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[v2.60b] LFG Borked
LFGs I (and others) are putting up randomly get taken down by the game at random intervals.
I noticed this before the Korvara update, but it was rarely happening. Now it is much more constant, with my LFG from today being taken down by the game 5 times total within the span of an hour or so. I'm not sure if there's a consistant time between when I put it up and it gets taken down, but I timed it just now, and it was about 20 or so minutes after I put it up. I didn't even look at LFG, so I couldn't've hit any of the buttons.

Potentially this could be worse on my part due to LFGing in a dungeon and getting in and out of battles, but it's been happening to people in towns too.
[Image: 5HkCz2Q.png]
[Image: s0bdkqm.png]
LFG posts are automatically removed if you are in a party with at least 4 other players, or if you have an LFG post up and you join someone else's party.
That's really good to know, though...
I was not in a party during any of the occurances of the 5 times it happened.
[Image: 5HkCz2Q.png]
[Image: s0bdkqm.png]
Well, just be mindful of that and if you notice it being removed in any other conditions, post here so I have a better idea of when it gets removed.

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