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[Bonder] A toggled tweak for Bonders.
If you have a single bonded Youkai, Ritual Sword automatically summons it. This is both amazing and terrible all at once. You get two actions for the price of one, basically... but... sometimes you just want to use Ritual Sword for FP management, and then you get hit with the youkai upkeep cost.

Or, we can look at Shared Pain/ Shared Joy. Your Youkai are lower levelled than you and you don't want them to share your damage? Your youkai are sturdier than you, and only you need the heals?

In all of these circumstances, unsummoning them costs precious momentum, and is not always an option.

Basically, I'm proposing a toggle on if Youkai count as bonded or not. It would disable all bonding benefits, such as Shared Pain/Joy, Fight As One, Synchro Summon, and completely disable Riagri until re-enabled. The toggle can be placed at the top of the Youkai menu and be bundled together with the Bonding/Level innate from the skill tree.
*loud burp*
Shared Pain and Joy are already toggle skills.
Thanks, Dev. I actually hadn't spent the SP on them yet, so I didn't know.

Ritual Sword still stands as a valid point, though.
*loud burp*

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