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[2.89b] Reeking Corpse
Despite Reeking Corpse stating it has a 100 turn cooldown, a corpse can use it multiple times in a fight, so long as the summoned Soulture is killed.
I can't replicate this.
(08-01-2024, 08:51 PM)Neus Wrote: I can't replicate this.
We've been replicating it constantly inside of the Bandit Bossfight.

So long as they have FP, they will eventually use it again. I've had some do it every 4-5 turns. Others once and not again.
Is it possible this was caused by the other bug you reported with Brain Freeze?
(09-15-2024, 01:11 AM)Neus Wrote: Is it possible this was caused by the other bug you reported with Brain Freeze?

I was about to say "I was doing this fight not on my Verglas"

I'm 90% certain i was actually with a verglas in every single fight.

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