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v2.40b Deadly Smiles Knock Down
Was testing Deadly Smiles for use on an event mob, and found out that it doesn't seem to proc knock down on crit against feared enemies like it should.

I was using L'au Dula to proc Fear and critting with the Deadly Smiles, and it was not triggering a knock down at all. Tried also with Fleeing Spectres, so it doesn't seem to be the source of the Fear.
Was the weapon you were attacking with the Deadly Smile? Was the target feared prior to being critically hit? (IE, L'au Dela applies the fear after the attack happens.)
So, while I'm like 90% sure that when I was testing this that I had applied fear before before critting and was using Deadly Smiles to crit, I went back to test again just to be sure, and it appears to be working. Either I was a complete idiot and just actually did something wrong with testing, or whatever the problem was unfucked itself.

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