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Lore Questions: May (2015)
This is a new topic for Lore Questions because the old one was about 26 pages. The format is roughly the same, but some guidelines;

1) Try and format your questions appropriately. As in, make it easy to read and answer.
2) Try and limit the number of questions you ask per thread. I don't mind answering them, but don't get crazy and ask me 20 things, especially if they require detailed answers.
3) Try to avoid asking extremely specific questions, such as 'Did anyone ever die of food poisoning in Cellsvich?'. Answering these is difficult, because not everything is set in stone, so giving a definitive answer on it not only restricts me in the future, but it might influence other players' character concepts that involve it.

That said, if you have any questions, you can post them in this thread! I will post answers at the end of the month/start of the next one.

Thanks! (And yes, if you had questions from the previous topic that I didn't answer before I closed it, you can post them here, but remember the formatting guideline.)
Stupid two questions:
1) Do Mechanations have a patron deity?
2) If not, what happens if they enter the deepwood?

(Sorry, I'm trying to come up with another corrupted/ Race idea)
1. Can Doriads spawn on Mersales? If so, what happens to them? Are they treated any differently than Elves?

2. Is there any specific age of adulthood for Elves?

3. How does timelessness work for Elves? Do they choose when to stop aging, or can they choose how old to appear at will?

4. How strictly is time kept track of in Mersales?
Quote:"Daniel Runes giggled, as he cut into himself with his sword. It began to rain blood all over Aria, making a very delecate marking.
Daniel Runes assumes his final form. MORE SELF CUTTING TO MARK ARIA MORE, YAAAY!"

This brings me to a question

How is insanity/Self harm viewed in terms of the law enforcement? If one were to bug a guard about seeing this horrible display, would a guard do anything? Like be obliged to get them help, or even arresting for causing unrest, or something along the lines?

Also slightly related,
Despite we have estabilished that combat is slightly age scaled (Even through it's very vague still) , how young would you have to be for Sigroganian NPCs to outright refuse service? (Tarson allowing you into arena, Smiths giving you anything sharp)
I dont know if this has been answered yet, But is it possible to cure yourself of horrible, potentially fatal diseases(Not Void poisoning) by going through the vampiric ritual?
Here's a few low ones.

-Does condoms exist? If so, how widely produced are they?
-Are there any other ways to prevent impregnation, both before and after intercourse?
-Is abortion an actual thing people do? If yes, how does this work?
Considering this article:

...How do the crows in Law's End survive? There are no places for them to take shelter during the sandstorms, and even if there was, they'd overheat and die.


Can magic be sensed in any fashion? If so, can it be done naturally, or does it need a device?
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
1. What happens to those who die in the Deepwood? Are they always 'eaten alive', as in, no corpse left behind and what not. Gone forever?

2. Does anything live in the Deepwood? I'm thinking Papillions might, but, it doesn't explicitly mention it.

3. Is it possible for other races to indefinitely survive in the Deepwood?

4. If a Vampire were to be (forcibly) drained of their blood prior to death, would this cause them to permanently die? If not, do methods achievable by normal and or talented people (see: not gods or something) exist that could kill a Vampire for good without them 'misting'?

5. Does Mercalan magic have any limitations whatsoever to what it's capable of recovering, beyond an obviously dead person? To add to that--

6. How much experience does it require to recover more grevious wounds with Mercalan magic? Would any healer, regardless of training, be able to use it to regenerate limbs and organs, so long as they knew 'Graft'?

7. About how common are practioners of Mercalan magic? As in--in your average small rural village(100~ people or so), how unlikely/likely is it that at least -one- person living there would be capable of using it?

8. In regards to
Quote:The second is Cladis Mortem, which are sentient undead
in terms of undeath--
I am assuming necromancers are capable of creating undead akin to these? Is it possible to be afflicted with Cladis Mortem by other means, assuming that latter fact is in fact true?
According to
Quote:A trace comparison with the remains of one the attackers was performed in all non-public areas, including the Tennou Royal Palace and the various royal families' castles. In all tests, the result was negative, showing that the unique composition of the attackers was not at these places.
This implies that every being has a 'unique composition'. What is this composition?

If the above is too vague-- How does one 'trace' this composition? Is it something a normal person is at all capbable of doing?

What 'remains' are necessary? Or rather, what exactly is required to 'trace' the 'composition' of something from them?

Are there methods of concealing one's 'compositon' or otherwise removing traces of it?
[Image: XVa5SaQ.png]
Other than the invocations we already have for the different classes, does other invocations exist beyond what's mechanically represented?

If yes to the above question, how wide is the elemental spectrum of these invocations? Are there multiple ones for each element?

Is it possible to create your own invocations ICly?

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