09-06-2022, 10:52 PM
![[Image: f1o3YaA.gif]](https://i.imgur.com/f1o3YaA.gif)
Continuation from: last thread.
Welcome to the 89th Priest Problem Thread.
Written by your truly, Man who never stop asking for a Priest reworks. 2022 edition, and animated funni spinning symbol.
You may not request for Divine Shower nerfs.
(Because Dev already had them in the incoming patch. Enma's too.)
The problems with Priest,
was not that that they're a bad class.
The problem was that they were too good of a statstick class.
Almost so good, it is almost a frequent pick for most meta-builds.
The Priest itselves offer absolutely no main-classes, and most of the skills it offer
are hardly worth caring about because the values they offer are next to worthless.
This is a thread designed to speak more of the Priests' problem, and errors. For most of the discussions, refer to last thread as link provided above.
Bear in mind: The issues are simple.
The class itself have no actual identity barring roleplay.
Most of the Priest skills are completely lackluster.
It is so lackluster, it is often no surprises that you may end up with skillpoints left over,
because you don't know which skills that are actually worth taking, due to how many of those skills
that really do not matter.
Reposted from previous thread, plus some modifications:
The passive that does not even require a Main-class. For every stave equipped, you get a +1 increase to WILL, and FAITH. With the talents, you can have up to whopping five staves. Meaning you get +5 to WILL and FAITH! Insanely strong!
Coupled with this passive, you can get another +6 FAI. Meaning that you can have +11 FAITH all together from just passives, and staves. That's big jump in Faith number.
Detailed Care are in a sense, very good passive to take up when you need to heal a friend. With a 50% boost to healing, as long as they're within a tile of you. You can heal them for well over 300 heals if you're standing right next to them. It's generally hard to get party-member to cooperate to get healed, but it's very strong healing if you can reach them regardless.
Malmelo is very, very good. With high enough faith, you can heal all your party-members regardless of distance 30% of their health. Making it very strong heal that applies to whole party. While it have good uses, it have cooldown of seven turns. Don't expect to use this much.
With incoming nerf soon, nobody knows the fate of this skill. . .
[i]MEH [/i][i]STUFF[/i]
[i]Mercalan Mist[/i]
In the current iteration, the Mercalan Mists is nice combination for a Lightning Mage to get a 25% Weakness (With Idol) on an enemy. Previously, before it was nerfed, Mercalan Mists allowed lightning mages to get 35% weakness instead. Which was great invocation worth taking, but after the nerf. Not so much. You'll find some lightning evokers still take advantage of it, but ever since the nerf, not many utilizes it. In addition, the Mercalan Mists adds evade to "buffable evade", which means it will be capped at grand total of 50 evades across all buffs. And finally, a regen at 25% of your Light ATK which may seem big on paper, but in actuality means nothing big. It is an okay invocation, not completely trash.
The Sanctuary is still capable of being countered by being pulled out of it, or swap-positioned to make it disappears. It's decent AOE preventer, and is only actual way to prevent Dark waters from spawning on your location.
Strong Legs (Treatment Skill)
Only worth it if you're first to go. Only absolutely (100% chance) possible back when Tactician's On My Mark passive used to place you first in turn-order before your partymembers could move. Now it's kind of hard to guarantee.
Shine Rays/Needles/Holy Shock
There is nothing wrong with them. They're effectively Light-based DPs skill in the Priest's arsenal. Holy Shock requires Lightning though. Expensive as hell to cast too.
Gentle Torrent
With introduction of the Performer class, Gentle Torrent is even more worthless in comparison when it comes to debuff-erasing. This is because Performer's Cantus of Consideration (upgraded) outright erases negative debuffs, while Gentle Torrent only decreases debuff by one duration.
Purify Poison/Cool Burns
Have a worst scaling than the Staves counterpart. Can get stronger alongside Detailed Care, but effectively eats up skillpoints at that rate.
Longterm Cure
May, or may not work according to some people. Also requires you to be able to cure said debuffs with treatment skills (either before it expires, or you're faster.)
Mercalan Tenants
Still garbage. Still trash. And honestly I'm an Flammian. What's a Mercalan Tenant?
