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Sea Wyverns
Applicable BYOND Key - SatyrChaser
Character Name - Orso Rossi
Request Type - Racial Deviation
Request Details -  A subspecies of Wyverntouched

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - Expanding upon the already written lore of SL2 by adding in an extra layer of lore that other players can build upon in the creation of the Sea Wyverntouched subspecies.

Notice: If this requires some touching up / approval from Meiaquar / Drezdin on the fact that Sea Wyverns and Frost Wyverns are likely predominantly in that area, I can speak with them and help iron it out (especially since they're working on Meiaquar lore atm!)

Specific Request - New subspecies of Wyverntouched that have slight alterations that aren't mechanical, and only usable in RP. For right now, simply Sea Wyvern born Wyverntouched, though other species (as listed above) would be interesting to have in the future should others wish to expand upon that.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - Wyverntouched are born from Wyverns, and from what lore we do know we know of one specific variation. Which is.. interesting, but in fantasy lore there are a TON of different wyvern types. Forest Wyverns, Swamp Wyverns, Sea Wyverns, Frost Wyverns, and  Sky Wyverns (which is what we generally have here in Korvara). I'm specifically wanting a subset of Wyverntouched to be born to Sea Wyverns, found in the northern Meiaquarise lands.

Sea Wyverntouched are still of the good omens vibe that the normal are. Fishermen or sailors at sea witnessing them considering it a blessing and the like-- and their kin on seabound vessels are a boon for fighting off illness, plague, and the like. Ontop of this, Wyverntouched of the Sea variety would gain access to a few somewhat more unique 'abilities' for RP purposes only.

Enhanced Swim Speed: They're just good swimmers.
(Higher San) Tails: Their tails are more aquatic in nature, lending to aiding them in swimming.
Underwater Breathing: Sea Wyverntouched are likely able to breathe underwater through potential gills, or through a racial mutation that allows them to convert the water into breathable oxygen for themselves.

Specifically speaking, these will be the exact same Wyverntouched racially with their poisonous bite and poison resist, and RP wise this will give them no benefits versus water damage or the like.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - As this is not necessarily a full-on revision or requiring of Roleplay, the only necessary thing listed here will be the Lore. Which, as stated above, is more-or-less pertaining to other fantasy settings in which Wyverns call a wide variety of areas their 'home'. Seeing to things like Frost Wyverns, Forest Wyverns, and even Sea Wyverns-- this would more-or-less make the baseline SL2 Wyverntouched derived from the Mountain/Sky Wyverns, allowing the variations of Wyvern's to be a bit more wide spread.

Sea Wyverns, in this particular instance, are primarily found within the Sea. Calling the briny depths their home, and occasionally living on land as a 'human'. Their progeny are capable of breathing underwater (or at least having a vastly expanded ability to hold their breath. This is, really, no different than the Theno that RP being able to breathe underwater). Alongside that, they are better at dealing with the pressure of the Depths, able to go deeper without a Diving Suit (Similar in terms to the Water Snake adaption Nagas get), and all around more adept with water.

Mechanically, this will provide no differences (unless Dev sees fit to add more WT traits to compensate for this. Which I am more than fine to spitball)... but RP wise it would allow for them to be better suited to the Naval profession, capable of going beneath the water to repair things and the like.
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Updated this to fit within the new application guidelines.
There is a lot of really good and creative stuff here and I love seeing it. After reading it over a few times and briefly touching upon other team members this is what I have come up with:

i)Sub-species: Whilst Sea Wyverns and normal born Wyverntouched do have considerable differences I'd rather them be one and the same race just for the sake of continuity(to be redacted in the unlikely event Dev wants to expand upon races in such a manner). A Sea Wyvern might call themselves such, and believe themselves to be cut of very different cloth, but at their core they are still very much just Wyverntouched that have adapted a bit differently.

ii)Enhanced Swim Speed: Yes. I see no problem approving this.

iii)Aquatic Tail: Yes. I see no problem approving this.

iv)Underwater breathing: No. I'd much prefer them to still be mammalian and require breathable air like other races. They may have an enhanced lung capacity, like a dolphin, turtle, platypus, etc. But they may not be capable of living purely underwater. I'd be willing to give 20-30 minutes of lung capacity depending on how much they move.

As stated, I see no reason that this would change any of Wyverntouched existing racials like poison bite and poison resistance; given sea snakes are possessed of some of the deadliest venom on Earth, and some of the most poison resistant creatures are aquatic animals like eels and snails.

If you have need of any further clarification, go ahead and ask. Otherwise this much of the app is approved.
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