"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=5297#p5297' Wrote:RoboCat » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:17 am[/url]"]What exactly are Shine Knights? (So I know how far I can deviate when Rping them in battle.)
They're semi-sentient knights created by light magic specifically to serve Mercala. Priests can request aid from them via the incantation, which is basically calling her for backup. Usually this works, but if you're on Mercala's bad side, Shine Knights will suddenly stop answering your calls. They don't technically have mortal-like things, such as organs and blood, but they operate on the same basis and can be harmed by weapons and attacks just like them.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=5303#p5303' Wrote:Murderfox » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:05 am[/url]"]Hey Dev, I have some questions but I don't need too much detail, really. Feel free to answer with yes and no if I'm being a bother.
1. How do contracts with Youkai work? Are they all simply ledgers written out that bind the two? Can there be different contracts? Do youkai always need contracts to exist within a person?
2. How far does the bond between summoner and youkai go?
3. Do summon doors lead to the Youkai plane of existance? Or are they just a pocket dimension or something like that.
4. They feed off the users magic to manifest. Does this mean they are somewhat parasitic? What do they benefit from this bond?
5. Do they have some control over an individuals body, or no?
1) A contract is a tattoo-like symbol that the Youkai puts on your skin when it's contracted, which signifies its soul resides inside of you. Usually the 'terms' of the contract are hashed out before it actually happens. A youkai doesn't necessary need a contract to be 'within' a person, but that starts to get into the territory of possession, and it's dangerous for the youkai so usually it doesn't happen.
2) Depends on the person and the youkai. If the youkai doesn't like you very much, they probably just see it as a way to get free focus and will only put forth the minimum effort. But if the youkai does like you, they may be willing to do almost anything if it would help you.
3) The nature of the doors to summoning houses isn't fully understood because not everyone is aware of them, but Karaten seems to believe they are similar to B.D.P.s, only much more stable.
4) Somewhat. The benefit for the youkai is that they are whimsical by nature and so they may just want to have fun. Normally, it is difficult for youkai to maintain their physical form in our world for very long because it requires a large amount of focus; by making contracts with summoners, they can do this for extended periods.
5) When installed, yes. Otherwise very little, if any.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=5386#p5386' Wrote:Blissey » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:33 am[/url]"]Time to add to your workload:
1. Can you give us a general depiction of how Stage One Void Poisoning would look like? Marginally, how would the scarring look like and does this depend on the body part it plagues?
2. What about the other stages? How many 'stages' are there, or is it just from Stage One to Stage Two and thus terminal?
1) It would look like neon-blue/purple lines resembling cracks along the affected area.
2) The lines would get progressively larger as it increases in deadliness. If a part of the body gets separated by thick enough lines, it falls off and vanishes. Eventually this happens to the individual's entire body. Parts that fall off in this manner cannot be regenerated, even if you're a vampire.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=5420#p5420' Wrote:Blissey » Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:31 pm[/url]"]More workload incoming:
1. Are all Darkness Spells aside from Void-associated spells/skills Huggessoan by nature, even if the spells' primary domains aren't Huggessoan? Take Hexer for example; predominantly a Darkness, Huggessoan theme, but it doesn't have as many 'Darkness' spells as one would think.
2. If Elves aren't stratified into separate tribes, does this mean most Elves -- if not all Elves -- know each other in some way?
1) No, but most of them are. It's similar to how Mercala doesn't have the copyright on light magic; just the most popular source of it.
2) There are a lot of elves so maybe not. No one knows how big Mersales is, after all; it could be just as large as Gold for all we know.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=5928#p5928' Wrote:Kavoir » Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:37 am[/url]"]In the category of just confirming. Hyattr have slitted eyes correct? It is never explicitly stated as far as I know. But the Wyverntouched racial description strongly implies that they do.
They can and usually do, but it's a minor trait that can depend on the individual.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=5936#p5936' Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:31 pm[/url]"]Badges are named according to gods from Greek mythology. And their description even says so. How much is this IC?
They're named after celestial gods, not Greek ones, even though the names do come from Greek mythology. So in the SL universe, they're referring to those gods.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=5964#p5964' Wrote:111none » Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:14 am[/url]"]Random question: Is corruption sudden? Or is it more like a slow, painful mark that starts from the limbs and slowly makes it way to the heart?
Depends on the corruption but it is almost always 'sudden'. Shaitan and Papilion are somewhat more gradual but no one who becomes a Shaitan remembers doing so, so it's sudden. Papilion is similar, although it's more like a descent into strangeness for them.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=6006#p6006' Wrote:MakeshiftWalrus » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:14 pm[/url]"]-Are Zeran babies born with horns, and if not, how long does it take for the horns to grow?
-Are there any rituals involved with declarations of love in Alstalsia, specifically to Zerans?
-Does a Wyverntouched's poison grow weaker the older it gets, and likewise with their resistance to poison?
1) They're born with nubs. If they had full horns I think I'd hate to be a Zeran mother.
2) This probably depends on your social circles. Zerans are all about being the best, so a Zeran would likely want to one-up the last romantic gesture they or their friends did.
3) If anything it would probably get stronger.