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[Korvara] Stein - Gleamweaving and Undead Runes
Applicable BYOND Key - Taklis
Character Name - Stein Sigmund Tjalve Yngvar
Request Type - Ability Request

Request Details - Many people struggle to manage their love for their significant other, how they handle their affection, how they handle their betrayal or their departure of their lives -- It's a struggle to understand sometimes, what it's like that your partner chooses to leave you for another, or that they die and you're left to carry their ashes, and this story... Has a twisted way to find itself in this margin. 
Stein was devoted to his two partners for many years, and in his belief his marriage was nothing short of normal -- To have two people who would grant him peace of mind and help him provide for the rest of his community was all he needed to make his life peaceful. 
But things changed drastically when one of his partners died -- It lead to Stein becoming altered, and to use his magical studies to seek an answer. For months he neglected his living partner and their child, to find an answer, to find a solution. 
To be able to recover what he lost, he took to the south -- headed to Duyuei to learn about the gleam, and combined it with his knowledge of Runes, trying to maximize the power, making the art of runic enchantments able to restore flesh, to restore those who were living... but he found himself wanton. He went back home to study more, to seek out more, and his life couldn't find peace and normality anymore... turning him stressed. 

His partner and child worried for him, but understood his devotion and his grief, though lacked the understanding for his path. This rift grew over the course of months, until Stein finally came back. His eyes turned hopeful, as he spoke to them, and for the next few weeks, everything seemed normal... For those who were around, it was strange how Stein's family home ended up in flames, and the only survivor was Stein who seemed now more than ever... lost in those hopeless eyes. But the truth was more dark, more horrid, as Stein had asked for help. He needed to experiment... and he trusted his arcane skills and his family's trust to see it through, for love, for their people. Only to end up with a horrifying sight, in his experimentation, he turned his family to a monstruosity, sacrificed in his search to bring back the one he lost, he lost everyone else and himself. So he hid it, burned it all. And yet, when his new life was taken up in new responsibility... He kept researching, and the runes he worked so deeply with, became his sinful tact, his monstrous work, and his mind found itself tormented by the beckoning of his vile acts. 

Temptation made him want to make things right by learning more, and now his hand carries a power that raises the dead, and makes them into beasts for Stein's dreadfully tainted heart that cannot be remedied.

Specific Request - Stein is capable of creating two specialized types of runes:
  1. A Gleamweaving Rune, channeled by his connection to the light, he concretely summons runes that unlike most, are capable of mending flesh by being placed upon a person's body. These runes would follow the understanding that exists of Gleamweaving, but channeled through the power of a Rune, capable of being turned more powerful by adding more sigils and pieces of the runework, going from the power of restoring minor wounds to healing rather intense wounds should the rune be large enough. The Gleamweaving Rune would take a similar role to how a Null Rune works, though instead of disabling the runes that are attached, it would transfer their elemental power to healing power, destroying all harmful elements of the rune, and making it into a tool for restoration.
  2. A Rune of Undeath that channels his focus on a formerly perished body, be it human or otherwise, that allows the body to become functional, though causing some alterations to it, and causing it to become hostile, while it will usually prioritize others that aren't Stein, but if there's no one except Stein, it will attack him. Stein cannot control the undead, and can only undo his own undead by using a Null Rune on them.
    This rune when combined to other runes, becomes ineffective towards those who are living, and instead, only function to bring back those who are dead, though, not entirely. The larger the rune, the larger the corpse that can be brought back, but it isn't a simple "Put-on and go" type of deal. The Rune takes time, as it channels Stein's focus onto the corpse, if the corpse is too large, and Stein's focus pool is insufficient to sustain it, the Rune will break. And when a Rune is applied, it has to be disarmed by a  Null Rune, or by destroying the Rune, otherwise, the undead will roam and act violently without control.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - Stein's horrible acts in his past seem like they'd become further bolstered by a story that doesn't paint Stein as a good man. His grief and grieving are self-caused, and the punishment has made him a worse person -- He cannot fully embrace his actions, and as such, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing -- Acting like an innocent man that channels horrible power for his own twisted guilt, grief, and desire -- Trying to find justification of his actions in a horribly twisted and depraved way, all while acting like a normal person. I want this to be a story that doesn't find depth in the fact he's a grieving soul, but in that his suffering is completely avoidable, and that his struggle is one of realizing his actions, and evolving past it, while creating his possible path to be an antagonist.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - After inquiring, I know that Runes can heal, and I wanted to see if that could be extended to fully be able to utilize the power of the gleam on them and then further take it to extend to the dark and more twisted elements of the story, however I don't know about the lore that goes into Undeath in the game.And lastly, given I am making him with the desire to do this, I have no roleplay to support this yet.
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After some discussion with OP, approved.
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