Divine Judgment
Unless you're playing a Theno Aquamancer/Priest with Dark Authority or Hexer/Priest with Sanctified shoes. Divine Judgment would not find any uses in either any PVP situation, or PvE situations. You also need to use Light-based attacks on Judged enemies. So this skill exclusively only worth it for those with light damages. And Dark water.
Shine Knight
he reason why this spell sucks, is because of two things; One. They take a whooping 15 monument. Meaning you have to spend two rounds, and a half just to summon two level-60 Shine Knights that while their benefits once summoned are great, you can be interrupted. Believe me when I say this; but because it takes two rounds. A player can knockdown you continually to prevent you from casting Shine Knight in first place. So it's kind of lame, and intensely situational outside of party-fights.
God Rod
A completely waste of anyone's time. Only exists to make Monk Priest's Stave a casting tool.
![[Image: TqaU7hc.png]](https://i.imgur.com/TqaU7hc.png)
Remove it.
How do we fix it?
Combine the Treatment Skills all into one skill called Medica, Purificiala, or whatever.
Remove the long-term Cure skill completely, and merge them into Treatment skill to provide a 2 duration debuff immunity.
Turn Strong-legs into Bulwarking, in which for 8 turn CD cast, Priest can apply a 3 turn knockdown immunity.
Either change Gentle Torrent entirety, or remove it outright.
Change the Shine Knight's invocation stages, or change it so that all party-members undergo Shine Knighting immediately after cast (Weakened version of Shine Sword's Shine Knighting)
Add more weapons to be god roddable, or change God Rod as a whole.
Mercalan Tenants should be providing more FPs, or changed into something more rewarding. (Stronger healing that cannot stack with Elves' racial?)
Also refer to the previous thread linked above.
![[Image: elf-non-sense.gif]](https://c.tenor.com/R-Tfaz302lUAAAAC/elf-non-sense.gif)
Base Elves have the best racial for healing. Increasing the base spellpower of any healing spells by scaled SAN. Yes. You heard me. SCALED SAN.
That mean with some buildtesting,
![[Image: 18Umttd.png]](https://i.imgur.com/18Umttd.png)
It would make it extremely possible for an Elf to just single-handedly pull a big fat graft heals. Or repeating abuse Stave of Mending to do over 100+ heals no matter what.
So how do we fix elves?
Half that SAN. With a swift kick to their crotch.
In this thread, me and my homies hate on the knife-ears.
(Because Dev already had them in the incoming patch. Enma's too.)
The problems with Priest,
was not that that they're a bad class.
The problem was that they were too good of a statstick class.
Almost so good, it is almost a frequent pick for most meta-builds.
The Priest itselves offer absolutely no main-classes, and most of the skills it offer
are hardly worth caring about because the values they offer are next to worthless.
This is a thread designed to speak more of the Priests' problem, and errors. For most of the discussions, refer to last thread as link provided above.
Bear in mind: The issues are simple.
The class itself have no actual identity barring roleplay.
Most of the Priest skills are completely lackluster.
It is so lackluster, it is often no surprises that you may end up with skillpoints left over,
because you don't know which skills that are actually worth taking, due to how many of those skills
that really do not matter.
Reposted from previous thread, plus some modifications:
The passive that does not even require a Main-class. For every stave equipped, you get a +1 increase to WILL, and FAITH. With the talents, you can have up to whopping five staves. Meaning you get +5 to WILL and FAITH! Insanely strong!
Coupled with this passive, you can get another +6 FAI. Meaning that you can have +11 FAITH all together from just passives, and staves. That's big jump in Faith number.
Detailed Care are in a sense, very good passive to take up when you need to heal a friend. With a 50% boost to healing, as long as they're within a tile of you. You can heal them for well over 300 heals if you're standing right next to them. It's generally hard to get party-member to cooperate to get healed, but it's very strong healing if you can reach them regardless.
Malmelo is very, very good. With high enough faith, you can heal all your party-members regardless of distance 30% of their health. Making it very strong heal that applies to whole party. While it have good uses, it have cooldown of seven turns. Don't expect to use this much.
With incoming nerf soon, nobody knows the fate of this skill. . .
