande: 190 ice damage.
Normal Libegrande: 42 ice damage.

Without Grand Summoner, with winter's bite:

Charged Mind Libegrande: 287 damage.
Normal Libegrande: 81 damage.

These values are what I used to compare the damage dealt when fortune feather procced when grand summoner was equipped. No installs or active bonuses to res were used when GS was equipped, to try and keep everything else beside fortune feather constant.

With Grand Summoner Fortune Feather, no winter's bite:

Charged Mind Libegrande: 0 damage.
Normal Libegrande: 9 damage.

The charged mind spell did less damage than the non-charged one. That alone tells me something is very very wrong.

With Grand Summoner Fortune Feather, winter's bite:

Charged Mind Libegrande: 99 damage.
Normal Libegrande: 50 damage.

Furthermore, when fortune feather procs it automatically generates a 'Resist' message, making the caster lose momentum. Even with Winter's bite, where 10% should be the maximum reduction from fortune feather, the damage is 'Resisted'.

I have no idea how fortune feather is doing its calculations, but there is nothing 10% about them.
I've done testing prior to this and submitted a report, albeit without every single variable beyond the damage and resistances involved.

It's still unresolved, but, the additional info is useful.
I wish I had seen that thread back then, I would've just posted to it instead of making an entirely new thread. Thanks for the good information.
This has been corrected.

Basically what was happening was, when triggering, the game getting 10% of the damage dealt and treating it as bonus damage resistance. So if you took 200 damage, it'd be 10%, which is 20. However, the way it was actually calculating that was as bonus damage resistance percentages, so it'd be checked again as 20% of the damage, bringing the actual reduction to 40 damage (in this instance).
This is still not behaving properly, which can be easily verified by wearing a shock collar, as you'll take 0 damage.
Quote:[4:00:39 PM] John: fortune feather is whatever percent it feels like
[4:01:08 PM] John: it says 10% but it's really d100-??%
[4:01:17 PM] Kam: loooooool
[4:01:35 PM] Kei: yep
[4:01:54 PM] Kei: pretty sure it makes anything single digit a 0

Still very much a thing.
I spent way too long tracking down the cause of this but it's been corrected.
We in the money now, boys.

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