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[Version 2.89c v5 (Testing Server)] Monster Ally Duplication
Hnnggg... Bug maxing...

[Image: image.png?ex=66bc9d03&is=66bb4b83&hm=3af...91e073245&]

For this Bug recipe. you need~!

Two items, the Betrayer's Wit on the main hand and the Jade Whistle on the second hand.

One ally PC (Not NPC, checked that) to be currently invoking a spell.

Access to the Conductor's Melody Skill.

Firstly, you stir your brain with the self-confuse of the Betrayer's Wit. Soon after that, you must use Conductor's Melody on your ally PC without shame! Which has to be invoking, mind you. This recipe is very strict about it being an invoking ally PC. Anyway, this will result in another Bug spawning in the map as if it were your first song!

This can be done infinitely, too, as long as Conductor's Melody is off cooldown.

That's basically all. Hopefully this helps in your hopes and dreams, fellow bug lovers!!!

[Dev plz make Conductor affect allies pretty please and thankies]
I can't replicate this.

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