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Unlimited Equip Works
This bug works in multiple stages and seems to work for all items.

Step 1: Have something equipped in the slot you want to stack on.
Step 2: Click and drag the something you would like to layer over that slot (tested with weapon, body, hands, feet, and accessory slots) onto a slot that is NOT that one (doesn't need to have something in it.
Step 3: Freak out when you think you've lost your items and bugged your battle weight.
Step 4: Remove the item layered on top of the first to reclaim your items.

This doesn't layer attacks or on-hit effects, or even accessory stats as far as I can tell. It seems to only "eat" the item and contribute to your battle weight.

Step 1:
[Image: unknown.png]

Step 2:
[Image: unknown.png]

Step 3:
[Image: unknown.png]

The BW doesn't show up in the window, but does on the actual character UI.
This should be corrected. Also, the game should unequip all of your items if you have an invalid combination when you load your character. Can you confirm this?
[Image: unknown.png]

Relogging seems to unequip all items as intended.

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