[i]MEH [/i][i]STUFF[/i]
[i]Mercalan Mist[/i]
In the current iteration, the Mercalan Mists is nice combination for a Lightning Mage to get a 25% Weakness (With Idol) on an enemy. Previously, before it was nerfed, Mercalan Mists allowed lightning mages to get 35% weakness instead. Which was great invocation worth taking, but after the nerf. Not so much. You'll find some lightning evokers still take advantage of it, but ever since the nerf, not many utilizes it. In addition, the Mercalan Mists adds evade to "buffable evade", which means it will be capped at grand total of 50 evades across all buffs. And finally, a regen at 25% of your Light ATK which may seem big on paper, but in actuality means nothing big. It is an okay invocation, not completely trash.
The Sanctuary is still capable of being countered by being pulled out of it, or swap-positioned to make it disappears. It's decent AOE preventer, and is only actual way to prevent Dark waters from spawning on your location.
Strong Legs (Treatment Skill)
Only worth it if you're first to go. Only absolutely (100% chance) possible back when Tactician's On My Mark passive used to place you first in turn-order before your partymembers could move. Now it's kind of hard to guarantee.
Shine Rays/Needles/Holy Shock
There is nothing wrong with them. They're effectively Light-based DPs skill in the Priest's arsenal. Holy Shock requires Lightning though. Expensive as hell to cast too.
Gentle Torrent
With introduction of the Performer class, Gentle Torrent is even more worthless in comparison when it comes to debuff-erasing. This is because Performer's Cantus of Consideration (upgraded) outright erases negative debuffs, while Gentle Torrent only decreases debuff by one duration.
Purify Poison/Cool Burns
Have a worst scaling than the Staves counterpart. Can get stronger alongside Detailed Care, but effectively eats up skillpoints at that rate.
Longterm Cure
May, or may not work according to some people. Also requires you to be able to cure said debuffs with treatment skills (either before it expires, or you're faster.)
Mercalan Tenants
Still garbage. Still trash. And honestly I'm an Flammian. What's a Mercalan Tenant?
Divine Judgment
Unless you're playing a Theno Aquamancer/Priest with Dark Authority or Hexer/Priest with Sanctified shoes. Divine Judgment would not find any uses in either any PVP situation, or PvE situations. You also need to use Light-based attacks on Judged enemies. So this skill exclusively only worth it for those with light damages. And Dark water.
Shine Knight
he reason why this spell sucks, is because of two things; One. They take a whooping 15 monument. Meaning you have to spend two rounds, and a half just to summon two level-60 Shine Knights that while their benefits once summoned are great, you can be interrupted. Believe me when I say this; but because it takes two rounds. A player can knockdown you continually to prevent you from casting Shine Knight in first place. So it's kind of lame, and intensely situational outside of party-fights.
God Rod
A completely waste of anyone's time. Only exists to make Monk Priest's Stave a casting tool.
![[Image: TqaU7hc.png]](https://i.imgur.com/TqaU7hc.png)
Remove it.
How do we fix it?
Combine the Treatment Skills all into one skill called Medica, Purificiala, or whatever.
Remove the long-term Cure skill completely, and merge them into Treatment skill to provide a 2 duration debuff immunity.
Turn Strong-legs into Bulwarking, in which for 8 turn CD cast, Priest can apply a 3 turn knockdown immunity.
Either change Gentle Torrent entirety, or remove it outright.
Change the Shine Knight's invocation stages, or change it so that all party-members undergo Shine Knighting immediately after cast (Weakened version of Shine Sword's Shine Knighting)
Add more weapons to be god roddable, or change God Rod as a whole.
Mercalan Tenants should be providing more FPs, or changed into something more rewarding. (Stronger healing that cannot stack with Elves' racial?)
Also refer to the previous thread linked above.
![[Image: elf-non-sense.gif]](https://c.tenor.com/R-Tfaz302lUAAAAC/elf-non-sense.gif)
Base Elves have the best racial for healing. Increasing the base spellpower of any healing spells by scaled SAN. Yes. You heard me. SCALED SAN.
That mean with some buildtesting,
![[Image: 18Umttd.png]](https://i.imgur.com/18Umttd.png)
It would make it extremely possible for an Elf to just single-handedly pull a big fat graft heals. Or repeating abuse Stave of Mending to do over 100+ heals no matter what.
So how do we fix elves?
Half that SAN. With a swift kick to their crotch.
In this thread, me and my homies hate on the knife-ears.
![[Image: XDo90hy.png]](https://i.imgur.com/XDo90hy.png)